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Everything posted by JennyMominFL

  1. I always have something near the top of my suitcase that i can quickly remove if its a little overweight. Ugh this is making me so sad that i have cancelled all of my europe trips this year
  2. I told you guys a while back that Asuelo is just an asshole
  3. I agree. I dont think he is the brightest man in the world, but I think he is an asshole who sometimes plays dumb to get his way. I really really dislike him
  4. Im going to guess it was AIDS. That stuff was very hush hush back then and often ot was denied as a disease...You just died of pneumonia and such
  5. I am pretty adventurous about travel and such, but I would not have a baby in Ethiopia
  6. I want the yellow dress birth control girl is running around in
  7. I fully admit that i like my highlighter so bright that you can see it from space. The rest is toned down
  8. I am reaching the age where I have to make sure my makeup doesnt make me look like Madame from Wayland and Madame
  9. Was this before or after her airport bathroom shower?
  10. I KNEW HE LOOKED FAMILIAR! I saw him in a tunnel called the Spiral in Drammen, outside of Oslo
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