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Posts posted by BK1978

  1. 4 hours ago, hoosiermom said:

    Could someone please tell me what “DOR” stands for? I read the sub on BB abbreviations and unless it’s been added recently, it’s not there or I just missed it. TIA

    Every season I see DOR and every season I forget what it means.  So I thank you for asking.

    It has been bugging me since the start of the game, I kept on saying to myself that Kyland looked like someone and could not figure out who it was.  Finally tonight it came to me, Kyland looks like a heavier version of Nelson from The Challenge.  Or at least to me he does.

    • Love 2
  2. 3 hours ago, vb68 said:

    Hannah is hilarious.  She has some Britney Haynes funny vibes.

    I think she remembered that she was on camera, though. "Let me not imitate his accent."

    I forgot why I felt this way, but I remember on night one when I was watching her opening video I felt like Hannah was going to be the "villain" this season.  I thought she was going to do it intentionally, like a Dr. Will.  But then she sort of faded into the background to the point that every single time I see her name mentioned I have to look up who she is.

    Maybe this is her coming out party and she is finally going to be that villain.

    1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

    She’s mad that she was labeled as a strong competitor with no evidence of that. She at least feels confident that most people would use the veto on her. Frenchie: “was going to use it on you!” Britini: (alarmed) “Are you still?” Frenchie: (pause) “”Yes!”


    I don't know if she has said it in public, but wasn't she saying how great of an athlete she is?  Maybe I am totally wrong, but if I am not I find that whole thing to be funny.

  3. 7 hours ago, Machiabelly said:

    So...white guys with abs go home first? If that doesn't say recruit, I don't know what does.

    Well maybe not with abs, but white guys do overwhelmingly go home first. So he is not wrong about that.

    I was looking at the list because people in this thread seem to be very obsessed with skin color this year more so than ever before (Even more than the years we have had actual racists on the show) and there has been a narrative that a person of color or a woman (My buddy who is black once said, "I hate the term POC because it is just another way of saying colored person, but now it is used by everyone.") goes home first every year and that is nowhere near being true (Well the woman part is closer to the truth). 

    In twenty-three seasons white guys have gone home first twelve times.  Three of them have been people who have either been kicked out first (Justin and Scott) or left the game (Dick).  So not counting those three you still have nine which would be the majority.  I counted them because even though they were not voted out, they still went home first.

    White women are the next highest group with six of them going home first.

    As I said above, the abs part of it is not true but the rest of it is.

    As for the actual show, I am glad Kyland won.  It should be interesting to see what he does.   To me he comes across as a really nice guy (Just going by what I have been shown on television and what has been said about him here) so part of me wonders if he is going to be able to handle the pressure of being HOH.

    I still don't have any hard dislikes of anyone yet.  Though Frenchie and Derek F. are both heading down that path.  Whitney, is a tough one because of the Sandy Hook thing.  But part of me wonders if she might just be dumb or prone to believe in that sort of shit.  As someone said prior in the thread, I will hold off passing judgement on her because I would hope that she is dumb and not someone who could honestly believe such a vile thing.

    Edited to add:  I think Alyssa is attractive.  But Sarah Beth would be who I would probably gravitate towards if I was in the house and she were not with her girlfriend.  I have a thing for women who are nerdy, that is just my type. 

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  4. 4 hours ago, North of Eden said:

    As a POC myself I have to say I am a little dissapointed in the formation of The Cookout. I don't want this season to devolve into a  Us vs Them with such a promising cast. I didn't like it when Jackson and his cronies appeared to  have that playbook and I don't like it now. I thought with a diverse cast it wouldn't start splintering into factions.


    I have never gotten alliances like that (I do get it from the members of the Cookout's standpoint, but do not agree with it).  Meaning all-men's alliance, all-women's alliances, all white people alliances, or in the case above an all black person alliance. 

    First off it boils people down to just their physical traits which they were born with.  You are also assuming that everyone who looks like you is a monolith.  Which is simply never the case.  Sure there are certain lived experiences that only people that look like you have experienced but that does not mean that you will get along because of it. 

    I mean damn, Derek F. should know this better than most due this his father and Muhammad Ali's relationship.  By Derek's logic Joe and Muhammad should have gotten along perfectly but Joe hated Muhammad for the things he said about him. 

    Plus in the case of an all of the same gender alliance, you are shutting out half of the house.  Thus limiting the information you are getting.  Plus for me personally, I do not want to be hanging around with a bunch of dudes for three months potentially.  That just sounds boring.

