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Posts posted by BK1978

  1. 4 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

    She was more tolerable tonight, I'll say that.  I did laugh when she said she expected to be playing under the radar and is a sweet girl.  Either she's got a different definition of that, or the producers have a sense of humor including that line with her edit.  She's not dull.  I have a feeling there was a lot more back and forth between her and Swati than we saw.  I'm more glad she stuck around because it'll annoy Rocks.

    You would not know it from her time on Survivor but Tori was pretty nice and charming on Sequester (From what I can recall, it has been over a year since I watched her season).  That was why I was a little shocked when Tori leaned more towards the villain side during this current season. Because she was likable on Sequester.

    I still cannot figure out if I like or find Maryanne to be highly annoying.  I find her exuberance for the game and just for life in general to be very charming.  With that being said, I think if I were around her 24/7, I would find her highly annoying.  Right now I think I am still in the group that finds her charming but I fully understand why anyone would feel the opposite about her.

    I was racking my brain who Daniel looks like to me and then it came to me, he looks a lot like Jason Clarke who is currently playing Jerry West on Winning Time.

    I have to say after watching the last season of Big Brother and the last season of Survivor, I am just happy we don't have another season of, "Hey we all have the same skin color.  Therefore, we have to work together to get rid of anyone who does not have our skin color."  I understand that might not be a popular opinion, but I love seeing people work together just because they click and it having nothing to do with skin color or gender or any sort of immutable characteristics.  Maybe these sort of weird racist alliances were a one off thing and they will not become common place.  Yes I would be saying the same thing if it were a bunch of white people saying, "Let's vote out all of the black people because they don't look like us."  Saying stuff like that makes you a racist not matter what the color of your skin is.

    • Love 18
  2. 9 minutes ago, Simon Boccanegra said:

    Aside from her own sketch/variety show (one of Fox's first four prime-time series, and the only successful one aside from Married with Children)


    Which also gave birth to the Simpsons.

    She also had a pretty good sketch comedy show on HBO a few years back. 

    I have only watched the first episode of the current season thus far.  I was waiting to just binge the rest all at once.  But I have to say the first episode felt a little off and I did not find it nearly as funny as previous seasons.

    • Love 3
  3. I only watched the first hour during the commercial breaks for Survivor, but I do feel the need to once again complain about having one team with five people on it taking on a team with three people on it.  Sit some of these fools out.

    • Love 12
  4. 1 hour ago, Chicago Redshirt said:


    But IMO it made little sense getting rid of her now for Danny, DeShawn and Ricard. 

    Ricard undermined his closest ally for the crime of revealing to him that the people she was working with wanted him out. Now who does he have to trust? 


    I fully agree with you, I am not really sure why Ricard thought that was the right move to make.  Maybe it was the realization that he was the fifth wheel in a four person alliance.  I don't know but it just seemed odd to me that she was actively trying to lookout for him at that moment and he still turned on her.  I just found the whole situation odd.

    1 hour ago, North of Eden said:

    Now I can't remember the last season we had one....I hope its not the case of being PC in presenting other culture's food as gross but these days it would not surprise me. I openly invite other cultures to be repulsed by the Triple Decker Baconator at WENDYS.

    We can hope that is not the case but I am pretty sure we all know that is the case.😄  

    57 minutes ago, dbell1 said:

    The funeral dirge playing for Shan was a bit much. Maybe editing will miss her, but I won’t. Loved her getting offended at DeShawn wanting to actually play the game. She can take her humming back to her church and explain to the congregation about how she listens to them but does what she wants to do.

    Glad the bottom feeders woke up to knowing where they stood.

     I actually liked Ricard tonight. It’ll probably change back to indifference next week. 😂

    I was thinking, "Are they honestly giving her vote out a theme song?  WTF!"  Seriously she was not even a great villain, she was just not a likable person.  Maybe that is just me but I prefer villains who are more wink and nod villains and not someone who tries to use some weird moral system to justify them being villains.  Like the whole stealing of the extra vote.

