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Everything posted by BellyLaughter

  1. I wish I had your faith. Perhaps Lionsgate is being straight up about this and are paying people to do the work but I refuse to believe ABC is remotely serious about renewing this show.
  2. God this industry is brutal.... Sure, have some new showrunners. Sure set up a writers room and start crafting new storylines for next season. PS we just won't pay you and we won't tell you we've probably already made the decision to cancel! brutal.
  3. We have to endure this kind of BS just so they can launch Castle PI next season??? *insert rolls eyes emoji*
  4. I think Nathan has a fanbase that is almost seperate from Castle. Yes, there is some crossover but he also has a lot of fans who would rather eat their own poo than watch Castle! (And that's cool, he has many faces as a performer) but perhaps that needs to be taken into account!?!
  5. I do get annoyed when it is suggested the only people who are disappointed by this are "Stanatics" I am neither a Stana or Nathan fan really, I am a fan of the story this show has told for 8 seasons. It's being ruined and that's what I am sad about.
  6. Amen - just implode the core of the story and lose one of your best writers!! Why are they renewing this again??
  7. It's interesting how often a shows creator ends up giving up creative control ... Is that the price you pay to get your show on the air?? Sell your soul to the devil?? I can't imagine this is how AWM would have wanted his story to end!
  8. One of their senior writers wasn't in on the loop....that's just sad really. if he was kept out of the loop I feel desperately sorry for him and anyone else who works on that show who was also lied to. That's disrespect at its worse.
  9. Yeah much more skeptical about all that shock on Twitter last week now....
  10. Do you really believe Rob Hanning when he said he wasn't foreshadowing Beckett's death in this episode?? He knew, he had to have known...
  11. Or maybe I was just being facetious because it's all I've got left....
  12. That's where my mind goes....even if the LA spinoff is a go surely bringing in a FF alum would be like throwing gasoline on a burning bonfire??? Ridiculous and bizarre and just plain stupid. There have been fleeting moments in the last week where I have seriously wondered if ABC are trying to deliberately nuke this show so when they cancel it people will be so relieved they will thank them And they can avoid the predicted shitstorm lol
  13. 9 scripts already written in early March?? Lol Also goodbye NYC - I love shows set in NYC and loathe shows set in LA - so one more reason to not watch. Also, Summer Glau?? Really?
  14. ?????? https://twitter.com/sciokkyhuddy83/status/724527020961599488
  15. Both but I believe the writing was probably heavily slanted because of off screen issues.
  16. There were a couple of giant sized anvils in today's episode which leads me to wonder if this whole ABC cutting Katic for budget reasons is really the big blindside that everyone thinks it is. For Stana that is. I mean Caleb literally handed Becket the scissors and you just know she's gonna run with them.... There's too much to this Loksat stuff to lead me to believe that they were crafting a "season finale/series finale" situation versus a "how are we gonna write Beckett out of this" type situation. I think more and more it's likely that Stana wanted out....what the biggest mystery to me is why would ABC take a bullet with all the garbage that's been written and said in the past week when they simply could have released a statement declaring Stana's desire the move on. Regardless of whether it was leaked they could have still corrected the information that came out in the initial leak??? It would have still been a huge disappointment to many fans but at least the cries of sexism, Fillion bullying, Stana's a diva et al might have been avoided and whoever chooses too could have watched these final Beckett episodes without a fandom in meltdown. What a bitter pill to swallow and what a ginormous joke this has turned into...and not in a ha ha way. Surely for any future seasons of Castle to have a chance of succeeding ABC and Nathan had to come out of this better than they have -- balled dropped. Legacy ruined. RIP storytelling.
  17. I don't expect them to be friends but in the interest of PR I'm surprised it was allowed to be carried on for so long....people aren't stupid.
  18. I don't think he has followed him for quite a few years and I will always believe that AWM left the show because of the breakdown in his working relationship with Nathan....just didn't think it would get this bad for the show.
  19. I'd be surprised if ABC lets go of Scandal - I mean they are prepared to put Castle on life support because their programming is so thin on the ground. Shonda's gonna have a battle on her hands I think! Not that I don't agree with her about shows going out on top! Such a shame Nathan's changed his tune about that now....
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