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call me ishmael

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Posts posted by call me ishmael

  1. 14 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

    Not only that, he was also a flat-earther. *shudder*

    Not until this season. Michelle Not!Money was kicked off the first BIP season for dating a producer aptly named Ryan Putz. He broke both arms while jumping out of a window to avoid being discovered in bed with her. There was a reenactment and everything.

    Yes but that was a producer and was during filming.  If they eliminated everyone who might be with someone else from BIP it would have to be Bachelor in Paradise: this year with no contestants!

    • LOL 1
  2. 2 hours ago, waving feather said:

    Right? According to Jed, his ex Haley and him were not exclusive as well. So it's cool with Demi but not with Jed. The double standard.

    Rules are different on BIP.  On the mothership you are supposed to be seeking true love.  Here you are getting a beach vacation and if something unusual happens you fall in love and have children in the closet.   The producers had to know about the Blake business.  Yet they had them all come on.  I don’t think that would be possible on the mothership.

    i also doubt that Haley thought they weren’t exclusive.

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  3. 23 minutes ago, valen said:

    I can't think of a single bachelor that is universally liked. If Tyler did the Bachelor, and made out with different women multiple times per show, people would hate him too. I haven't really seen it help the guy's long term brand the way it has the Bachelorettes. Several have had HGTV shows, Ali was on E!, etc. Has that happened for any of the bachelors?

    Well Arie was on House Hunters International 😎

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  4. 35 minutes ago, nutty1 said:

    That part I get. What has made them superstars?

    What would make anyone buy something because some former bachelor/ette contestant shilled for it? None of it makes any sense.  If you allow yourself to ask questions that demand rational answers with this franchise your head will explode.  

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  5. The ending was obviously set up (why else would they wait to bring Tyler out till the end) but I think it is very possible that they both want to see what might develop.  She got all caught up in the drama with Luke and then Jed checked a lot of boxes and as someone said upthread she seemed genuinely surprised when she realized that she might be able to see herself with Tyler since he wasn't what she considers her type.  But I am not sure it matters much.  the whole thing has jumped the shark.  Maybe the will have CAM as the next bachelor just so we know they know it is a joke now.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Lyanna19 said:

    Um, could you ring my bell on where Batman killed someone? Of course I'm not saying that by his actions he may have done so, but he does have a high moral stance in that he won't, even tho by a lot of standards he would have been justified. Eg: Joker, 

    It’s not as if he hasn’t been known to fire weapons while flying in the batwing or bringing down buildings for example.  Maybe it is unfair to assume that somewhere in these cases people were killed.  But i have always taken his claims a bit like the Federation’s Prime Directive.

    Also i guess it depends on what medium we are talking about.  Deliberately Leaving Ra’s in a train about to crash into a building in Batman Begins seems a bit of a gray area to me.

  7. 7 minutes ago, CindyBee said:

    I don't think Mike ruined his chances by going on BiP.   Both Nick and Colton got the gig after a summer on a Mexican beach.

    And if Grocery Store Joe can do DWTS, for sure Tyler can too.

    I suspect that they are setting up Peter but since the new “most dramatic introduction” process seems to be to announce the next bachelor after BIP they may wait to see how Mike does.

  8. Well that was 7200 seconds I’ll never get back—especially when counting them down was the most interesting thing in the episode.  

    Both Hannah and Jed looked like middle schoolers whose parents told them they had to do their homework when they were reflecting on the unreasonable expectations that Hannah’s dad had about Jed supporting himself.  It really is unfair that they can’t go to the movies on Tuesday night just because Wednesday is a school day.

    But couldn’t we have more shots of her saying that she was anxious.  They could have made it 3 hours long if they had really milked that theme instead of passing it by after only 100 times.

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  9. 1 hour ago, ZeeEnnui said:

    I'm all caught up on Hulu and I'm a little bummed that there aren't more people posting about the show.

    I feel like this season has a really ugly vibe compared to previous seasons. Amber, Anna and Amy are strong with the mean girl vibes (Mollie-Mae isn't great either but she's not as aggressively awful). In past seasons when there's been drama, contestants have certainly gotten heated but the fact that Amber and Anna are so aggressive in their attacks on who they feel have "wronged them" is so ridiculous that I've been wondering if the villa is actually set in a junior high school and not Mallorca. I've read articles that viewers in the U.K. have been reporting contestants on the show for their behavior which tells you something when your fun summer show consumption tastes this bitter. I think this year it's really down to poor casting.

    Also, I know that I should feel badly for Amy with the whole Curtis fiasco but....I really don't. She was downright horrible to Lucie, and honestly, writing "Mrs. Curtis Pritchard" all over her Trapper Keeper was so deeply pathetic that I had to roll my eyes. Yes, you haven't had a proper adult relationship but you've traveled the world as an air hostess so it's not like you've only lived in one of those small eccentric English villages in an episode of Midsommer Murders. Grow up. 

    These girls do realize that while the girl code is great and all, they are still on a gameshow. Contestants are looking for fame (I mean, love, definitely love), Instagram likes and early skin cancer not staged best friendships. I miss the days of "I'm so loyal" Georgia from season 4. Despite her PeeWee like attachment to her word of the season, at least when Georgia caused drama with Laura, the hounds of reality show hell weren't leashed on her the way that Amber and Anna go after anything and anyone they don't like (which is pretty much everything that doesn't fit into their very narrow Instagram filter). 

