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  1. If by kids you mean the barely legal girl he hooked up with the night before, then he probably does, but if you mean his actually children, I highly doubt it.
  2. This man is such a douche and is no better than Kathryn! In his previous post on instagram, he said he was at a restaurant with his friend that he likes to call "Tall Taliban" and they were getting ready to "blow this place up". The dude doesn't think and his drunkenness is obvious! It pisses me off that he would say that especially since he was previously a government official! It pisses me off that he would say that when my husband can't even drive down a highway without getting anxiety because there is trash on the side of the road and thinks there are IEDs hidden in that trash just waiting to go off. Screw him! Screw his friends too that stick up for this idiot and quietly sit and support him as he lures in teenage girls and college students. Any bit of respect I have for that man is gone!
  3. He does do that and it wasn't witnessed or even put on the show. This is through his own interactions off the show.
  4. There is no possible way he doesn't have some sort of night nanny as much as he goes out or as much as he drunk posts in the middle of the night. I also support single parents going out whenever it is suitable, but I do not support bringing home 20 year old college students in the middle of the night when it was court ordered that they weren't allowed to have other people over when the children were in their custody. I, in no way, believe that Kathryn should have custody of those children, nor do I believe she should have visitation. It is very clear that she is mentally unstable and those children don't need to be around that. My post is about seeing past her behavior and realizing that there is something mentally and biologically wrong with her. Sure, Thomas has no responsibility to her right now, but I 100% believe he played a role in her downfall. He could completely leave her alone right now and that would be great. I think that would actually be best. Someone, anyone, has to get her help though. She has reality confused with what is going on in her head (and multiple cast members have said this) and she needs serious psychiatric help. When you are so far gone, you can't separate reality from crazy and I believe she is there. She needs someone to realize that this not just a drug/alcohol issues. For drug addicts and alcoholics, they can make the choice to turn their life around. When you have a personality disorder, it doesn't happen like that and especially if it isn't treated or it is masked by alcohol and drugs. Her parents really need to step up more than anything and seek medical help for her.
  5. He is pretty much letting the nannies raise them now so I don't see what the difference would be. He is providing for his children (and doing well at it), but other than that, most of the hardships of parenting is put on the nanny while he contI use to seek out 20 year old college students. He couldn't even handle staying in with his children while being evacuated during the hurricane. He went out bar hopping. I say this though to say that's kathryn would be doing the same. She was not a mother to her children. Both Thomas and Kathryn used each other to benefit themselves, but one was too mentally messed up and young to see through that. At least Thomas saw that Kathryn was playing him too and got what he wanted out of the relationship in a way that benefited him. I am not supporting Kathryn at all. She has a long road ahead of her if she even makes it down the road. She is vile, but I can also see that she has a mental disorder that scores some sympathy from me because a lot of her behaviors are impulsive and a resort of the mental disorder(s) and alcohol/drug abuse. What irks me is that the people who need to be there for Kathryn and realize that there is more going on than drugs are failing her. Her parents are failing her and I think Thomas could care less because he got what he wanted out of her. She is not a victim in any of this because she caused all of this, but she needs help and people who have mental disorders can't always get the help on their own. The drug and alcohol abuse will not go away until the mental problems are taken care of. She is either going to end up dead or need a 5150 hold in order to get an evaluation started for further help.
  6. This is actually very true, and to and on to your last sentence, people with personality disorders are often very sober when they display these characteristics, which often come off as drug induced. I 100% believe that Kathryn has a personality disorder (and a severe one at that). I feel for her because I feel like she is being let down by the people around her. When you have such an intense personality disorder, you do not recognize it. It is basically left up to the people around them to say something is wrong and seek help for that person. It is not like drug or alcohol addiction (which intensifies personality disorders) where he person has to see they are doing wrong and seek help. She needs help and the people around her are failing her. Her parents and Bravo may have set up that drug rehabilitation center in California, but those rehabs are known to be fraudulent and do not help. Helping the drug addiction is not going to help the underlining mental issue. Thomas is a smart man. He has been around the block a few times. He got exactly what he wanted and he is playing a game with Kathryn that very well might end her life one day. He got the children he wanted while pushing the mother out so he could continue to live like a bachelor while the nannies raise the babies and he has his heirs. He lied to Kathryn about taking care of her because he knew that she would hang on to his every word because she was a gold digger (and he knew it). He continued to string her along until he got what he wanted, and then when the time was right, he dropped her knowing she would ruin herself. I have no doubt in my mind that money was pushed under the table and with Kathryn's record, (and might I say that women have done far worse and kept their kids) he got the kids. Kathryn totally thought she was using him to get the marriage, but at the same time, he was using her to get everything he wanted. People with personality disorders tend to be very manipulative. Kathryn got played at her own game and you can tell she isn't dealing well with it. She needs an insane (no pun intended) amount of help and these idiots don't see it.