    1 hour ago, candall said:

         Frenchie has one of those big red countdown clocks ticking away his last days in the BB house, but I hate to see him go.  He cracks me up.

         He's completely paranoid, completely convinced he's doing the correct and necessary thing, then completely certain he needs to do something else, NO MATTER WHAT! and then finally he's sure it's all turned out perfectly.  Yahtzee!

         And while he runs around like some kind of old coot on locoweed, spouting weird farmer/superfan theory, each step is getting him a bigger side-eye from the others.

    Now who's going to be as fun as that?



    The funny thing is he was the one who talked about keeping a notebook of all of the things past house guests have done wrong that led to their downfall.  I guess he forgot everything he wrote in it and when he gets voted out he can have a whole chapter about himself in it.

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  5. 11 hours ago, Nashville said:

    Apologies, but looseness of language bothers me; people are prejudiced, systems are racist.

    Yeah if you adhere to the changed definition of the word. 

    By what you said above, all of the people in the BB 21 thread, including myself, were wrong and Jackson and Jack were not racist, they were just prejudice?

    3 hours ago, chilis said:

    Is Claire really tall, or are Britini and Alyssa really short?  Or both I guess, lol. 

    I was trying to figure that out myself on the first night.  I wasn't sure if she is tall or all of the other women are short.  I guess if she towers over any of the guys we will have an answer to that mystery.  But then again, the guy might be short...

    1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

    Xavier wakes up to say: He loves that there are so many people in this cast who like to take credit for moves. He is happy to let them be loud and visible while he stays under the radar. The best players— Danielle R, Dan (early on), Dr Will to a great extent— were able to make big moves without calling attention to themselves.  He does not want to be HoH for that reason.  His strategy is be friendly, let others do the moves for him and call attention to themselves, and keep his name out of their mouths.

    Sounds good to me. I love Xavier. Even more now that he referenced my all time fave, Danielle.

    I did not see season two live, I watched it on YouTube years after it was broadcast.  But I thought Dr. Will was very visible throughout his season.  So I am not sure why he would say Dr. Will.  Now Danielle I would say did play that game.  She let people like Josh and Roddy think they were running things.  But I am not sure Dr. Will did.

    As for who I like this season thus far.  To be honest I am neutral about most of the cast.  Nobody really stands out as being a huge asshole to me.  I guess my favorite right now would be Derek X.  if I had to choose. 

    I have a strong feeling that Xavier might be the one who ends up winning the whole show.  But my track record of picking the winner week one has not been great.  Past season week one choices were: Jack (21), Tyler (20), Paul (19), Tiffany (18, I thought she would be like her sister), Shelli (17), and Howard (15).  Those were the ones I could recall off the top of my head.  As you can see my track record for picking the winner does not bode well for Xavier.

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  6. 14 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

    I wish Bill would bring up the cancellation of Colin Kaepernick, the Dixie Chicks, the voters in states that are passing voter suppression bills,  Liz Cheney, any Republican legislator that spoke out against Trump's BIG LIE, Anthony Fauci, the officer that shot insurrectionist/terrorist Ashli Bobbit... and so many more...nobody loves cancel culture more than Republicans.

    For someone who was cancelled he is making a heck of a living.  He opted out of his contract when he realized he was no longer going to be a starter.  Now he is making more money as an activist and he doesn't have to worry about the injuries he would have gotten if he continued to play the game. 

    Also, I am reasonably sure Bill talked about what happened to the Dixie Chicks when it happened to them.  It was, what like twenty years ago, so I don't really recall.  But I am pretty sure he even had Natalie Maines on the show at one point talking about what was done to them.

  7. On 7/11/2021 at 5:15 PM, Lady Calypso said:

    That's a big fat yikes from me.

    I believe I just read that he also said that he doesn't want a woman in the finals.


    So he doesn't want a white person to win the game, he doesn't want a woman to win the game. Sounds to me that Derek F. only wants himself to win.

    On 7/11/2021 at 11:48 PM, Callaphera said:

    So it turns out that Baby Robyn Kass maybe isn't an actual thing after all? I'm disappointed, thankful, and a little weirded out that someone would lie about their child's name just to get on a B tier competition reality show. I mean, at least Survivor has a million dollar prize and baby Jeff Probst is a little more forgivable. I guess. I suppose "Kass" could be a nickname but yeah. This whole Baby Robyn Kass situation tickles me - it feels like a new level of batshit from Big Brother.

    Behind a spoiler because it's a bit long. But here's a Twitter link if you want to read through it yourself.

