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  1. Just finished The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex. God, Errol Flynn looked great in a pair of tights.
  2. It worked
  3. Hang 'em High is on very late tonight. I love the movie but I ironically don't like the opening, even though it is the crux of the film. I guess it's because they don't believe him and that's happened to me quite a few times that it hurts. Seeing Eastwood getting dragged through the water, having his hands tied, and all that is also distressing. Ironically, when the hanging actually happens, those feelings go away as I know he's going to be saved. I do wonder if this is the first time in a movie where we get close ups of a hanged man's face as he's hanging, especially since this one doesn't kill him right away, along with his dangling body from different angles including from seeing him from the ground up. Other than Clint not believed, dragged, tied up, being put on a horse, and a noose placed around his neck, I mostly like this movie. The subplot with Inger Stevens drags the film down, slightly, as they bond and become intimate, but they don't fall in love with each other. So, what was the point? The ethical clashing between Clint and the judge is more riveting, especially those two teenage boys who stole those horses.
  4. Well, I finished watching Saving Private Ryan in honor of the 80th anniversary of D-Day. Anyone else think it was screwed over for the Best Picture Oscar in favor of Shakespeare in Love?
  5. Something I realized when I was watching Little Shop of Horrors: It moves at a good clip and does not feel like a drag. Favorite musical sequences are "Skid Row", "Suddenly Seymour" and "Mean Green Mother From Outer Space". We truly lost a genius when Howard Ashman died. And for those who don't know, the original ending to the movie is on Youtube, which features the great finale number "Don't Feed the Plants" and a sad reprise of "Somewhere that's green". However, audiences didn't like it so they had to bring back Rick Morranis and Ellen Greene to reshoot the ending.
  7. bmoore4026


    One thing I forgot to mention - Storm's laugh when we see Jean rising from the water as Phoenix. That laugh just screamed "You're all k*cked now!"
  8. bmoore4026


    Something I've been thinking about with the scene with Wolverine and Morph when they turned into Jean. Was Morph just saying what Wolverine wanted to hear Jean say or was Morph actually professing their love for him? Also, I'm thinking about that poster board with the X-Men and other mutants. Anyone else see Shadowcat as one of them? If she shows up next season, I would love to know her back story, like if she was with the X-Men but decided to live a life in a the regular world and left.
  9. bmoore4026


    I kind of liked the ending. Kind of. There are still too many plot threads hanging like what's become of all the people who became Prime Sentinels? Are they dead? And I have sinking suspicion on how the X-Men could be integrated into the MCU: In other news: Daredevil cameo! Black Panther cameo! Dr. Strange cameo! Cloak and freaking Dagger! And a cameo with Peter Parker and Mary Jane. He was able to get her back after she got lost in time. He may have brought Captain America back the same way. Long story about what happens in the 90s Spider-Man animated series for those who don't know. And some of the fans were right:
  10. Have they scheduled a tribute day for him yet?
  11. Late to the party on this, but I just need to vent on The Life and Times of Roy Bean, which was on Wednesday. Here are things they got right: 1 - Roy Bean was lynched and left for dead by some drunk yahoos but survived. 2 - He had a tamed bear as a pet who liked beer 3 - He had a major crush on the actress Lillie Langtry. He never was rescued by a woman named Maria (the rope he was hanging from broke) though he did marry a woman named Virginia Chavez and had four children with her, a boom town did not spring up around where Bean held court but rather he moved his courthouse/saloon to a town, and lastly, and most importantly, he hanged no one. He sentenced two men to death but one escaped and the other was let go after paying a fine. In fact, almost of his sentences were fines. As I read in a book called Hang 'em High: Law and Disorder in Western Films and Literature, John Millius, who wrote the script, intended to put forth why there should be a death penalty but director John Houston had other ideas. The book says that Millius' job on set was primarily making sure the inebriated Ava Gardner didn't wander off into the desert and die. Hand to God. Also, there was already a Western that dealt with the issue of the death penalty and it was where the book got its title - Hang 'em High. And the judge in that movie was modeled after a real life hanging judge named Issac Parker and the sequence of the six men hanging is taken directly from historical events. I just needed to get this off my chest.
  12. bmoore4026


    My question is why did Jean decide to wear her Marvel Girl costume instead of her regular (probably better armored) outfit? Also, unpopular opinion but Cyclops looks better in his Jim Lee designed costume than his classic one. But Storm is just rocking her original costume. In fact, she's looked good in all the outfits she's worn in the comics. I also question why there's a time limit. That wasn't a problem in the X-Men issues this episode was based on. Also, Magneto's offer to the X-Men to join him was more calm than how it happened in Uncanny X-Men 304. He also rather uncouthly did it during the funeral of much loved X-Men character. In that issue, Colossus defects, here it's Rogue, but for similar reasons - they felt like Xavier's ideals failed them when it was actually misplaced grief. Also, we know now why Cable uses guns: he's hella overpowered. He could take out the X-Men, Magneto, Bastion, and The Sentinels by himself if he so chose to. But how did Sinister get that red diamond of his on to Cable in the first place. And I want Forge to be an official member of the team. He and Beast work together so well. I loved that Jubilee attacked Magneto before she was blindsided by Roberto. She's always been a spitfire but here, it shows she's not afraid of Magneto. That's a reason why she's in my top twelve X-Men. Lastly, my queens Jean and Storm better not be dead. Next week is the season finale, everyone. If they end on a cliffhanger, I'll lose my freaking shit! NOTE (3:11 PM Central) - I forgot to mention one thing - how profoundly f***ed up Magneto describing how he saw Leech die during the Genosha Massacre, his eyes melting out of his tiny skull. That disturbed me.
  13. bmoore4026


    It is. It's the same woman.
  14. bmoore4026


    Not yet. That might be for next season, even though what Magneto did in this episode is a major plot point in the storyline you mentioned. I think
  15. bmoore4026


    Well, we got a whole lot of Cronenberg type stuff in here, sprinkled in with Terminator and Invasion of the Body Snatchers. On a minor note: Spider-Man cameo!!!
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