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Everything posted by missnoa

  1. It's always laughable to me when people act like they're above their SO's relatives and then turn around and mooch off them. They're not good enough for you to respect but you'll happily take their money/stuff/houses. The lack of respect and self-respect is hilarious. I think one of the biggest reasons (just one of many, of course) Nicole and Azan aren't gonna work out is that his culture is obviously extremely important to him and engraved and Nicole does not act "appropriately" according to how he was raised and it's gonna keep causing problems. Like, I still vividly remember her going over there and wanting to make out with him and practically hop on him in public and he's always visibly disgusted and uncomfortable. She's just way too sexual both in public and private for him I think. And I think just the fact that she is that way makes him at least subconsciously think less of her. It's just too big of a cultural divide there imo. Watching those flashbacks where this super chubby white girl is telling him to his face that SHE understands his culture better than he does and people won't care if she puts her arms all over him is just pathetic. Lord.
  2. There have to have been people who would have actually made an effort they could have filmed, and instead we got this mess. It wasn't even an entertaining episode! It was boring from start to finish. I pity poor Lacey, who's going to be stuck with this trainwreck when she gets old enough and she gains the weight back. Lacey will be doing the same things her son was doing, plus more. She not only cheated on the diet, she relapsed on alcohol too, she admitted. Total lost cause on all fronts. That's probably why the family had already given up before the episode even started.
  3. Thank you! This was one of my favorite TLC shows, I've missed it a lot, but I don't follow any of them on social media so I have no clue what's going on with them.
  4. I would bet real money that mom was one of the "my kid is my best friend so I'm going to use them as a therapist and emotional support" types. Supposedly the relationship with between the parents was awful so I bet Lacey had to deal with her mom "venting" to her about it and that can really mess a person up. It's extremely telling that despite being so heavy she moved out as soon as she did - she wanted nothing to do with either parent badly enough to move out even though she admitted she's scared she'll get hurt and nobody will know. You don't hit 200 lbs that young unless you're emotionally messed up and usually it's the parents who do that.
  5. I've always wondered why therapy isn't required before surgery, because in nearly every case we've seen, these people eat because that's how they handle their emotions. You would think that getting therapy right at the start of the whole process would make it easier for them to lose the weight they need to get the surgery, but usually it doesn't happen until after they've struggled through trying to lose and then getting surgery.
  6. This is one of the most embarrassing episodes I've ever seen. The office meltdown was truly pathetic, and so was her screeching that it was his fault she didn't lose weight. Pretty sure he's not forcing food into her mouth. She's going to have to learn how to cope with life without overeating and blaming everyone else, yikes. This is one of those cases where I don't think the person deserved the chance they got, there is probably someone who would have done the work who would ave killed for a shot at this show. I wouldn't have stayed with her after she screamed at me repeatedly in a public doctor's office and then CALLED HER MOM and tried to make me talk to her on the phone. Forget it.
  7. Dr Bowers really seems to be going above and beyond, offering to fly down to them if they can't come to her. I am impressed honestly. Also I am amused that Greg is like, don't do the Jazz is missing phone call on camera, take your mic off! I really don't think he likes being on camera much and when anything happens he REALLY doesn't like to be on camera.
  8. I feel like Jazz is waaaaay too pushy when it's coming to this sex stuff, almost like she's trying to just jump into it since she hasn't been able to yet. Amir is really visibly uncomfortable with a lot of this stuff and I don't blame him, like her telling him that they're gonna have to try her vagina out was wild. And she's insisting that he needs to kiss her with tongue even though he doesn't like it. He could be the nicest dude in the world and she can still be too OTT and turn him off her forever, she needs to calm down about it. I really don't think she's ready to be jumping into a relationship when she just had that major life changing surgery that didn't go well and she's still working through all of that and waiting for it to all heal. She needs to put the brakes on a bit and her acting like this is her overcompensating for how scary what she just went through was.
  9. The season preview also shows the doctor telling her she's gonna require a couple more surgeries. I really do wonder how much her being on hormone blockers from a very young age leading to less to work with downstairs than most others have has affected how difficult her surgery experience is gonna be. As for Jeanette, her entire life is tied up in Jazz. If Jazz ever moves out and cuts the apron strings, Jeanette is not going to do well.