      Reveal spoiler


    So many mysteries in this world could be solved if they enlisted the help of Big Brother fans. And Swifties but I think they scare me more.

    You could add the 4Chan people who found Shia LaBeouf's He Will Not Divide Us flag.  Those people used the positions of the stars to find exactly where the flag had been moved to in order to steal it.  Now that is some great detective work right there.

    1 hour ago, Alice Mudgarden said:

    Not that this is much better, but isn't Kyland the third oldest person? Frenchie in his 30's and Tiffany at the ancient age of nearly 41 are both older, if I'm remembering what I read right.

    Which, who knows if I am, as I'd be THE SECOND OLDEST PERSON IN THE HOUSE AT A DECREPIT 38.

    Tiffany, Frenchie, and Whitney are all listed as being older than him on the site I was just looking at.

    Man that feeling of knowing you would be the old person if you were on Big Brother...

    I remember the first season I watched was season 3 and I think at the time Roddy was in his early 30's (33 IIRC) and I remember thinking, "That dude is so old."  Now I am nine years older than that and I am like, "Well I am not really that old...am I?"

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  8. 2 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

    And we've now come to the new annual tradition of dragging the assholes from BB21. Two years straight is enough to count as a tradition, right?

    The odd thing is, during the BB commercials hyping the new season they used only season 21 people.  My god is Tommy's voice annoying in that commercial.  I said to myself upon seeing that commercial for the first time, "Wasn't that one of the most hated cast ever?  Why the hell are they using clips of them to sell the new season?"

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  9. I was really hoping there would be some older people on.  When the oldest contestant is 40 (And she looks like she's in her early 30's) it just seems like we will never get another Remi, Cliff, Kent, Jack, Shelia or Jerry.  Every damn time I see Derek F., I am always going to think of Muhammad Ali shit talking his father.

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  10. I think I brought this up before but I have noticed this a lot (Not just with people talking about Bill but other folks as well), it would seem the left is moving further and further left.  While what was once considered center-left is now considered conservative.  I think that Bill falls into that area.  Meaning he was someone who was center-left but now that our left has moved further left he is no longer viewed as being liberal. 

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  11. On 6/26/2021 at 1:22 PM, izabella said:

    Max even kicked off that discussion with a lie about "people who want to abolish prisons."  What people?  No people want to abolish prisons.  Maybe they want to abolish prison abuses, like no a/c in Arizona prisons in 100+ degree heat, which John Oliver highlighted recently. 

    Max then called Bernie Sanders a "Jewish Communist" who is anti-Israel.  I guess that's why Bill agreed with everything Max said.

    Nick Cannon has this whole "intellectual" discussion with a professor where he talks about wanting to abolish prisons.

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  12. On 6/12/2021 at 12:10 AM, Philbert said:

    A clip show? A frelling clip show in 2021?


    I'm desperately to keep going with this trainwreck of a show, if only for a sense of completion but seriously....that's how you bring Vanessa back into the show?

    I did not mind the clip show, only because it featured the characters that I actually cared about (Mohamad and Sam) and not Vanessa's daughters who I could care less about.  Like you, I just wanted to watch this show to completion.  It was a show that I used to watch with my late father and so it did have a sort of sentimental value to me for that reason.  My father really liked Christopher Heyerdahl as Sam as did I and we both liked him as the Swede on Hell on Wheels.

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  13. 1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:


    The entire S42 cast has now been spoiled.  I think I like the looks of this group better than S41.  They look more fun.

    Tori Meehan was on Sequester season 3.  She is very smart and charming.  I could see her as either the first boot or the winner.

    I guess the thought process of Sequester being the minor leagues for Big Brother and Survivor are correct.

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  14. 1 hour ago, Neiman said:

    It does appear they are teasing that story, but I’m not buying. If this is where they go, we’re not watching anymore. Would be a shame to be so invested in a show just to have it get twisted into something like this.

    The same.  If that is the twist it seems so exploitative for lack of a better term.  Or as Brain said above very hacky.  I am not sure I can watch this next season if that is the big twist.

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  15. On 5/16/2021 at 11:12 PM, rtms77 said:

    As for Julia, boo boo it’s not Clarices fault, she has no control over what the media who manipulate stories will promote. Even if she did try, they still wouldn’t have bothered. This is a woman who can’t even talk to the victim without sounding garbled.

    This is what brought me into this thread.  That whole scene was so weird.  I felt like Julia was trying to accuse Clarice of something she had absolutely no control over.  To me it was just a giant virtue signal.