    I didn't mind Ricard tonight either.  If I am being honest, he has not really annoyed me in the last two episodes.  Do I want to see him win?  Not really, but then again I would not be offended if he did.

    Liana has no poker face what so ever.  When she thinks things are going her way she gets a smug look on her face and when things don't go her way she gets a pissed off look on her face.  Part of me wonders if that is why she does not like Xander.  Because I have noticed times when he has come across as being overly smug.   Maybe this whole hate boner she has for him is because she sees some of her in him.  This was just a thought that ran through my mind tonight when I watched her reaction to Shan getting voted off.

    • Love 9
  5. 14 hours ago, TVFan1 said:

    From what I've been reading about is that if whoever does participate in the IC, if you come in last, you get the coin and have to flip it at tribal council.

    That makes it even worst. Ugh I already hate this twist and I don't even know what if entails.  You would think they would want to reward the people who take part in the challenge not screw them over.

    I wonder what happens if they all decide to opt out.  Will there be no challenge?

    • Love 2
  6. I honestly don't doubt that Evvie is going to say what the spoiler says she says.  Just looking at her bio tells me she leans in that direction.  Prior to the start of the season Russell Hantz said on his YouTube channel that sources told him this was going to be a very "woke" season.

    I personally never understood the people who say, "I don't want another white man to win.", the people who say that type of thing are just weird to me.  I don't give a flying you know what, who the winner is so long as they played a good game and did not annoy me.  Hell my favorite winners were Yul, Kim, and Earl.  While yes both Kim and I are white, I am not a woman.  I am obviously not Asian or Black but I can still like and appreciate people who are not the same gender as me or have the same skin color. 

    The Do or Die twist just sounds horrible. 


    • Love 2
  7. When I was backing out of the latest episode thread and it took me to the main page for the show I saw her name but for some reason my brain did not want to read her name correctly.  For some reason in that split second my brain wanted me to think I was seeing Steven Seagal's name instead.  Then I quickly chuckled when I realized that my brain was messing with me. 

  8. 22 hours ago, gesundheit said:

    Whatever happened to flushing out idols? I feel like it's been a while since that was common practice and now it's mostly, "Oh, so-and-so's got an idol so they're not an option to vote out." Feels like a lot of folks have made it to the end or almost-the-end just because everyone knew they had an idol from early on so their name was just never written down.


    A little off topic but, they still do that on Australian Survivor.  There was this guy named Simon who was, I hate this term but for lack of a better term I shall use it, the "Alpha male" of his tribe.  He was great in challenges and decent at the strategic part of the game as well.  Anyway, at the very least he found two Idols (I am not sure why I think it was three, but my memory is not that great so I know at the very least it was two) and he told his two most trusted allies that he had the idols.  His allies then promptly voted him out with his Idols. 

    Circling back to what you said above, when I was watching the episode where Simon got voted out I remember thinking, "Hmm they don't really do that much on American Survivor anymore."

    • Love 2
  9. 4 hours ago, mojoween said:

    Anything that makes Josh happy is automatically terrible.  I almost sorta kinda liked him when he was speaking Spanish with Logan but that passed quickly.

    One thing I wondered is that they wouldn’t have the same dialect, would they?  Logan speaks Spanish Spanish and Josh is I think Cuban?  I was always told in school that the Spanish that we were taught would have been more appropriate in Latin America, but not Spain.

    Lord help me but you all know how I feel about Nelson against my better judgment, but his and Cory’s bromance is too adorable for words.

    My sister's friend from high school was from I want to say El Salvador (I honestly do not remember as this was over thirty years ago, but she was originally from a Central American country) and at her home all her and her family spoke was Spanish.  When she got to high school she took Spanish as she thought it would be an easy A for her but it turns out that it was the Spanish that they speak in Spain and she was totally lost.  I don't know which version is taught, all I know is she struggled and ended up dropping it for French.

