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Everything posted by itainttippithebird

  1. So - was Caleb so inordinately pissed that Spencer "brought" Mona to the trap to give him a way to justify their now-inevitable breakup? So annoyyyyyinggggggg
  2. Unless I misunderstood the category, NICK WAS ROBBED on the Give a Mouse a Cookie Front! It IS an Amazon series that has more than a pilot....? (It was talked about on Making the Sausage, the episode about music licensing?)
  3. Ha, I came here specifically to see if people were like, "well, that's OBVIOUSLY a woman's voice" like I did when I heard it! But maybe the post elsewhere in this thread explains it - perhaps it's a mashup of all their voices. But the slightly delayed voice that comes in last sounded to me like Shelby's new nemesis woman. "Smart" move bringing in 25 new possible suspects to be shady for another half season! Funny how no one considered that "it's someone in your class at Quantico" might INCLUDE THESE NEW ADDITIONS for the first half season of the show!
  4. YES TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE! I really enjoyed this season but was disappointed that not even one of these panned out (in this season, anyway). I was comPLETEly sold on "Frank orchestrated his own assasignation by Lucas" and pretty bummed as that theory was picked a part piece by piece over the remaining episodes.
  5. Welp, that's an incredibly flippant way to refer to a woman's brutal attack in the midst of all of this discussion of domestic violence.
  6. I love that this show keeps alllllmost fucking things up and then putting them right the next episode. It deserves a lot of credit (and way more patience) for the way it keeps nuancing the message at every turn in a way that always pulls it right back from the edge. Also, I would say I need "Getting Bi" as my ringtone, but that's somehow inadequate. I need it for like, my face. My face, just a constant loop of Daryl playing sax and insisting "it doesn't take an intellectual to get that I'm bisexual!"
  7. While I totally agree with your sentiment, and the show would totally go there, I'm getting the giggles thinking about TMZ (or literally anyyyyyoneeeee) giving any fucks about/publicity to most any writing, let alone this stupid ass book. I love the idea of this impending whirlwind talk show circuit and attendant fame and fortune from the memoir of two unknown weirdos!
  8. Yeah, I was kinda shocked by how many people were shipping "Lanna"? "Hancas"? or whatever last night - way back in S1, I thought they could make an interesting odd couple for a minute, but since then he's been revealed as the quintessential Nice Guy who repeatedly punishes Hanna for not falling in love with him out of sheer gratitude for his (creepy, inappropriate, doormat-y) kindness (and then comes back for more). NOT. CUTE.
  9. I don't know why I'm wading into this, BUT - I think part of why Spencer was upset prior to Hanna's hand grab was that they totally fucked with her emotions in the name of trying out their plan - Hanna's confession horrified her to her core, then they both kinda laugh it off like, "see? Fooled her!" I'd be pissed, too! I interpreted her drinking and silence as a kind of tortured realization/resignation to the fact that Haleb ain't over, despite everything they both told her. So she's letting it happen, though it hurts her. I don't read that as being immature or selfish. As for the question of "can you ever date a friend's ex?" - I think life is a lot more complicated than a blanket "bros before hos" decree can account for. I get that it's dicey, for sure, but does that make her a terrible person? I'm not sure. I don't think we have any textual reason to believe that Spencer was planning to bone Caleb regardless of Hanna's blessing: she broke the almost-kiss spell in Madrid, she didn't hook up w him until she got blessing, when Hanna acted weird after, she immediately said "this was a mistake, It's over" until Hanna "clarified" that she wasn't upset about it. Just because she has a weird rivalry with her sister that a couple creepy dudes took advantage of when she was like, 15(!) doesn't make her some irredeemable man-stealing whore!
  10. But like, can y'all explain to me what that flashback MEANT? That she was tempted to bone Caleb, but she didn't? And that was significant to this episode's plot because...?
  11. I'm! So! Confused! And not in a good way. This episode felt like when you accidentally skip 3 while watching streaming TV. Where did ANY of these developments come from, and how do they make ANY sense?! I feel like this episode was written by a bot or something.
  12. EGG. ZACTLY. When that HEINOUS BEAST OF A DRESS was called safe, I was like, "there but for the grace of Johnny Wujek goes you, Mitchell. Damn." He shoulda never made it past week 1, but by some confluence of miracles, he's squeaked by so unfairly thus far. Maybe he's a witch.
  13. Huh, I read that scene the exact opposite way - that Ella's comments punctured Hanna's fantasy that she and Caleb are destined to be together, and she decided to move forward with Jordan as a result.
  14. I like to think ALL of the Window Washer Gossip Friday gang is gay. :)
  15. I think part of the reason I don't mind Daryl's coming out and the White Josh kiss being all in one episode is it quickly sidesteps the possibility of queerbaiting, unlike sooooo manyyyyy otherrrrr shoooows. There's no subtext, there's no will they/won't they make a character canonically queer, there's none of that shit where the showrunners/actors hint in interviews that the character(s) JUST MIGHT BE gay, you never know, while leaving them ostensibly heterosexual in the text for seasons at a time. It's refreshing for a show to just get right to it and not dither around, not trying to pique viewer interest by teasing out a possible queer storyline (that often never emerges). Anyway, I will be instituting Window Washer Gossip Fridays immediately, is what I'm saying.
