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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. It really is the Ukrainian way. Us older people grew up with it as part of the USSR and they called it Key-ev, while Ukranians called it Keev. Also during the USSR it was the UKraine or the Ukrainian SSR. We older people grew up saying The Ukraine, Ukranians dont like that because it signified that they were simply part of the USSR and not an independent country. Ukranians say Ukraine not THE Ukraine.
  2. Thats how Ukranians say it. Russians say key-ev
  3. Just and FYI but in the Debbie Downer skits on SNL she always tells people that fact about Feline Aids. My best boy kitty died of feline AIDS 2 years ago. He had a great life before that though
  4. Did you know that feline AIDS is the number one killer of domestic cats?
  5. Well, she didnt think you would tell her you were a felon.
  6. I am that woman with the pillow and the husband is mine. Its like they filmed my house
  7. A lot of the Gay/ Bi people that i know have families who dont accept them. My ex husband, who is bi, when he told his parents he had AIDS, they told everyone he got it from drugs. They would rather believe he was an addict than a gay man,
  8. I wish every LGBTQ child had parents like this
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