    In regards to Nelson and Cory's friendship, I have always liked both guys and I always want them to do well I am not sure why that is the case but I just do.  So I think it is cool that they have a real friendship in this game and not something that they are playing up for the cameras.

    • Love 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Blissfool said:

    I liked Lianna until Shan got a hold of her. So glad her plan backfired. Embarrassing! 

    I kept imagining Shan being so disappointed in her little apprentice.

    Why did my mind immediately go to the Emperor and Darth Maul after reading this post?

    I also forgot to say in my previous post, if I was in the Blue alliance and saw how fast/willing Lianna was to ditch her former alliance.  That would have been a huge red flag to me, because if she was so willing to turn on the people who she had been with for twelve days, then what would make me think she would turn on me just as quick?

    • Love 4
  11. 37 minutes ago, aghst said:

    I thought the daily gave an advantage to Emerald again.  Two extra people pulling on the rope tied to the chest.  The other thing, which they might not have done, is to have the two extra people take turns going underwater to unit the knot.  Could be the Sapphire, CT and Kyle had to catch their breath going after the rope.


    Just to be honest, I did not see the daily challenge tonight.  I watched Survivor instead and I don't have a DVR and watching this show ONDemand is a massive pain in the ass.  So I wanted to get that out of the way before I started talking about something I did not watch.

    But I will say, I did see the last half hour of the show and I was thinking, "Why do they not have the team with the numbers advantage sit out two players to make the challenge even?"  As you said, it does seem very unfair.

    I have to admit for the last two weeks I have only been watching the elimination for the most part.  Tonight I did get to see Corey getting voted in and everything that happened after that.  The thing is I really don't miss watching the daily and I have always hated having to watch them go to the club.  I really don't feel like I am missing all that much by not watching the first hour because a lot of it seems like filler to me.

    Josh's argument with Corey reminds me of one of the many arguments I have had with my buddy.  My buddy does the same thing that Josh does in that he'll do something that is self-serving that will either screw somebody else over.  But like Josh when he is called out on it, he turns it around on the person he screwed over and it somehow becomes their fault. 

    • Love 3
  12. 2 hours ago, TVFan1 said:

    Xander made a very good game move having Liana misplay her advantage. If he does make the Final 3, I find it hard to believe he doesn't get any votes. He must really make the members of the jury angry.

    I don't, I know a lot of people say that there is no such thing as a bitter jury but I don't buy that.  It is only human nature to want to stick it to someone who stuck it to you.  Maybe this is just a very bitter jury who has no regards to game play.

    The last season of Australian Survivor is a good example of this.  The final two were George and Hayley.  Both played very strategic games and while Hayley did play a little flashy, George played really flashy.   George probably played a way over the top flashy game, think Ben the season he won but multiply it by ten.  George was the target of nearly every TC he went to, but he always managed to survive the vote one way or the other.

    The theme of the season was Brains vs. Brawn.  Which some of the jury members seemed to take literal.  Hayley was not only a very smart and social player she was also a pretty good athlete.  In the end, this is obviously just my opinion, she won the game because some of the Brawn (and Brains as well) who were on the jury could not face losing to someone like George who was probably the least athletic contestant that season (Or at the very least, the least athletic male contestant).

    • Love 1
  13. 4 hours ago, CraftyHazel said:

    I had no problem with Sydney, and honestly wish she hadn’t gone.  But better her than Evvie, at least.

    I don’t understand Erika in the slightest.  “The devil you know” seems to be her strategy, because going back (at TC) to the people who exiled her doesn’t seem very bright to me.  Obviously the other group needs numbers, and she’d have been higher up in that group than she is in the all-black alliance + Heather, Naseer, and Erika.  I know they haven’t made their alliance known, but the speed with which Liana eased into that group ought to tell them something.  I understand Naseer sticking around, but I think Heather and Erika would be wise to abandon ship, TBH.

    LOL…I totally forgot about Ricard.  Oops.