    In regards to when this is supposed to take place.  I was questioning that myself.  I could have sworn in one of the office scenes they had flat screen computer monitors and I do not recall those being a thing back then.   Maybe I am wrong, but I thought I saw them.

  16. 17 hours ago, tv echo said:

    Despite the show's constant pushing to make Ava (and Jes Macallan) the new lead of LoT, it's clear - at least to me - that Tala Ashe is the real breakout star of LoT.

    Honestly, at this point Tala is one of the only reasons why I am still watching this show.  I forgot that it was on last week and when I remembered I was like, "Ah screw it, that show is not that great."  Which bothers me because I used to really like this show, especially the first two seasons.

    Now it is just a poorly written show with cringe comedy.  For me it started to go downhill when Ava and Gary were introduced and then later Mona and Konane.  Ava just has no personality to me her character is very bland.

    I despise Gary with a passion.  So much so that I have even complained about him in the Big Brother thread, a show that has nothing to do with this one at all.  I am not even sure how the topic was brought up, but I remember bitching about how much I dislike the character.

    The thing is the rest of the cast is fine for me.  I actually really like Sara, Mick, Zari (Not going to lie, Tala Ashe being a total knockout is part of the reason why I like her on the show), Constantine (He is one of my favorite DC characters and any comic he appears in I will buy), and Nate.  The rest of the current cast, besides Ava and Gary, I am neutral on.

    Anyway last night's episode was mostly cringe for me and I am really annoyed that they managed to get Ever Fallen In Love stuck in my head.  I like the song but I don't want to be singing it to myself for the next month.

    • Love 4
  17. 9 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

    Colin Kaepernick was canceled, chastised publically, threatened and no football team has hired him for fear of retribution from the right wing media and MAGA fans. 

    Was he though?  I mean people try to say he was this great QB, but his skills were starting to erode.  He opted out of his contract with the 49ers because he thought he was still starting material, but really he was at a point in his career when he was becoming a second string QB at best. He took a risk there and it did not pay off for him.

    I am not going to deny that teams probably did not want to touch him.  It is a business after all and teams have to do what is best for their bottom line.  But I will also say that if he was still at the top of his game, I do think a team would still want to sign him.  I mean look at Lawrence Taylor, the dude was coked out of his mind and was suspended for drug use, but that did not spell the end of his career because he was one of the best if not the best Linebackers in the history of the game.  In regards to Colin, who is going to want to deal with negative publicity for a backup QB? 

    I also think that part of the reason why he did not come back was because he simply was not good enough to be a starter and he was unwilling to be a backup. He did go from being a QB who guided his team to the Super Bowl, to being on the bench just two years later.  When he had that workout two years ago and word coming out of that workout was that he was simply not starting material anymore.  This is coming from people who make a living evaluating talent.

    At this point I honestly think he makes far more money being an activist and heck it's easier on his body.  If he truly wanted to play again he could probably go to the CFL and use that as a gateway to showcase his talents.

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  18. 8 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    I sometimes wonder if he's growing a conservative audience who likes to tune in every week to hear him bash Democrats. I'm curious what this show's ratings are like lately. It's possible the loss of some of the more liberal viewers is being made up by newer viewers who lean more to the right.

    Or is it that people who were considered liberals five or ten years ago are now being pushed out as the party goes further left?  So maybe he is not growing a conservative audience per se, but this new "conservative audience" that he is getting is really just people who are left of center and are deemed conservative due to the liberals begin further left than they once were.

    • Love 5
  19. I do have to laugh how week after week Bill brings up how crazy it is that Republican voters think the Presidential election was rigged/stolen, but he never jokes about how Democrats keep on complaining and to this day still believe that the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial election was stolen.  I think both groups are wrong but it is funny how one side tends to be painted as crazy for thinking the election was stolen and the other side is not.

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  20. On 4/21/2021 at 10:28 PM, AryasMum said:

    To be honest, CT is the last person I wanted to win. I don’t dislike him, but I am over him. 

    Leroy’s last words made me cry. Kam teared me up with her words of wishing that someone like them would win. I’m hoping that yesterday’s verdict gave her hope. 

    Nany did her best, and I won’t mind seeing her again. I’m sure we will see Amber again. 

    See that annoyed me because Amber is black so a black woman did win the show.   I think when Kam said that, she meant she wanted someone who looks exactly like her to win.  Meaning she wanted the person she sees in the mirror every morning to win the show. 

    Going into this episode and the finals I thought for sure Kam was going to win.  Mainly because she brought up the story of her grandmother stealing and getting deported again.  Which had me rolling my eyes as if what her grandmother did was some noble thing and her getting deported was an injustice.

