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  1. My nine year old daughter said the same thing!
  2. Drawling
  3. Did the duggars actually say somewhere they hoped it wasn't born on Halloween?
  4. I might get roasted, but I think she looks pretty. I also think, if she lived in the regular world, she'd go with elective c-section. Re: false eyelashes, I wish I had either worn them when I was younger, or was young enough to wear them now. I like how they look.
  5. Well to be fair to jessa, I don't think her parents address is exactly a secret. And I've said it before, I'll say it again: if I could sit around all day doin nothing I sure would! *dream job*
  6. The most important day of a woman's life? I hope this is snark.
  7. Personally I see Jana as a gentle soul, who is gentle with her children, and encourages them to be themselves. She's not a rigid blanket trainer. Her kids are "feral" compared to those raised by the meaner sister-moms. They are true to themselves. I think Jana is a great mom! Jill reminds me, looks wise, of one of my older sisters.. Who was, and still is, the favorite. Still, I can't hate on Jill too much.
  8. How dumb am I that I only recently figured out NIKE meant Look at your shoes! I never could figure out, why they choose that word NIKE before.
  9. Lisa Welchel advocates hot saucing your kid.
  10. Some people, and not just fundie types, consider looking at porn being unfaithful to your spouse. I haven't been studying this situation, but has anyone said there was an actual relationship? Given how repressed these people are - or try to be - we have to understand their definitions of things might not match everyone's. They think hugging your family is wrong (although we now see why they think that) so how can we trust their definition of cheating and even molestation is the same as ours?
  11. Dead ringer and route 160 at least seemed plausible. More so than some of the others have been. I stopped watching skin book halfway through and deleted from DVR.
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