    Also, the way in which Shan sort of led the conversation at TC should have clued Erika in to the fact that she just slipped even further down the ladder of the alliance.  If it was me and I saw a player who came from a tribe of two all of a sudden being one of the driving forces in the conversation I would have to be internally question what the hell is going on.


    4 hours ago, tracyscott76 said:

    One of the things that's been unreasonably bugging me this season is all the calling out of "Love you!" to the person who just got voted out. It's not new, but it seems especially obvious (and fake) this time. Up until now, the eliminated person has usually turned and acknowledged them, but not Sydney, which is totally on brand. And good for her!

    That was what I loved about Cody's exit from Big Brother (Was it season 19 or 18?).  He got voted out, got up walked on top of the table and ignored everyone who had treated him like crap for the past however long it was that he was there.

    4 hours ago, UGAmp said:

    Liana and Shan definitely need to be knocked down a few pegs (though it started with this tribal council).

    Exactly and Liana seemed so smug before Xander blindsided her.  I will be perfectly honest, I did not care for Xander one way or the other prior to tonight, but I like him now.

    What I am still wondering is why Liana seems to hate Xander so much.  Is there something we the audience were never shown?  Or was there something I missed.  Because even in tonight's episode she said something along the lines of Xander not respecting her game.  Then there was a confessional from Xander where he said he was a shark right out in the open while she was a shark you could not see. 

    I took that to mean that he does respect her game and sees her for how good she is.  Also, in prior episodes it seemed like Xander always wanted to work with her, while she was the one who wanted nothing to do with him.   But the way she talks about their relationship makes it seem like the opposite.  I really would like to know if something happened between them that we are not privy to (or that I missed). 

    Because from what I have witnessed between them it would seem that Liana is reading their relationship wrong and that Xander does respect her and the way she plays the game.

    4 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    I am more than ever convinced the reason for all these extra advantages and twists is to encourage the type of tribal council we saw this week: one as chaotic as possible. It's something that's been happening with increasing frequency, and clearly Probst and the other producers love it. I, for one, do not. I hate it. I'm tired of it. It was fun the first time it happened but now it happens all the time. And it's ruining the game. Everyone is supposed to strategize and make their plan before TC, not during. So playing this game is no longer about strategy, it's about scrambling. Who's best at scrambling at the last minute and who has the best luck. That's what it's come down to now. And I'm sick of looking at Probst's smug-ass face grinning away while everyone runs around like chickens with their heads cut off, even narrating like it's a freaking immunity challenge. 

    This post summarizes how I feel about these "live" TC.  The only difference is I have always hated them.

    This does not have to do with any of the quoted posts, but I did not want to make another post.  I have to say Naseer continually makes me like him more and more each episode.  The guy just seems like such he has such a good nature personality to him.  He always seems to be smiling and laughing, it just makes me think he is probably such a nice guy.



    • Love 15
  14. On 10/28/2021 at 8:55 AM, ProfCrash said:

    Asian cultures are dealing with changes to schools gifted programs that many Asians deem racist because Asians are deemed to be too successful in school and that has led to a decrease in the number of White kids in these programs.

    Like I said, my observations only.

    From everything I have read and heard on the topic it had nothing to do with the decrease of white students in these programs and more to do with the lower number of Black and Hispanic students in these programs.  At the very least that is why they want to get rid of it in NYC.

    On 10/28/2021 at 3:17 PM, Melina22 said:

    On the latest Big Brother season, which was filmed after Survivor 41 but aired before it, a group of 6 Black players formed an alliance on day one or two, and called it the Cookout. Their goal was to stick together to the very end, thus ensuring the first Black winner of Big Brother. Their plan worked perfectly but stirred up tons of controversy online. 

    You forgot to add the fact that at least two members of the Cookout flat out said they would never vote for a white person to win.  Somehow comments like that were not deemed racist.

    On 10/28/2021 at 2:26 PM, millennium said:

    Maybe I'm just old school but I have an aversion to alliances founded upon race.  

    Same here and I was told by others that I had no right to have such an opinion.

