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Everything posted by WhosThatGirl

  1. I don’t know if Edgar is going to be dead by seasons end, I have a bad feeling about them keeping this cult thing around for another season now that they have locked down CMM. also im assuming by Corey, you mean Casey? Also i thought cole did pretty good. And yes I agree this episode was more glee like than last year’s musical and it was odd. Im unsure how I feel about the last number. That was strange. At one point I was seriously thinking that the kids were all in a cult like trance and now they’re inducted. It was just odd to me. Especially with all the reactions from the non cult members, like the Jones and the Lodges looked kind of freaked out and then no one but the cult members were clapping. It didn’t make sense. I said it in the spoiler thread that maybe the show should have leaned into that more and had them all get drugged up by Evelyn and performing this song that they turned creepy into a cult song.. because it was just really random to me.. I mean I know Riverdale is a lot of the time but this was.. I can’t even explain it.
  2. Well Kevin called him out on this last season during the therapy episode and said while Randall is bringing in his biological father to live with him and then a foster daughter, he’s losing sight of his daughter and then Randall got angry because he assumed that this was Kevin’s way of deflecting that Tess could have gotten hurt while Kevin was drinking and driving but I don’t think it was, I think Kevin was making a point; Randall always acts and doesn’t think about the consequences.
  3. Well yeah, as I said once he stated that was reason I was like oh that makes sense but veronica being like “no family is family” is like.. what are you talking about? The writing for veronica is off the charts lately. It was consistent at the start of this season. Now they don’t seem to know what to do with her because they can’t fit her anywhere. She works well with Betty-Hell as much as we lack beronica friendship scenes, at least I know veronica cares about Betty. Kevin who is a best friend of hers is a terrible person and friend to her- but unfortunately veronica hasn’t seemed to fit well in the core four as of late. Even the one they had the episode before this was one was so short and it didn’t make sense. Jughead tolerates her at best(I don’t understand people who ship that romance, he hardly interacts with her except for the noir episode and the episode where she gave the serpents jobs) and Archie and she are broken up and don’t talk either. It’s strange. She doesn’t have a place. I feel bad but it’s harder and harder to care for a character where the emotions are off the charts and don’t add up. Also we never got the Toni and Betty scene that was shown in promotional stills for this episode.
  4. I think it was her parents. I’m not a Reggie fan as I’ve said and I don’t find that hot, I know I’m alone there.
  5. Yeah, ever since the back half of this season all her reactions and emotions have been super off. They were writing her pretty consistent and her behavior towards her parents and then they kind of lost that because she’s no longer dating Archie she doesn’t have a reason to detests her parents? And she’s back to being a mob daughter? Okay...
  6. I’m kind of meh on Varchie. But I do think Archie got treated badly by both veronica and Reggie. And like I said I don’t get the Veggie love. It feels forced to me and j can’t really see the chemistry and I don’t know why I jut roll my eyes at them when they are on screen. Especially with Reggie professing love.. I mean that’s hilarious to me. Also I can warm up to Choni again but I hope they talk a little more. This episode was really great for me as a Bughead shipper. Their scenes in the trailer was beyond epic.
  7. Right? I knew it was probably going to be a rebound thing for Archie but then they got togetrher and then they announced the spin off and here we are. I mean look Bughead owns my heart(their scenes tonight were amazing.. they are the best ship on this show) but Josie and Archie are a close second.
  8. Yup, it makes me sad that they’ve out effort into this relationship when we all know it’s on a timer. It’s really strange to me. But whatever.
  9. Bughead was the highlight for me. Not CMM like many others. I don’t really like him so.. but Bughead for the win. They really are the only reason I’m still here as I say. As I said I thought the musical last year was a much better episode.