  7. I agree with this, but I disagree with the rehab she went to. Those "Malibu" rehabs are notorious for being a fraud. I have dealt with rehabs my entire life (my estranged dad is a drug addict and at 52, after he gets out of jail, he is headed to his 7th rehab because it is a life long battle) and what she needs is a dual program. Kathryn is dealing with a two front battle. Dealing with drugs and overcoming addiction is hard enough, but it is very clear that she has a mental disorder and one that more than likely requires a Med to help function like abnormal human being. My dad is a narccist with sociopathic tendencies. He has always been that way and drugs just heightened it. It is a double edged sword trying to control the mental disorders while not becoming addicted to the meds he is on. She could benefit from a rehab within a hospital. They are available but they are not glamorous at all. I think she needs some support, but I also completely understand why people would want to wash their hands clean of her. Addiction and mental disorders are not easy and they are even harder on the family and friends who witness it. I would honestly think that Thomas, of all people, would understand what was going on. Kathryn is at fault for a lot of things and she has got to get control of her life, but I feel like Thomas eggs on a lot of things that make Kathryn react. Between her mental capacity and drugs, she just can't see through his games and respond like an adult. It is obvious her mental growth is stunted due to everything.
  8. I am sure there are, but I was mostly referencing real life and how he portrays himself on social media.
  9. He seems to get so angry all the time about how the show portrays him or how other characters portray him, so it would only make sense for him just to quit. If he needed the money I could understand why he would do it. If he doesn't need the money, there really is no purpose for it. He just looks like a fool when he keeps ranting about how he is portrayed yet he does nothing about it.
  10. My husband is in the military and is literally gone all the time. This includes months to years of being gone. When he is home he does not ignore his children or blow them off like this man did in the video that TRav was referring to. I cannot give this man props for raising his children and stepping up when their mother stepped down because that is what a MAN is suppose to do. They are his children and his responsibility. If the mom checks out, well, they have a father who is more than capable of raising them. He is doing exactly like what he is suppose to be doing and I can not applaud him for that. It is what happens when you have children. Also, if he is angry about how the show is portraying him, why doesn't he stop? He makes plenty of money from his every day job. This show is doing nothing but hurting his reputation. I personally believe he loves his children and wants the best for them. I don't believe he gives his all or even knows how to parent. He very clearly has not given up his vices not his partying lifestyle. For someone to have full custody of their kids, you eventually need to make changes for the better. Kathryn is a horrible mess and there are no excuses for her behavior at all, but he needs to recognize that those babies need one stable parent in their life to raise them. Right now, they don't have that. He has to play the role of two parents now instead of one. If he could just take a step back from the spotlight and the bar scene (along with the young girls with drug issues), he would be doing well. I think that is what's Craig was trying to get out. Thomas has been given the privilege to raise those babies yet he takes it for granted. Instead of just taking two minutes to walk over and kiss his children, he told them to get away. More than ever, those babies could use that love and attention because the attention you get from a nanny is nothing compared to the loved and affection you can get from your father.
  11. He is an idiot man child! As old as he is, he should have a better filter. Based on the video clip that I saw (and if correctly filmed and not completely edited), Craig was right to say what he did and he was correct. I am sorry, but polo is not a reason to ignore your children. My husband is in the military and they do not even ignore their children in formation when deploying or coming home. I swear he is as much of a scumbag (if not more) as Kathryn is.
  12. It wasn't. I hate to be so petty, but this young woman is not very attractive at all (very plain but extremely full of herself). The girl on the show was way better.
  13. I think my thing is that both Kathryn and Thomas are vile creatures and they should equally be held accountable for her actions. Thomas has recently been hanging out with a very young girl in her early (barely) 20's who doesn't have the best reputation with cocaine and various other drugs. This girl has been in the main house. This girl has spent the night in his house while he had custody of the children. I am not saying that Kathryn isn't doing the same, but I feel like he needs to equally be held accountable. I think if Thomas was given a drug test "truthfully" and a legitimate one at that, he would fail it in a heartbeat. Thomas is out doing the exact same thing Kathryn is or was doing, yet he has no consequences. He might have a beautiful house, but children are way more important than any house. Put that house on the market and get a house that is kid friendly and allow yourself to raise them on your own. He needs to show he is better than Kathryn, because at this moment, he is just showing that he has a lot of money to pay off lawyers and judges to get what he wants. I also believe that's Thomas enjoys pushing buttons as much as Kathryn does. I am not sticking up for Kathryn whenever I say this, but she is young, dumb, and jealous with very little experience in order to know to respond and just simply live. Kathryn's biggest issue is that she is bitter and can't let it go. She seems Thomas out doing the exact same thing she is doing, yet no one is criticizing him other than saying he is an idiot and it is typical TRav. She knows he still likes his drugs and alcohol, but he can manipulate situations so that he comes off looking peachy. People overlook his mistakes as it is just him being him. Kathryn makes the same mistakes and her kids get taken away from her and placed in custody with the other parent doing the exact same thing. Kathryn needs to learn to shut up and sit back. What is coming to Thomas will eventually come. She just isn't smart about how to take care of matters and let's her crazy show.
  14. They confirmed the hook up happened when Kathryn was pregnant with Kenzie. I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure that was the time frame they admitted to. I don't believe this was just admitted on the show either. I believe TRav admitted to it on social media as well. I thought that Jennifer and her significant other were just friends right before she got pregnant? I am pretty sure that is what she stated in a few interviews too. Maybe they were together longer?
  15. I thought that last season Thomas and Jennifer both admitted to hooking up?
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