    As I have said time and time again, I am opposed to any alliance that bands together with the expressed purpose of getting rid of folks who are different than them.  It does not matter if it is an all-men's alliance, an all-women's alliance, or whatever.  I do realize that sometimes there are seasons where, due to tribal makeup, that can not be avoided like in Amazon, Cook Islands, the season Earl won (Which name I am totally blanking on right now), and One World.  But even in those seasons, to an extent, once the tribe's were shuffled people did not stick to voting out others for reasons of race or gender alone.

    On 10/28/2021 at 8:41 PM, Valerie said:

    I like Erika and I don't get where all the hate is coming from. Maybe I'm biased because she's a fellow Canadian, but I don't think she's played the game any more aggressively than anyone else. I hope she turns back time to save herself and earn some points with the people she saved as well as a result.

    It's satisfying to see Shan down a peg and now a small fish in a big pond. I still want her and Ricard gone.

     I don't get it either but there is a chance that there is something we might not be seeing as the blue tribe has not been focused on all that much.  Though I honestly doubt it because Erika seems very nice to me from what they have shown of her.

    On 10/28/2021 at 8:46 PM, millennium said:

    Was there a situation where the white people specifically stated that they were forming an alliance because they are white?

    I was told in one of the Big Brother threads, I am paraphrasing here but this was the gist of the comment, that any alliance with white people in it are inherently steeped in white supremacy.  So while there does not seem to be any alliance that ever said that, the implication is automatically there. 

    Now I do not endorse that statement at all, in fact I find it laughable but, I am just saying what was said to me.

    I thought Cook Islands cast was far more diverse than this cast.  I am not sure why they are saying this is the most diverse cast of the show ever.

    If Liana has such a hate boner for Xander, then why does she want to take poor Naseer's Idol?  I guess maybe it is because she knows Xander thinks they are working together so he is someone who is in her pocket.  While Naseer is not.

    I don't care if she steals Xander's Idol but I don't want Naseer to have his stolen.  For me he is the most likable person out there and he comes across as very happy go lucky.  So I don't want to see him get screwed.

    This season has far too many advantages and is making this season far less enjoyable for me.

    • Love 12
  15. This is one of the rear shows where I really like the entire main cast.  Normally there is one or two characters on a show that I do not like.

    So it sucks if the great Colin Robinson is indeed dead.  Besides the death of Colin Robinson, the rest of the episode was enjoyable.

    • Love 1

    On 10/20/2021 at 10:14 PM, ProfCrash said:

    I think I love that Naesser (sp) found the idol. I am hoping that he didn't tell anyone that he found it. Please be the only smart one. Pretty please.



    Right now Naesser is by far and away my favorite player and him finding the Idol bought a smile to my face.

    On 10/20/2021 at 10:17 PM, North of Eden said:

    There was I supppose a slender hope that  I had that Shan would buy a clue that when someone renegs on their word and doesn't give back something you entrusted to them sooner or later maybe not at that tribal council but somewhere down the line Prick-ard the narcissist will deliver a scorpion's sting and betray you.

    The only thing of any real interest was Shan and Lianna launching their own mini version of The Cookout but with not enough Chefs to have any real juice to affect the game. But I was happy to see my favorite Lianna get more airtime and didn't care for the way Xander seemed to want to exclude her from the rest of the tribe.

    Prick-ard is a hilarious nickname and very fitting.

    I don't need to see another racist alliance that wants to vote out anyone who does not look like them and then have people be like, "Oh but if people are historically oppressed, they have the right to be racist and you're wrong if you disagree with that."  Granted those type of alliances tend to be the realm of Big Brother (It happens nearly every damn season on that show or at least it seems like it does.) more than any other show. 

    I would like to watch a show without discriminatory alliances.  I don't want to see any all-women alliances, all-men alliances, all-LGBT alliances, all-white folks alliances, all-black folks alliances, all-Asian folks alliances...you get my drift.  They are all equally bad in my opinion and not fun to watch.