  10. The intro.. love Hermione trying to be a mayor and not let heathers happen. Ugh.. I’m sorry not digging the Veggie of this. Because of course veronica has to be in love with Reggie now. Of course she does. Aw Bughead singing. They continue to be the best part of this show to me. Although I have to say the intro is kind of cringe worthy. The one last year was much better in my opinion. Eh.. is it bad that I didn’t like the opening? Okay well at least they clear up that Choni has broken up. Also Kevin is a great director that just allows people to choose what roles they want. Love betty losing her mind over Kevin asking Evelyn to be his co director because he always directs the musical. Like that only one he did. Ha. Odd scene to have Reggie act like he and Archie are best friends. This show needs conversation scenes. Also Cheryl looked super happy when Kevin was like “so we need a choreographer..” like he was going to say someone she would have liked until he said Toni. Also yeah.. at this point I just assumed Toni has moved out of Cheryl’s house into the farm because otherwise, isn’t it stupid for Kevin to make Toni the choreographer knowing she and Cheryl just broke up and Cheryl won’t listen to her and is Toni really the best dancer? Whatever. Evelyn doing cult things to the actors. Seriously Kevin is a moron for thinking Cheryl would do anything Toni wants her to do is laughable. Candy store was good. But also maybe I’m over the Choni relationship but by the time it became a Choni fight song I was done. I’m so over them. Both of them are annoying. Betty confronting Evelyn, she isn’t wrong but I really wish she would let go of the farm. Also she’s going to have a big party for the cast! And in costumes! Aw the Jones trailer got taken. So the Lodges are getting separated. Okay a little too late. Also why is veronica acting shocked? Also of Course this is what will drive veronica to confess feelings for Reggie. This is really stupid. Also wasn’t Hiram sort of already aware of the drug thing? Confusing. So Evelyn’s dad doesn’t care if she parties. Maybe because my theory is he isn’t really her dad he adopted her so he could have a teen to get teen kids to join his cult. I wouldn’t drink anything at this party. Evelyn is probably drugging them all. And obviously Reggie and Veronica are going to hook up again. And sweet pea catches Archie and Josie together. So Evelyn is going to try and get Cheryl into the cult? Yup. Veggie is in bed together. Reggie says endgame and Veronica looks.. well she doesn’t answer just kisses him. I mean I would feel bad for Reggie if I liked him but I don’t really and Veggie is just ridiculous to me at this point. So Evelyn put fizzle rocks in that brownie or cake or whatever she gave Kevin, right and he saw midge on the wall? You know again I have to bring up anyone who joins the farm I don’t give a damn about and I wish betty didn’t either. Because if she didn’t I wouldn’t worry for her safety. Ugh, Evelyn is trying to get everyone’s secrets. Fangs and Kevin both see midges ghosts. Sweet pea is Confesisng his love for Josie. Aw betty is happy for Archie, (but didn’t she know already? Kind of odd no one knew but also a good meta commentary on how no one talks to anyone anymore on this show)everyone else is not. Also Veronica announcing about her parents.. ew to Evelyn. Aw Josie is mad about everyone finding out. Aw now she’s breaking up with him. Well that’s the end. Also hey Reggie being smart about Veronica’s reason for hooking up. And yay the show isn’t making it like Veronica’s in love with him now. Thank you for that. Don’t ruin it by the end of the episode. Seriously I.. hate both Cheryl and Toni in this episode. This episode feels like a Choni episode. The talk of them getting zero screen time should stop now. Bughead scene being adorable. Jughead asking if she wants to go hunting with him.. squeal. Seriously what the hell is the cult doing? Are they marrying Kevin and fangs in the cult? What. The. Hell? Also so the “select” cast members were random extras(I didn’t see anyone notable there so someone correct me if I’m wrong) Fangs(who is he playing in the musical), the director Kevin and Evelyn the co director. Yup a very select rehearsal. Archie in the gym and Josie stops by. I really like them, it’s a shame there’s an egg timer on them. They sing well together too. So... they’re together now? Oh betty weatherbee won’t help you at all. He’s in the cult too because of course he is. Hey look toni and Cheryl having a conversation. And people say these types of things would be boring. No. Things need to be talked about. This was a good scene. Aw, Jughead is sad about the trailer. And hey look betty and Jughead are having a conversation too!!!! And they start singing. Aw I like this song, I wish it could have just been a Bughead duet though. But Bughead for the win in this scene. I mean I liked that Choni actually had a conversation. I wish there more scenes like that. Aw Jughead really wants the trailer back. Okay now it makes sense why hiram wants a divorce, Hermione did try to kill him but veronica being like “dad family is family!” Uh.. huh? You sound real stupid. And now veronica sings a solo and is probably going to be like “I love Reggie”. Or she’s going to invite her parents to the musical? At this point I’ve decided that almost everyone is now wrapped up in The cult and this is part of the plan. Gladys being a lying liar about the drugs. So Jughead was never really in the musical, just an ending song for a minute. Aw Jughead and Betty burning the trailer. And that scene. Also love that betty fixes all get problems by fire. So the ending scene was a cult thing? Kind of odd that Alice wasn’t in this episode, seemed like a big moment for the cult plot.Well at least all the kids looked freaked out.. except for Evelyn and probably Kevin. Honestly this was okay.. I liked the Bughead moments. Not sure we will get another episode with as many but hopefully we will. I liked last year’s musical episode better though.