  16. WhiteJoshFeather!!! That has to be the best shipping portmanteau in the history of ships. I am LOVE-ING the Daryl/White Joshua (!) relationship developing and I hope it has long, long legs. While Daryl's coming out as bisexual was played for cartoonish effect, I think that's more about the aesthetic of the show than about the politics of representation (that's my reading as one queer person, anyway). I really love that they didn't go with the typical "oh, I was gay all along" narrative and for once allowed a bi person to be bi. Especially a man! I was annoyed by his defensive, homophobic-tinged reaction to Old Gay Daryl, but I'm glad they dispensed with that quickly instead of dragging it out across episodes. This storyline makes me giddy, honestly. It's just the cutest and the most unexpected but in a way that doesn't feel tokenizing, patronizing, or exploitative (again, at least it doesn't to this queer viewer). And that's more than I can say about 90% of LGBTQ representations out there. (Next week, this could change, but for now, I'm just gonna be doodling WhiteJoshFeather on my notebook with stars in my eyes.) P.S. HOWEVS. I do agree that I'm uncomfortable with a lot of the racial politics of the show, from the multiracial baby fetishizing to the representation of Josh's family in the Thanksgiving ep. Everyone seemed to LOVE "I Give Good Parent," but that song made me deepy uncomfortable on a lot of levels. (ETA: When I say "everyone" seemed to love it, I meant the critical response, not necessarily us in this thread.)
  17. YES. As much as I generally DGAF about ANYTHING Brandon-related, this dynamic is troubling. And I kinda wonder if the show intends for it to be or not? Because I think they are gonna try to sell us on this romance for a good while, my guess is they are gonna back burner this possible concern, and maaaaaybe return to it later, maybe not at all? When it seems like a REAL. PROBLEM. right up front to me, especially given the sexual encounter he had with his father's girlfriend (older than him, damsel in distress, check check check) (At the same time - anything that staves off/potentially kills off a Braillie pairing is good in my book...)
  18. Caila's dad is a real natural at the Crazyface. I'm not entirely convinced that he hasn't replaced his eyes with coal/buttons, like the very toys he sells. They scared me, very Robert Durst.
  19. I feel almost certain this is gonna be a case of statutory rape, especially given the overlapping plotlines of the Romeo & Juliet play and of Brandon and his older love interest. (Which, how old is she supposed to be? Like, 21? I don't think it's THAT big a deal, but it is kinda interesting to think about in the context of him having ended up in a statutory situation with his dad's ex girlfriend...) Still, the context clues from the website that y'all point out leave room for other possibilities... The return of (new) Jesus = the return of opportunities to rage against the insane pronunciation of Jesus on this show, this episode perpetrated by Jesus himself. WHY DO YOU THINK YOUR NAME IS HAY-ZUES, EMPHASIS ON THE HAY?! Poor child. (Not to mention that everyone keeps calling Ana "Anna," but whatevs.) Does no one on this entire show staff know anyone named Jesus?! Or is this supposed to be a subtle nod to Jesus and Mariana's estrangement from their culture? Weirdly, they seem to get "Mariana" right most of the time, so WHAT IS THE DEAL I still get the feeling there's something very hinky going on with the foster weirdo. I'm getting a kinda Munchausen's vibe from him, like maybe he's injuring himself to get sympathy/insinuate himself further into the Adams Foster fam? (Then again, maybe I'm just watching too much Real Housewives of Beverly Hills...) In any event, he gives me the bad intuition vibes as much as the investor is giving them to Callie. When that Dylan McKay rip off (or Brandon Walsh, as posited above) steals Mariana away from a Hot Mat reunion, I will be SO MAD. P.S. Maybe the big reveal will be that Nick is secretly Jesus's dad and he's just been pulling a 21 Jump Street to try to get close to him before breaking the news. The only way that old man high schooler makes sense in this show.
  20. Chiming in (perhaps unnecessarily at this point!) on this question - I do think there's a fair amount of both going on. I think Erika is absolutely trying to buy cache by surrounding herself with hot gay men and it's part of an ongoing problem with the way LGBT acceptance has unfolded - gay men are for some hetero women a consumption item, a must-have accessory that gives, for example, bored rich women some color to their otherwise beige-washed life. And that's fucked up. On the other hand, though, I also think these guys are perfectly aware of the situation and are gogo-ing all the way to the bank. And good for them. In any event, it really bums me out because I'm otherwise Team Erika all the way. She has breathed new life into this dusty old franchise and I love her for it. And you know what, yeah, I'LL SAY IT - I LOVED THAT CAVALLI CAFTAN, dammit!
  21. I just spent an hour reading that Chronicles of Yolandia series (there's now 6 parts, FYI!) and it was fascinating. Sounds like at a bare minimum, in the most generous possible light, she is seriously endangering her health and that of her kids, unknowingly or otherwise, through all these fucked up "alternative" therapies. Depressing as hell, and yet I cannnn't teeeear myseeeeelf awaaaaay....
  22. I have no dog in this fight, and on its face, this comment totally annoys me too - but I imagine that was a euphemism for "you put this out on camera," since they aren't allowed to address the 4th wall. Which, at this point, is basically an 8th housewife - it's very obvious that the fracas with Yo and the one with Kim involve a heavy dose of "what can be said/done on camera and what can't", which only further chums up the water because people can't just say what they really mean. I wish they could just straight up address it, instead of these not-so-artful dodges. Also - I can relate to feeling forgiving in a moment but thinking back on it later and getting increasingly mad, and to the feeling of wanting to control my public narrative about something and so freak out on someone who threatens it. Both are not super mature and healthy and I would regret freaking out later, but this is sorta understandable to me. Especially because I'm sure she knows Rinna only did this to make herself relevant, not out of some guileless oversharing or genuine concern.
  23. Ack, "sorr-yyyyy." This is what happens when I try comment on the forums while listening to the podcast at the same time. Credit where credit is due, Tara Ariano!
  24. Thanks, Sarah! Just got to game time in this week's ep where Dave basically A'ed that Q, sorry for being impatient and posting before finishing! :)
  25. Did this post out of order with the Listener Game Time episode from last week, or will there be another one next week?
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