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Everything posted by urusai

  1. Well no more stashed food from jASSmine. LOL! Taylor’s goodbye message was totally jury management.
  2. I’ll remember this as I flip him a dollar while passing him by on the Strip. His “Will Elvis for food” sign will make it easy to spot him.
  3. Monte Alyssa down Monte’s silhouette lol
  4. It would be hilarious to see Jasmine take a watermelon in the face.
  5. Daniel trying for 10 years to get on this show is actually kind of pathetic. Get a life, famewhore.
  6. Yeah, that’s for Nicole to deal with.
  7. LOL! Indy’s face after Taylor hugged her!
  8. Nicole better get the whole roll of Charmin ready when Jasmine has to take the massive dump that is coming.
  9. That is one sorry avocado roll Turner is eating.
  10. Season 1 Jamie was Miss Washington. She finished fourth.
  11. Glad she’s out now. She would make for a bitter juror.
  12. I feel talking during tribal should be prohibited. I mean amongst themselves.
  13. I am 99.9% sure that Hannah will not win this season. I think it’s because she’s young that she projects that attitude.
  14. Wait, did you all know about a kitchen fire? I’ve been reading feeds and didn’t see anything about a fire.
  15. So who is the “Helen” in this situation? Christian?
  16. Wow! Never noticed how big Whitless’s lips were. Matches her cankles.
  17. Tiff is totally thinking game the whole way. Kadooz to her.
  18. “Is Frenchie, toast?” LOL! That was a good one!
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