  11. Is it strange that I didn’t like Randall or Beth tonight? Both bugged me in different ways. Again kind of bored by this episode. It’s strange. I used to really love this show and now I’m just.. everything is so predictable. In a bad way. I predicated a whole bunch of things were going to happen in this episode one after Randall made the terrible voice mail, Beth would pull up and he would be all “don’t listen to your voice mail, or 2 she got into some kind of an accident or 3 when she did show up even before she had a bad tone I knew she had heard the voicemail. Nothing about any of what went down with them was shocking. I’m kind of over them. The flashbacks are so out of place this season. I know they tried to connect them with Kevin and Sophie but again the flashbacks aren’t working for me this season.
  12. I mean they all on this show are playing a game but for Raquel she really seems to be eating up this sweet nice girl personality and I don’t think that’s the case. I’m sorry but I find her kind of fake. Maybe I’m wrong but something just strikes me off about her. But everyone on this show is playing a part to me. But tge reason I brought up Raquel was because she seems to be getting the sweet nice girl thing said about her and I don’t buy it. Even the aftershows with all the cast members and how proud they are for her speaking up.. like ew. Sorry no thanks. I can’t get behind it. I hated that I sort of agreed wit Jax eye rolling to FI in the after show video when he was talking about her. And maybe it was Lalas friend but Raquel has talked about Lalas dad before hasn’t she? Either way she shouldn’t have responded to Lalas friend about it.
  13. I disagree that Lisa not liking Kristen will never get old. It’s old to me and it’s tired and it’s dumb. And she should get over it because Lisa isn’t that great and high and mighty and from someone who doesn’t watch Real housewives but hears his she is on thatbshow, she’s a snake.
  14. Again I can’t root for James pen billie. I will never root for Jakes and calling him an underdog just bothers me. Like ugh. And FI Tom isn’t anyone I would take suggestions from so rooting for James, Sorry Tom, no. Also yes Lala flying off the handle about her father is a problem but Raquel did start talking about it. Maybe if you aren’t friends with someone don’t talk about something like that an open arena with others. In that sense I agree with Lala that that was a stupid dumb move on Raquel’s part. And I know some people like Raquel but lately I’m starting to think she’s playing the reality TV game, i feel Like she knew if she started talking about Lala and her dad it would get her camera time. So yeah I think raquel is a lot smarter than we think by her choices but I honestly still stand by she also makes stupid choices too. And again Lala needs to deal with her fathers death in a better way but is there a handbook on grief? If so someone pick that up for me please. And yeah I’m totally anticipating you all to quote my post and tell me I’m wrong but having never been in the situation that lala was in (been pretty close though) who knows how I would react. Raquel isn’t a sweet girl actually is what I’m coming back with after last nights episode she knows how to push buttons. Again it’s hard to be on anyone’s side. Even sweet little Raquel.
  15. Eh I can’t root for Billie at all. She’s entitled and thinks she’s deserving of everything because she’s transgender. You know what she Also is? A horrible mean person as well. One does not exclude the other. She’s mean and rude. And hi I don’t know what it is like to be transgender so I will not say that I do but I do know she likes to use that for her reasoning of things and while I do t know what it’s like to be transgender I happen to know what it’s like to have an attribute that causes exclusion, I happen to be handicapped physically and things and people have been excluding to me me because of it. That said sometimes I’m aware that that is not the only reason why I’m not asked to things or what have you. I also know this doesn’t give me a right to feel entitled to certain things and Billie thinks her exclusion does when sometimes that isn’t the case.