    Also, I would like to make an addendum.  If an alliance like that happens organically I am less against it (But still find them to be stupid, because you could be excluding someone who might benefit your game but if you don't give them the opportunity to show you then you will never know.).  I am talking about alliances that are specifically formed to get rid of anyone who does not look like them or does not share the same genitals as them or whatever.

    15 hours ago, Tachi Rocinante said:

    I can't believe Shan is a "preacher".  She's shady as fuck.  I have a sneaking suspicion her "church" is one of those that guilts you into giving, and then grabs you by the ankles and dumps out your pockets as you leave just to be sure.

    Have you met any preachers?😃 

    The guy that was the head priest of my church, when I was a little kid, had perjury charges brought against him due to his testimony in the the Claus von Bülow trial, stole hundred of thousands of dollars from the church.  That is not even the worst stuff this guy did, that is just the stuff that I could put on this site.  This guy was a depraved piece of garbage. 

    So yeah, while I understand a lot of preachers/priests are good, god fearing people.  There are also a good amount who are total degenerates (Like Jim Jones).

    13 hours ago, seacliffsal said:

    I really don't like the prolonged looks at the contestants' lives outside of the game.  Don't need photos of Shan and her mom, her church, etc. (and she stated that she found her higher power-no reference to God so I don't know what kind of church it is).  I feel like these "real life glimpses" combined with all of the advantages just take too much time away from what I want to see-interactions, camp life, etc.


    Well if you don't like these prolonged looks into contestants' lives, then I suggest you stay away from Australian Survivor.  What we see on this current version of American Survivor is nothing compared to the mini-documentaries they give on every contestant they have on that show.  I am not even joking here, they will have a six minute segment talking about the life of a contestant in the middle of the damn episode, it is so annoying.

    That being said, coming from a very good Australian Survivor season, with two excellent players in the final two, to this current season of our Survivor is a major letdown.  This season is just not good and as others have said there are far too many advantages in this game.  I don't think these advantages add to the game, I think they detract from the game.

    • Love 3
  17. For me I do have a new found respect for Amanda.  I mean I never hated her (I have blinders when it comes to women I find attractive) but I fully understand why so many others have.

    Priscilla's backstory about her mother was a nice touch and her mother must be one hell of a woman to take in all of her nieces and nephews.  Now that was a backstory I can get behind.  Unlike Kam's grandmother's story from last year where she got deported for stealing. 

    So when are we going to see Kyle steal Josh's spot?  We all know it is going to happen.  The question is when.

    • Love 3
  18. I have to say, I have really enjoyed this show since its very first episode.  When I first heard about it I was on the fence about watching it, but I obviously did and I am glad I did.  This is the best current DC show on the CW (I still really like The Flash.  Legends of Tomorrow has some good moments but sadly they are outweighed by the bad humor.  I never have watched Batwoman so I cannot speak on that one way or the other and Supergirl has its good moments but the insufferable woke preaching is just annoying.).   I say on the CW because Titans is just a little bit above this.

    I would also like to join the Shade fan club and I hope he is not gone for good.  Villains, or whatever he is, are not usually fleshed out like he has been.  Sure he is out for himself, but he still have this goodness in him as well.

    I want to see the redemption of Cindy.  She is another villain that has been fleshed out pretty well and you can see why she ended up the way she did.

  19. I have a more series specific question, than an episode specific question.  When they show flashbacks of Pat in the past, when exactly is it supposed to be?  To me it looks like the 1950's with the cars and the way some of them dress, but there is no way it could be that far back.  It has been something I was wondering since the start of the show.  Is this universe like the one from the Fallout video games where it is sort of like ours but the timeline split at a certain point and thus in the Fallout games people were living in a society that mirrored post-World War II America but they also had advance technology.

    I am sure the show has said it and I either forgot or just did not pick up on it.

    • Love 1
  20. 14 hours ago, iMonrey said:

    OMG Nandor in short shorts. And I thought the workout clothes at the gym were hilarious. And the hair!