    My great grandfather left my great grandmother at the height of the Great Depression to raise five kids by herself and all five kids were young.  Never once did my great grandmother have to steal in order to feed her kids, she went without food plenty of times but she never once stole.  So Kam's story does not make me feel sorry for her grandmother.

    13 hours ago, Eolivet said:

    Thought people might get a kick out of this.


    Wait no John Cena or Sasha Banks? lol

    12 hours ago, Cheetara1986 said:

    Reading their EW interview, knowing they had close to an hour lead and Amber would actually run up the hills, look for direction, then run back down for CT is amazing (amber used to run up hills barefoot is insane.). They definitely were the perfect team and others would be idiotic to let them get to another final after that.

    Also, apparently from the interview, Darrell told Amber to watch over CT. And Amber is dyslexic when it comes to numbers.

    True underog story for Amber and yes to Fessy just looking lile the bitch he is.

    When they did the trap in the cave challenge and Amber did not do well she said she was dyslexic with numbers and I felt like the show still tried to portray her as being dumb because she could not solve the math problem.  I thought that was a dirty thing to do to her when that is not something she can control.   To me that made her win all that more satisfying.


    You know watching this, TAR and Survivor, I often wonder how people know how to stir a kayak if you have never been in one.  I know I would probably screw it up because I have never been in one before and would be totally lost.

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  21. On 4/10/2021 at 4:14 PM, Mimi said:

    Nikki Grahame who was on BBUK and also came over and played in BBCAN has passed away.  She was only 38 😞 https://www.msn.com/en-xl/news/other/big-brother-star-nikki-grahame-dies-aged-38/ar-BB1fvGua

    I just saw this.  Man that sucks, I loved Nikki on her BBCAN season.  She had a great sense of humor.  It sucks to read how her life went downhill over the past year.

    Okay I don't know anything about this current season (I have not watched a full season of this since the season Kevin Martin won, I am an American so finding a decent site to watch it on is tough.  YouTube takes down any videos dealing with it right away.), I just wanted to see if anyone knew about this. 

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  22. 7 hours ago, mojoween said:

    It’s so great.  When Kam and LeRoy were in the hot tub I have no idea what they were saying, because I was caterwauling “Eternal Flame” alongside Susana Hoffs because I love it so much, even though my husband calls it the burning STD song.  Ahh 1988.  Such a good year.

    Susana Hoffs was one of my first real crushes that I remember as a kid.  The whole eye thing in Walk Like an Egyptian...yeah.  I saw a YouTube video of her from a few years ago and she is still smoking hot.  I am not sure how old she is, but she's like the female version of Dick Clark in that she does not age.

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  23. On 4/8/2021 at 11:01 PM, tinderbox said:

    I thought Fessy was dumb as rocks on Big Brother.  

    I did as well.  Mainly because of the whole, "Who flipped?" thing.  It's like mother fer you're in a house with what fourteen people.  Six of which are aligned with you the rest are not in your alliance but every week they say they will vote with you. Who the hell do you think is lying to you?  I understand him not getting who flipped during the first vote, but after that vote his reactions were just painful to watch.

    I also remember thinking, this dude is a teacher...my god I feel bad for those kids.

    One thing I was meaning to bring up is, I wonder why they choose to play 80's songs during this show.  Now don't get me wrong, I love 80's music it was what I grew up listening to.  But it seems so weird to be playing it on a show where a good portion of the cast were probably not even born when that music came out.

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  24. 2 hours ago, angelamh66 said:

    I think Corey is basically a good dude so I feel bad for him that Kam went along with that hairbrained plan for even a minute. Also I fear if push comes to shove in a final she is going to prioritize Leroy over her own partnership. I get it, but it just sucks for Corey. 

    That is why I have always liked Corey.  He seems like a decent person for the most part and he always seems to be the underdog.  That's why he would be the guy I would like to see win.

    2 hours ago, Jess14 said:

    I can't believe how quickly Fessy went from being tolerable to one of the most unlikeable people on the entire Challenge. I've rarely wanted someone to lose so badly. I really hope he gets some self-awareness and changes if they are going to keep inviting him back. 


    I don't recall him being like this on Big Brother.  He and his ex-girlfriend were the only two people in their alliance that I actually liked (He was in an alliance with Bayleigh, Christopher, Blockstar, and Scottie so it is not too hard to see why I did not mind him because that alliance was dog crap).  But on here, oh boy is he unlikeable. 


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