  16. Well you know Billie invented brunch like James invented Tuesday’s at SUR.
  17. The best moment was Stassi telling Schena her enchiladas were good. Everything else was just.. a lot of yelling. And while I’m all about yelling in episodes not for every second of one episode. That’s all this was. It gave me a headache.
  18. True to the characters and what they see, as viewers we have evidence that she isn’t at all from the very start of the series and the way she treated and talked to Betty. It wasn’t okay or normal. Also I could see more redeeming for Cheryl at least in season 2 because it’s how she was raised and they were making her better.. they have completely ruined that this season I agree but Alice I’m sorry is beyond repair for me. To me people bring up last season as being Alices best season.. which really? No. In the beginning she was still anti serpents until they helped her and then she chose Chic over Betty and didn’t even consider bettys safety and fears. Yup that was such a great Alice season. It also doesn’t help that the show itself doesn’t acknowledge any of the things they have Alice do and seem to forget it because now in the series as someone else has said they write for just the plot and not any story or development. We go from point Ato point z with no in explanations anymore. It makes no sense. It makes Betty look like a doormat when it comes to her relationship with her mother and even sister at this point. The things Alice has done and is doing this season is beyond awful and the baseline should be eroded at this point in terms of Betty.She lives in a really terrible household and she gets tortured each and every season, every week because of t. It stopped being fun to watch. But whatever.. none of the characters one remember Alice being terrible in this show, so as viewers we shouldn’t either. But it’s bad. I don’t see a baseline for Alice being a normal concerned mother. But again I’m only one viewer. I know Alice is going to be around for a while because I’m aware the show likes the actress and lets be real Falice isn’t over(I wish it was) the show has put some stock into them it seems like and I fully expect there to be some stupid love triangle with FP Gladys and Alice. Again Gladys is awful but so is alice. And also yeah betty isn’t the only one with terrible parents. He unlike the others, aside from her dad the killer and even then the show is making it seem like he’s the only person who gets her, the Lodges are shown to be bad parents(even when and if veronica stands by them we are shown they are bad), same with Cheryl’s mother. Even Toni got to say her uncle was an awful human being. And Jughead gets to say that about his mom. Betty doesn’t get to say that about either of her parents!
  19. I mean yeah.. college would have been better. Having them in high school is really bothersome and a problem when they try to work it in.
  20. Maybe they are trying to write them as in love but my viewing point doesn’t see that and I’m allowed to see it that way. Also they can’t redeem Alice. She’s been awful for every point of this series. It’s not just the farm this season. She has always treated Betty awful beyond belief. It’s odd people forget this. One of the parents is for sure going to have to step up and be better. I’m not sure who it will be. I mean we still have Tom Kevin’s sad but considering he doesn’t even notice his son is in a cult doesn’t really bode well. And I think FP is always hit or miss, case in point they change his character every episode lately. Alice.. never. I mean they will probably try but let’s be real rnxtbseason she’s going to do something awful to Betty too. And the Lodges won’t be good as they are our cartoonishly villain parents. I think it might have to be FP and that will be strange because it’s not like he hasn’t been awful at times but because Tom and even Sierra are secondary parent characters we can’t count on them to be our focal good parent.. we still have Archie’s mom but who knows what they plan to do with her.
  21. They have had a few scenes Toft she’s I think and then even things alluding to them being a couple so. I’m unsure if betty or Jughead know. I think betty might? She knows they hooked up a few times last season. And the scene when Alice and FP burned the g and g game book, Bughead walked into the trailer and both FP and Alice were standing there, sometimes I think with certain scenes like that it was implied that FP and Alice had just hooked up, even if we weren’t shown, there was another scene like that this season in episode 2when Bughead walked into the Cooper house and Falice was there. So I just assume they’ve been hooking up this whole time. Also I’m pretty sure betty is aware there was the scene when FP climes through her bedroom window and said he was looking for Jughead but right after he and Alice shares a hug and Betty had an odd look on her face. I’m pretty sure she knows they were hooking up. Plus some of her reactions this episode when she heard The Jones were moving into her home. Jughead may be unaware but I don’t think betty is. Im glad it’s over but I’m sure they will start again. Because apparently they are true love.. which really? I finally watch the flashback episode and they just seemed like two teenagers who hooked up sometimes and Alice got pregnant. And the fact that the show now wants to make it into some grand love romance thing really bothers me. I don’t think they were in love and I honestly don’t think they are now.
