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Everything posted by Flamingo

  1. I wish I had a $1 for every time Donna screamed "David/Ray/Whomever, wait", trying to get the jerk to wait so she can gravel for their understanding/forgiveness.
  2. #3 is Mary Crosby (Bing's daughter). She played Colin's sugar momma.
  3. Fellow Southern Baptist here. I was the same way. Didn't know what I was smelling. Never smoked it. I don't remember how old I was when I had my first drink, devil's brew as my grandmother called it, but it was later in college. Love "devil's lettuce".
  4. I've never smoked it either. So happy I found my fellow nerds.
  5. When I was in fifth grade, I had to get glasses. I knew I had trouble seeing the chalk board but had no idea what else I had been missing. It was pretty amazing to my 10 year old self. Still boring for everyone else to watch. If you get Hallmark Murder & Mysteries channel, they show Hart to Hart from 3-5 AM Tuesday - Frriday. I can't watch the episode with the optometrist because it makes me squirm and I have to see mine every year. Also, Hart to Hart fans should see this: https://youtu.be/ddOWdulCerQ
  6. I second that and will chip in to make it happen.
  7. I don't remember that episode of MASH; but, naturally, when I got home last night, I set the DVR for next Tuesday. "Thanks" for the heads up.
  8. This episode was so much fun! I joined the collective gasp when Sarah chose to kill Lennie Briscoe. I also loved how seriously Dave took his choices and reasoned them out. I clearly do not watch enough TV because I didn't know who many of the characters were. All the amount of time spent talking about Al Swearengen, I finally had to look it up. (SORRY!) It was still so much fun to hear everyone reasoning and sometimes shocked at each other's answers. I know she's really rich; but, I would have to kill Oprah. After giving James Frey* a public lashing about his dishonesty in his book, which hurt no one, she allowed Jenny McCarthy and all her anti-vax BS on her show without calling her out. She praised her for ignoring the CDC and going with her "mommy instinct" instead. Then she had those idiots with "The Secret" on, giving them full support of their power of thinking/laws of attraction/everything you want and need you can have if you just believe enough junk. It wasn't until a later show when an audience member said due to her support of "The Secret", she had quit conventional cancer treatments did she say that you don't skip medical care for the laws of attraction or whatever that BS is. *Three years later, she did call and apologize to him but too little too late. I'll get off my soap box now.
  9. The hair is definitely better anyway; but, I think the pregnancy hormones are really working for Jennie Garth. She looks really pretty and definitely seems to have a glow despite all the snarling faces.
  10. As much as I hate Kelly, I did really like her cut about betting it isn't her calling. (I'm still listening. We had to take a break to go watch the eclipse.)
  11. Oh, yea, he totally sounded like the southerner he is. Nothing about that said Minnesota.
  12. Still listening but Sarah's "your mom, a Tarheel from North Carolina because that's where that accent is from" cracked me up and made me laugh out loud for several minutes. I had to pause the podcast because I couldn't hear over my laughing.
  13. I was kind of hoping one of the phones not to use would be the lame, clear phone from 7th Heaven.
  14. I think that's a season 2 episode when Logan and Veronica have an awkward encounter in the hotel when he and Duncan live together. @WhosThatGirl, I think you are thinking of when he says "Hi ho" to her in the elevator and then covers (perhaps?) with "as in off to work we go" because Veronica is dressed for work. I think it's the beginning of "Doughnut Run" but it might be the preceding episode.
  15. Add me to the list of people who count this among favorite episodes.
  16. Disinterested teacher? I don't remember that there was a specific reason for doing them at home. Perhaps she didn't want to deal with 12 year old girls squealing about a little finger prick. I really have no idea. When I questioned the validity of the test when it showed my identical twin sister and I had different blood types, she was pretty insistent that we did because the test said so. We weren't exactly dealing with a teacher from the A team.
  17. If I remember correctly from the 99% Invisible podcast, Johnny Gosch and Eugene Martin were the first kids put on a milk carton; but, that was locally. Etan Patz was the first to be on a milk carton nationally. When I was in the 7th grade, our science teacher had us take blood samples at home (finger prick) to determine blood type. But that was in the early 80s. These young whippersnappers probably had different rules. I, too, would wear both the argyle sweater and the blazer. I was about to excitedly say I used to watch Fifteen as well. But I now realize that it was actually James at 16. This is one of my favorite episodes. Jonathan Bennett's presence does not hurt. :)
  18. We still have guidance counselors in schools. I'm in North Carolina. If we still have them, there is hope for the rest of the country. In my county, each school has its own counselor. I have friends who are guidance counselors and they are all licensed professional counselors who could go in private practice. The ones in elementary and middle schools do work with kids individually and in groups and when appropriate try to get parents/guardians involved. The ones in high school do that as well but spend more time trying to direct kids to what they need to do for whatever post high school education they plan.
  19. Re: Marrying Dylan: "You gotta treat yoself." LOL.
  20. Leave it to Kelly to make someone else's death all about her. I wish someone had said "why, yes, Kelly, death was better for Jimmy than living if you were his only friend."
  21. When I went away to college in 1986, HIV/AIDS was a death sentence. We got tons of education on it. Even then we knew blood on unbroken skin wasn't a risk factor. There is just no excuse for that reaction from a college student in 1996. This point aside, I find myself wondering why an AIDS hospice wouldn't have had some kind of protocol around wearing gloves while preparing food anyway. Just because the people are dying doesn't mean you want to hurry it along being unsanitary. This place, as mentioned before, was more like a half way house than a hospice. If I knew I was going to die any day from AIDS, I probably wouldn't keep taking the triple cocktail given all the side effects and expense. Additionally, if I were that close to dying, I probably wouldn't be cooking and eating regular meals, much less getting dressed and hanging out with stupid, self centered volunteers. Had any of the writers been to a a hospice? I've been to way too many and none of them were full of sick people still getting anything other than palliative care much less doing magic shows. I don't know why this bugs me so much. This show gets so many things wrong, why dwell on this?
  22. I looked it up. The actress, Julie Parrish, was 56 at the time these episodes were being filmed. It's theoretically possible she could become pregnant, but it's an odd choice for a storyline. I think Joan mentioned the season previously she was already a grandmother. I thought Joan had said she was a grandmother too. About 10 years ago, a 56 year old woman I worked with had twins with a 5 year old already. She carried as close to full term as twins go and delivered without needing a c-section. While it had people gossiping for quite some time, it was never interesting enough we thought it should be a Z level plot for a 5th string secondary character on a show about college kids.
  23. Scrolling through these visual aids, I thought Sarah might be messing with us as all the non-gifs are kittens. Then I saw that "Trump" is in the text and remembered I have a Chrome extension that turns all pictures of Trump into kittens. It can be a little buggy. But it is the most adorable visual aids ever. (I'll be going to IE to see what I'm missing because I love the visual aids.)
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