  10. I'm so glad Roni is leaving Michael. That POS can find a ditch to die in somewhere. It was really sweet of Dr. Now to take her bandage off and clean her finger, you could tell that she was terrified and it made her feel a little better to just have someone there helping her. That poor woman.
  11. Did you notice she was just fine to lift her dog when they were at the airport and that she was fine to have a super fully, heavy backpack on her shoulder too? Dr. Now also commented that when the baby cried she didn't even look at him. And there was no reason for her to not finish feeding the baby that bottle before she ate herself and then took her meds but she still made Josh stop moving them into their new place to take the baby and feed him. She's using every excuse to not take care of that kid. She wants to be taken care OF, not to do the caretaking.
  12. I'm gonna have to put Bettie Jo on the same spectrum as Steven - not nearly as severe of course - because what kind of horrid person lies to everyone that she has cancer? Everyone in her life probably thinks she has it and she's been lying about it because she doesn't want to do what she's supposed to be doing. Appalling. Her husband is also an idiot but we knew that from the original episode.
  13. That story about the "photographer" going into the house is so freaking bizarre if it wasn't the birth mom. It's still bizarre if it's WAS the birth mom but if it wasn't, that's even crazier. It had to be someone in the family to know the kid's birth name, right? So weird. It's interesting that Robyn was so standoffish in the actual episode - they've done a couple of follow ups before where the adopted person didn't really maintain contact with the bio parent but usually that happens after the tearful reunion. I get the feeling Robyn would have been perfectly happy if her bio dad had never contacted her at all. It seems like people in general are more standoffish/don't maintain contact when it's the bio dad who finds them as opposed to the bio mom.
  14. Another week where I was very impressed at how good someone did! And this time it was x2. I swear this season is setting out to prove how feeble the excuses we always see are - we've had a guy without a leg exercising on a creaky prosthetic and then running, now we have someone's house flooded out and he still managed to keep the weight loss going. I agree that Mary looked less than trilled throughout the whole process though. I'm guessing she doesn't quite know how to adjust not being the caretaker - why else would you get involved with someone who's 600 lbs if not to take care of them? - and she looked bigger in the end than when she started.
  15. We've had a string of episodes now where they were doing well weight loss so the weight loss was almost a backdrop and the focus was on the relationships or emotional issues. It's like they had the "space" to show that kinda stuff. There have been a few others with like that one girl who moved down with her family and a significant amount of time was spent on her struggling to find a place to live and then talking about the police raid on her house. I wonder what the other episodes would have been about if the disasters had been doing well on weight loss, like what else would have been focused on instead. The Assanti bros episodes were barely about weight loss at all and were just showing Steven being a horrible person to everyone he ever spoke to.
  16. Frankly I'm not sure how I'm supposed to handle people who do what they're supposed to and are doing well lol. I'm glad for her and for her son, who will hopefully have a better life now. It's good that she and James are split and not depending on each other.
  17. We've seen a couple of people crowdfund before to try and get down to Houston, so they must not. I always found that confusing because you'd think that paying to move them isn't a big cost and if they never get there, there's no show.
  18. That outcome was like a gut punch. Honestly we probably get "lucky" in terms of who has filmed this show because many of these people don't make it, have big complications and lots of much healthier people go through surgery and it seems to set them down a bad path or kills them. Dr. Now says a lot that things are very dangerous but it's easy to forget since most of them make it through the procedures okay. My own father was put under for surgery related to cancer and he never woke up because he had a stroke at some point. It's awful. I know very well that life isn't fair but when you see people like Lisa who refuses to change or do work or Steven who is a sociopath who legit ruins lives and they're still kicking and someone who really seemed to be doing well doesn't make it, it's just depressing. Especially when you see that so many of this stuff stems from childhood trauma. Yes, it's ultimately on them how they deal with it, but if you watch any kind of "real life/reality" type shows with real people you learn firsthand how much bad childhoods ruin people's lives in the end. I'm very sad for his family. Kathyrn crying because nobody ever wanted to help and just said mean things and they had 4 years of people saying no...ouch. I wonder if things would be different if they'd met Dr. Now 4 years ago. Also, towards then end at the second rehab I think you could see the change in Rob. The spark was completely gone. I wonder if it was the surgery or the pain his brain was tricking him into having when he didn't have it that was too much in the end. I also bet it was hard to distinguish what was him not trying and what was his body starting to give out. That voiceover from Dr. Now about how one thing can happen to start causing his body to fail and they wouldn't be able to help him is...ouch. I wonder how many patients he's seen this happen to. I can't imagine how traumatic it was for Kathryn to be there as he had a heart attack and died. That poor woman. She's going to be reliving that day for a long time.
