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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. I cant wait until these are over and I can watch Below Deck Med
  2. I dont think he is a simpleton. Being a simpleton doesnt make you a sexist, I just think he is an asshole
  3. Um, The wedding is in Moldova. These people are assholes. I bet they bitch when foreign visitors dont follow American customs
  4. Oh!!!! That explains my immediate visceral reaction.
  5. Today has been one of those days when I despair for humanity. I am in hiding in my house for time being. Yay Florida! I need this tonight, and by this I mean you all and not the idiots on my TV
  6. Im bored and only here for you guys. Im just biding my time until I can play on TikTok
  7. Anyone who makes a Python reference is Ok with me
  8. I think its obviously im left wing. Not going political, but one thing that made me this is my HIv status. I was diagnosed 30 years ago and being in the military, I was placed with a lot of HIV pos men, most who were in the closet. I watched many of them being abandoned by their family because of their sexual orientation and HIV status. I woke me up to things that i didnt know before. It helped make me an activist.
  9. No basements in Florida, so we just hide in the bathroom or laundry room
  10. Most exciting thing for me about this scene? They have Costa Coffee in India
  11. I’m unplugged using 5G on my ipad. I always unplug when one of these storms hit
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