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Everything posted by pezgirl7

  1. H is for a House (or apartment, or loft, or house boat, or shack, I'll take anything) that Emma can move into, so she can have privacy during coffee time with Hook.
  2. D is for Davy Jones, Killian's dad, I hope!
  3. X is for the Xtra (cheating) episode we were given, which was pretty unnecessary and would have been better off used for the 4A finale.
  4. I thought Hook's most Irish sounding, or maybe just different sounding, line was in Snow Drifts/There's No Place Like Home, when Hook and Emma are sitting outside Midas' castle, and he says "A predictable excess of pomp and grandeur." Just the way he says it sounded strange to me. I downloaded The Rite off of OnDemand last night, and watched about half before it was time for bed. I still didn't hear any Irish slips in Colin's accent. :) But like I said before, I kinda suck with accents. Maybe it's because I'm from Wisconsin, and we just have our own inflections that are a little different than everyone else, and I am far from being a world traveler.
  5. I don't think most fans expect to actually see the act with Emma and Hook, just the before or after, which Once has done before with Regina, and even Snow and Charming. I can't even say why I want to see it, I just do, OK? :) Here's a funny tumblr post about this situation: http://the-mystery-of-you-is-timeless.tumblr.com/post/106661718216/gifs-not-mine-more-reasons-why-emma-swan-is-one
  6. I will have to rewatch the movie and see if I notice the accent slips, and the umbrella thing. For science. This kind of reminds me of the joke Amy Poehler made at the Golden Globes last night, when she was mocking the way British people speak very deliberately when doing an American accent.
  7. I thought his American accent was pretty good. I watched The Rite before I knew who he was, and I didn't know while watching that he wasn't American. Then when I saw him on OUAT, I thought he was British, until I heard an interview with him. Apparently I am not attuned to accents. ;) But he definitely did look very young. I really wish he could have shaved when playing Lieutenant Jones, it would have made an even greater contrast. And his beard seems to grow pretty quickly, so I feel like it could have been done if they had timed the filming right.
  8. I saw the same theory, and I did think it looked like Colin was not suppose to be able to see Christina in the scenes, either like she was haunting him, or she couldn't let him go. Not so much an actual ghost in my mind. Regarding Colin working out, have you not seen his ice bucket challenge video? :D
  9. Christina definitely knows what she's doing with promoting the video. The fan fic continues; her latest photo, of Colin in bed: https://mobile.twitter.com/christinaperri/status/554089909527400448 See Adam and Eddy? It's not not that hard to film a bedroom scene.
  10. P is for the Pegasus sail, which Killian burned in defiance.
  11. Another behind the scenes photo from The Words, from inside Zelena's house I believe. https://twitter.com/christinaperri/status/553258831275253760 She looks so tiny! So Colin is eating soup and bread, while reading a book (which sort of looks like Henry's storybook) and then later is outside chopping wood with his sleeves rolled up, then goes to a flower store... sounds like a fan fic. LOL
  12. C is for CaptainSwan the Movie™, which some of us fans call “Snow Drifts/There's No Place Like Home”.
  13. Is it creepy if Christina Perri got a tattoo of a hook drawing Colin drew for her, or does that just make her the ultimate fan girl? https://twitter.com/christinaperri/status/552900550837035009 I thought she just drew it with pen on her skin, but people seem to think it's real, and it would make more sense for her "promise" to be a real tattoo. She has quite a few, so maybe it's cool? I could never do anything like that!
  14. S is for the Sword fight between Emma and Hook. At least they'll have a good story to tell their grandkids.
  15. Apparently The Words music video was partially filmed at Zelena's house! http://pirateswaan.tumblr.com/post/107337886074/youseetherealme-gaspsssss-this-is-the I do wonder if that was intentional on Christina's part, or if they just needed a rural farm house to rent, and the location scout/whoever picked it by chance. Either way, "soon" better be sooner than later, cause I'm getting sick of waiting!
  16. D is for the "Devilishly handsome" face that showed up for the first time.
  17. Y is for Young Henry. He was super adorable then.
  18. I thought of that, but I believe the saying exists today due to Jesus' experience with the cross. Others were not well known enough to be remembered. I'm not gonna argue it. Reasons could be made for the saying in the EF, but it's just a thing that bugs me everytime I hear Hook say it.
  19. I guess I just have a hard time with the idea of magic and real-world religion coexisting. Although it could explain some of the stories from the bible, like people who are 300 years old, or water being turned into wine... magic! :P
  20. Hook's line to Emma when she's complaining about wearing the corset bothers me. "You're discomfort is a cross I'm willing to bear." I know it's a common saying, but unless Jesus was known in the EF, I can't see Hook picking up that saying in the real world. It also bothers me that even after the first curse was listed, the fairies are still nuns. Did all those years when they were going through the motions of being Christian make them believers? Not that I expect them to address religion at all. Magic seems to be this shows supreme god.
  21. They submitted it to: SXSW, Dublin, Berlin, Nashville, Los Angeles and Portland film fests. I think most of those are actually in February/March, some a few months later, so hopefully we won't have to wait too long, assuming it gets purchased. New photo of Colin playing guitar in Ireland: http://hookier.tumblr.com/post/106924329719/rebecca-colin-in-ireland-for-new-year
  22. I was curious as to what was happening with The Dust Storm movie, and apparently they had a screening in Boston a few weeks ago. Colin wasn't there. One of the producers said on twitter "we submitted it to a bunch festivals and as soon as it get bought it will be on screens nationwide:) fingers crossed!!" http://instagram.com/p/wshuTnPs2W/ Seeing as it's an indie, I think if they would build a website, post some clips, promote it a bit, and then harness the power of Colin's fans, they might do a better job at getting it released.
  23. Q is for more Quiet moments with the characters. Yes, I want to see them watching Netflix or talking about mundane things! Jinx! R is for Ruby! I want her bck!
  24. F is for Friendships - more of them! Snow and Ruby, Emma and Ruby, Belle and Hook, Hook and Charming, Hook and Will, Charming and Will...
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