  19. I feel like if you made a drinking game out of this show, you would get drunk quickest by either: take a shot every time someone got pulled over for a minor traffic thing and then got in bigger trouble because of something in the car OR taking a shot every time someone said "you don't have the right to film me." I wonder how cops are gonna pop people once those self-driving cars really get everywhere; if nobody is running stop signs, speeding or switching lanes without a blinker, how will they find the drugs in their cars?
  20. I honestly don't know who treats people worse, Steven or Lisa. Hot damn. Her mother sounds like a real piece of work - all the crap she blamed Lisa for that wasn't her fault - but she's turned into someone just as nasty. And so dramatic too, I don't know how Dr. Now was keeping a straight face. She went from crying hysterically to being threatening with him cause he saw right through her.
  21. They're really padding out this season with nonsense nobody cares about. Jeanette is seriously desperate to just give in and give Jazz whatever she wants whenever she wants, it's just sad. Even the brothers called out that she shouldn't have gotten that tattoo and that they wouldn't have let the twins do it. The fact that she went and did it without telling Dad they were going to do it just highlights that Greg has zero control, Jazz does what she wants and Jeanette is her weak willed friend and not her mother. And he didn't even know that they had set a surgical date! How stupid is Jeanette to not realize that she needed to tell JAZZ'S FATHER that a freaking surgery date had been decided? Why did they have that conversation without him? The constant disrespect is unreal but Greg really needs to find a backbone and stop letting it happen. Also, I really don't buy that Jazz is dealing with her cravings and just going to sleep every time she gets hungry at night. It took her two months to lose 6 pounds. It's ridiculous. I don't think Jazz is going to handle surgery well but for her sake I hope she gets through it as easily as possible.
  22. Every time I see a family of three or four kids and it's all one gender and then the last one is a different gender, I always wonder if that last gender was the one they wanted when they made that second, third, fourth try lol. It was the same with my parents - he wanted one of each. I came, then my sister came and they were convinced she was a boy, and when my mom got pregnant again my father refused to even go to any the appointments or talk about it until my mom confirmed it was a boy. And funnily enough, my brother and him had a terrible relationship and he was closest to my younger sister. Some men are super weird about having boys and then when they have them, they don't have good relationships with them at all. It's crazy.
  23. Honestly, this is why I ended up liking him, I think. This is one of the rare ones who genuinely tries, and he had the best "excuses" out of anyone to not try - he literally doesn't have a leg and his prosthetic was breaking. And instead of crying about it and using it as an excuse, he just found different ways to do things. And he was actually serious about addressing his emotional issues, including tackling the co-dependence with mom. I hope he continues with therapy so he can find some self love and he continues losing weight. And I hope being away from mom helps him keep a clear idea of where their boundaries should be and whether or not it's good for him to be around her long term. Some people just aren't healthy for you to be around even if they are family cause too much has happened between them.
  24. I rewatched some of this season's episodes and I really do feel like Jazz was starting to self-sabotage. Like if you watch them all together and get rid of the trappings of the radio show appearances and vacations, I wonder if what's happening is that somewhere inside her, she's terrified of going through the actual surgery - both because of the surgery itself and because if she has it and all her problems aren't massively solved, then she's not going to be instantly happy and that "perfect" person. She has a lot of issues that aren't going to magically go away after the surgery - social anxiety, depression, not wanting to talk about or deal with her issues, self esteem issues, I'm not sure how she'd handle going off to college and not having her mom around 24/7...I hope that when the surgery comes she's truly ready for it.
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