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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. I actually used to serve it in the Marines. Only time I ever ate rabbit
  2. Hi all. Im probably going to be pretty distracted tonight. I want the people of color on here to know that I see you. I recognize your pain and I stand with you Not getting political, but everyone stay safe. Might be tuning back and forth to protests
  3. Not yet and No are definitely not the same thing.
  4. The affection i need = put out. No ding ding without the wedding ring
  5. That is the look that you want from someone when you basically ask them to have sex with you.
  6. Literally his pants from Freejack. My friend won them in a Planet Hollywood contest and left them at my house. I tried them on. I literally got in Emilio’s pants. What on earth did you think I meant?
  7. Looks more like a death shroud than a head scarf
  8. He has been a followed for like 8 years. I think something in my profile ticks some sort of box.. Military woman, HIV. something that made me a person to follow
  9. Obama follows me on Twitter. That is all i need in this world
  10. We have some reciprocal visas with Australia that we probably dont have with Mauritius
  11. That is because you are a Canadian citizen already
  12. Well, it means getting some sort of Australian citizenship, I assume.
  13. Good like with the visa now. I need to get my passport renewed and who knows when that will happen, Good luck getting one to visit now
  14. Look, Im HIV +(did you know i have an illness?) and I dont travel with a face mask..well, not pre Covid
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