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  1. Watching Kyle feed Cleve was vomitous. I seriously almost lost my lunch, quite literally! Yes Tracy, it IS possible. Because this show never allows plus sized women a happy ever after, and sadly you should know that after all these years. It allows skinny women to sleep around with the entire city, but a plus sized woman in a healthy relationship? Heaven forbid! Josh G disgusts me.
  2. So he's a toasted sandwich tycoon?* I'm not gonna lie, I didn't hate the Sharon-Syph scenes. Dare I say, it made Syph a lot less exhausting to watch. But then Mister William Nostrildominico bogged my high with his totally lame ass lame "I've got the quid...if you've got the quo" bullshit. I just can't with him anymore. I.Just.Cant. *"There I was, there I was, there I was, finding myself with a warehouse full of surplus eggs, ham, gruyere wheels, white French batards, and barrels of vegetable oil...and the rest is, how you say, histoire. Et voila!"
  3. You can bet good money on Sobbyn acting like she birthed Garrison herself. She's nothing if not predictable and tone deaf AF.
  4. I wont say I liked this one a lot, but I will say it sucked way less than most of this season's episodes. I still miss Bobby but I'm warming up to Randy, he's funny. That's all I got.
  5. Most of S01 I felt badly for MA. She was being used as a broodmare for her mother's power ambitions. But somewhere in this episode I started feeling colder towards good ole MA. She's sort of an idiot isn't she? I mean, how hard is it to see that she's being taken advantage of by Yolande, and she keeps treating Lamballe like crap abd she's really the most loyal person in MAs life. Grrrr. It's odd that she abd Louis seem to lead separate loves yet she's popping out babies so they must be doing the old 'royal conjugation' here and there. All in all, not as satisfying as S01 thus far. And I find Provence such a tedious character. Oh! Is the lady living in squalor, who is trying to pick pockets at Versailles, and who wants to steal that necklace, is she the former girlfriend/whore of Louie's father?
  6. By golly! Today was utter dreck, wasn't it?!
  7. Wait, I know I've checked out of daily viewing at times, but have these two chucklefucks still not gotten married?!?
  8. Good to know, thanks! BTW, canuk isn't a derogatory word is it? I love Canada and pur neighbors to the north. I would be happy to become one of you right now! xo Does anyone know why Canada gets Y&R a day earlier? I'm not complaining because @Artsdais over in the Canadthread doin' the lords work so I know when to bail completely on this show. But I find it odd that SHOW is a day earlier in a neighboring country. That said, I used to travel to Bangkok a lot for work and Y&R was on there in the evening snd it was like 10-15 years behind and it was totally awesome! I think that's where I got hooked on Y&R, then I came home and watched it and it was less than mediocre.
  9. #IHATEMARCHMADNESS ^That^ is really what I want to say right now. MM was on my TV during Y&R, and I just turned on MY TV at 7:00pm and MM is still effing on! 😳 Are there really that many people in the USA who live for college basketball? Every year its like this and every year I am mightily annoyed AF. Question: Is anyone seeing new episodes during MM? Are our Canook neighbors seeing new episodes or re runs?
  10. Like you guys above, I can't get too empathetic with her given what an absolute shrew she was to Olivia when she not only never met her, but also had nothing to do with Olivia. If you wanna be an.anti.bully proponent, you cant go around bulying others. It's called karma, and it always finds you..
  11. Stupid question buyt, did we ever really see both bros together in Paris?
  12. It's really incredibly selfish if these parents to force their child to sleep on a couch because mom wants to live out some free spirit dream she had. Why do these people even have kids if they are going to put their own desires before the needs if their child?!?
  13. That thought crossed my mind, too, especially since we didn't have a funeral for Martin, but the whole 'changed shirts before everybody got down to the street' was a little hard for me to buy. My thoughts are that Alan has taken on his brother's persona out of guilt for killing him and is heading for a major PTSD breakdown any minute. His GoodAlan side responds positively to Traci, but his BadMartin side just wants to fuck with everyone. Why he picked Sharon and Phlyylthe? Haven't a clue. This both are alive co ceot is interesting but waaaay too nuanced for JG ti handle.No way could he pull that off. It's definitely Dead Martin I think.
  14. I get what you're saying @laurakaye. It seems like everything these buffoons do is a shitshow. Huge plans, no prep, just waste money on a pipe dream that goes nowhere. For example: The large family home project, the family mission statement that meant nada in the end, My Sister Wives Closet, real estate licenses, a B&B, Coyote Pass, and now this farm idea of Janelle's. I'm sure I'm missing more but how muxh money do all these things combined total to? It's got to be millions. They're dummies, it's just that simple. The only thing that's brought them.money is selling out their family on TV, and the MLM schemes the OG3 got into. You're right,she plight to get a normal job with secure benefits at this point in life. At least try to recoup all the lost years she could have been earning income.
  15. BYW, did we ever see anyone re position that atellite or whatever it was?
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