  22. Yup. The myth of Jack is really problematic when you think about it in terms of how the kids are now adults. I always go back to the therapy episode and Rebecca point blank saying she never talks about Jack being an alcoholic because the kids were young when he died and she doesn’t want to color their memories with something bad that was just a blip in their and Jacks lives. This is problematic as we see because it does run in their family. Kevin is dealing with it(Kate could possibly as well but it’s clear the show isn’t going there) and he doesn’t even really understand his dad had a problem with it because he shut his dad out when his dad was dealing with it and his mother refuses to ackowldge it. No one in the family does. No one ackowldges any of Jacks missteps. As we know kate and Randall blocked out a memory of their dad being angry for a long time. I kind of feel like the only one of the big three who ackowldges that their both parents have had missteps is Kevin. I mean yeah Kate acknowledges every wrong thing Rebecca has done but with Jack.. never. And Randall kind of does as an adult but I do feel like not really. It’s hard to understand if he sees it that way, he gets moments where he remembers oh yeah things weren’t perfect but it doesn’t change his view point and we know he and Rebecca have been super close. Some of that was as someone else said probably an ease of guilt because Rebecca had met William and didn’t tell anyone. But Kevin has seemed to be the one who got his parents at the rough times. He didn’t have a good relationship with Rebecca growing up, he got into fights with both Rebecca and jack as a teenager. Anyway back to my point.. I do think Kevin is the only one who has tried to break the Jack mythology. But no one else even tries to see jack as anything less then. And no one will ever will and that is affecting their adult lives today in a way.
  23. I know I’ve said it before and I know I’m alone but I didn’t enjoy the WHM and Er final scene. Maybe because I just don’t enjoy their scenes because I don’t get it but whatever. Plus I mean nothing came from it? I feel like we’ve seen a scene with the two of them like this before, Frank ackowldges that Fiona is taking care of the family by saying she helped? This has happened before. Seriously I know I always bring up season 3 but that scene in the courtroom when Fiona was trying to get full custody of the kids and we got her monologue about the time Ian got sick and she had to walk to get to a hospital because her parents left her and then in that same scene we also got a faux Frank monologue about how he loves his kids and his oldest daughter Fiona for helping so much. That to me was a powerful scene. This last one.. just kind of a shrug from me. And I know I’m alone in that. It just felt kind of meh.
  24. Yeah, I have no problem with the happy grandmother being in the waiting room and not the lobby. The problem is as I said I think we were supposed to be feeling the Pearson’s feelings on her presence and I felt like the exact opposite. On the name thing, In the episode where Randall and Beth were about to have Tess, they didn’t know it was going to A girl because Randall told Rebecca he was going to name the baby Jack If it was a boy. But then it was a girl and they didn’t have a name and the name of the baby fan company had Tess in it.. whatever. So Kate naming the baby jack wasn’t a surprise at all. All the kids probably would have if they had gotten the chance.
  25. Well when this show does try to incorporate school into it it does not work at all. Case in point last weeks episode. It really makes you wonder if anybody who works on this show has ever been to a real school before, like the scene with Weatherbee being all to Toni and Jughead “control your gangs!” And the fact that the school allows for after school meetups of said gangs and cult clubs. Seriously making this into a teen drama constantly feels like it was a mistake at times, mostly when they try to bring in the school aspect. I’m sure some of it was supposed to be tounge and cheek like when they had the episode where archie returned for the Sats and weatherbee was like “you should be held back a year”like all the characters should, not just archie ,I’m sure that was the joke but other times it really does not work at all and I’m rolling my eyes. Sometimes you can’t be meta just to be meta. And sometimes I think the shows powers that be wishes it wasn’t a teen drama too, so that we wouldn’t side eye a lot of the plot points that have happened.
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