    The guys are meh. Although I am enjoying the addition of Ovie who just seems generally cool and low-key funny.

    I say give the prize to the best couple on the show...Tommy and Curtis. They have the best chemistry of anyone in there. Plus, Curtis makes sure everyone gets their coffee in the morning which is reason enough to give him a prize. That and you have to appreciate a guy who scripted out exactly who his character on the show was going to be and committed to the role. All the bouquets of cheap gas station flowers to Mr. Pritchard!

    I’m a bit surprised you didn’t mention Maura who seems to be pretty bad—worse on my watching than Amber.  I think that when Curtis chose her over Francesca it was all downhill.  But i never saw earlier seasons so i have nothing to compare it to.

  10. 2 hours ago, Lyanna19 said:

    I think I'm gonna enjoy this one! 😊 

    Also @AnimeMania Batman has a no killing ppl policy, maybe Alfred influenced him somewhat? 🤷‍♂️ I like it tho, 

    Of course, for someone with a no killing philosophy Batman has killed a lot of people...

  11. 3 hours ago, PhysNerd said:
    13 hours ago, Stinamaia said:

    This is one reason people look at some Christians with displeasure.  It seems to me to be arrogant to say what is true Christianity and what is not.  The Christianity I grew up in emphasized love and kindness and regarded each one of us as sinners who needed God’s grace. The humble, the downtrodden, the  outcast, and the poor were dearest to Christ’s heart. Certainly I know that not all denominations believe the same and are much more rule driven, but I can’t regard them as anything but Christian.  That’s God’s judgment, not man’s. 

    My opinion is that both Hannah and Luke have twisted certain verses for their own purposes and both have passed judgment on one another. They do not have the same values. Who is more or less Christian doesn’t even enter the equation.  I think Luke sees the husband as the authority in a marriage.  He said that he wanted it to be the way he wanted.  That’s a clear statement that he’s not interested in other input. I think that might work for some couples, but I don’t think it would work for Hannah. 

    Read more  

    I merely answered someone's question. Nowhere in my response did I demand that other people must believe in Christianity

    But you did say "Christians believe" I think.  Stinamaia was objecting to defining what all Christians believe.  But there has been a wide range of attitudes among Christians since the primitive church about sex and marriage.  Some were banished as heretics of course.  But still it is a religion with a pretty diverse history on these issues.  No one said you said everyone had to be Christian.

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  12. 12 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

    I didn't hear him judge Hannah at all.  He didn't tell her she was going to go to hell or that she was a bad Christian, he didn't say he was going to blame her for anything that happened in her past and when he found out she had already done what he was hoping she wouldn't do he was instantly making up excuses for her so that they could go forward.

    When I hear someone say that they will forgive you for your sins that sounds like judgment to me.  Let's face it--and this isn't just about Christianity--but the whole language of sin is a judgmental language.  It was defined that way.  Luke has been saying that to her for weeks.

    • Love 21
  13. 3 hours ago, ApolloSun said:

    I agree 100%.  It's really as cut and dry as this, as I see it.  She wants to do as she pleases and live the life she was taught by Cosmopolitan magazine and somehow be praised for it by everyone who crosses her path, without exception . . . even the guy that she claims she can "see a future with".  How is she not taking into consideration that a potential future husband is an actual human being with his own set of values and desires and someone who might not want to be with a woman who's just given her body away to several other men right before he gets down on one knee?  

    I don’t really like Hannah but last time i checked she still has her body.

    • Love 18
  14. Apparently Shakespeare was recapping Bachelorette episodes 500 years before they took place! A previously unimagined variant of Sonnet 129 reads:

    “Th' expense of spirit in a waste of shame 

    Is Luke in action; and till action, Luke 

    Is perjured, murd'rous, bloody, full of blame, 

    Savage, extreme, rude, cruel, not to trust, 

    Enjoyed no sooner but despisèd straight, 

    Past reason hunted; and, no sooner had 

    Past reason hated as a swallowed bait 

    On purpose laid to make the taker mad; 

    Mad in pursuit and in possession so, 

    Had, having, and in quest to have, extreme; 

    A bliss in proof and proved, a very woe;”

    Before, a joy proposed; behind, a dream. 

        All this the world well knows; yet none knows well 

        To shun the heaven that leads Hannah to this hell.”


    • Love 6
  15. 37 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

    Wiki indicates they got married during the show and divorced before it ended but it seems like they divorced and maybe married after she left the show.

    IMDB says she left the show in 95 so I think you are right.

  16. 1 hour ago, WritinMan said:

    Pretty good first episode. Lots of mysterious stuff being set up. I'll keep watching.

    I didn't know this was based on a book. Might have to look into that.

    There are two books.  Both worth reading.

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  17. 7 hours ago, halkatla said:

    I´m really hoping for Luke to win because he´s the only one I want her to end up with. But she has treated him badly too, always yelling at him and telling him to be different. I don´t like the way he talks like he´s ready to take all her punches and be her slave, no matter what.

    I guess I don't get this.  Basically the look on Luke's face seems to me to be "oh, I said something but for some reason she doesn't know that I am completely correct so I am going to look like I am listening and am sad."  But he is always sure that she misunderstood what he said even when it is exactly what is on tape.  He expects her to listen to him but knows that she gets to choose as long as the show is going on.  After that....

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