    I wonder why some of the vampires look like Nosferatu and the rest of them just look normal. Like that one random guy with the pointy ears in this episode. 

    I lost my shit every time they would show the Nosferatu guy jamming.  Not sure why I found it so hilarious but I did.  Wasn't he playing bongos at one point?

    On 10/15/2021 at 2:56 AM, Vermicious Knid said:

    What did she say at the end, was it "Back to the drawing board"?


    I did not pick up on what she said either.  That was the entire reason why I came into this thread. 

    • Love 1
  21. On 3/2/2021 at 8:27 PM, SilverStormm said:

    70's England was really terrible, all wallpaper was very sad indeed, and everything absolutely stank like a farmer's armpit - a very astute observation.

    As it happens, I often would ask my parentals why our house, our food, our clothes, and they themselves, stank so much all the time. Many clips around the ear were had. Ah, such fun. Lucky for us, England discovered nosegays, bathing, deodorant, air freshener, mediocre decor, semi-edible food and more... sometime around 1994 I do believe it was. That's when we all stopped being utter miserable gits all of the time (now we're utter miserable gits just some of the time), funny coincidence there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Years ago my sister went the Eiffel Tower with her boyfriend.  There was this strong smell of  b.o. in the elevator (I think that was what it was, I have never been so I don't really know.) and my sister said to her boyfriend, "That b.o. is like the b.o. on Seinfeld, it is so strong that it is beyond b.o."  There was an English guy on the elevator with them and he said, "Don't look at me, we bathe in Britain now.  It is probably the French fellow."  Your above comment made me remember that story.

    On 6/28/2021 at 3:35 PM, Stuffy said:

      I know the Dailymotion app and website can be annoying with the ridiculous amount of commercials.


    Oh the pain of watching anything on Dailymotion.  That was the only way I could watch the Australian version of Survivor and I swear every two minutes I would be sent to commercials.  Now I would not mind if it were not for the fact that it was the same damn commercial over and over again.  No word of a lie, I saw the Eugene Levy commercial with his daughter Sarah so much that I would recite their words.

    Now to the topic at hand.  I loved both LOM and ATA.  I am not sure if I liked one more than the other.  Hell I even liked the American version, well besides the horrible ending.  I am looking forward to seeing what they will do with a third series.


    • Love 1
  22. 2 hours ago, Maya said:

    Was anyone else terrified at first that the tribe was going to eat the baby turtles? Lol

    I thought a bird was just going to fly down and scoop the one that was really struggling up for a meal, but they would never show something like that.

    Well once again kudos to the editors for focusing on JD and him being an early boot.  I am not sure if that means all of the interesting people are going to be voted out early and all of the duds will be there for end game.  I hope that does not happen.

    Ricard reminds me so much of Todd, not because they are both gay mind you, but just the smugness.  They both have this really annoying smug smile. I was not a fan of Todd and I am not a fan of Ricard.  But I feel much like Todd, Ricard is going to be around for the long haul.

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  23. 30 minutes ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    Also, after all her shittalking about playing it safe, Tiffany took the safe option of tarp. She sucks so bad. She's bad at the challenges, bad at the social game. I imagine everyone who has ever played but got booted off in the first couple episodes their seasons are like, "How did I lose Survivor before she did?"

    After reading the above paragraph, I just came to the realization that Tiffany is probably going to end up in one of the final three seats.  Basically because of what you stated above.  One would be dumb not to drag her with them to the end.  The problem will be trying to her there.

    I was a little shocked by Brad being a early boot.  With the edit he was getting I thought he was going to be in it for the long haul.  Well I was wrong.  Which is not a bad thing, for years I have been saying I would love for them to put some focus on the early boots like they used to do back in the first few seasons and they did just that with Brad.  We probably know more about him than any other early boot players who played in the last thirty seasons. 

    Also, I forgot to add.  I guess the sitting out in back-to-back challenges is no longer a rule because the woman with blonde hair on the blue tribe has sat out in back-to-back challenges.  Unless there are challenges they are not showing on the show.

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