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call me ishmael

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Posts posted by call me ishmael

  1. 14 hours ago, Enigma X said:

    I don’t have much to add. I enjoyed the show more than most and am sad to see it go. I am a bit confused why Harvey was acting that way. I initially thought Scarecrow (mind control) was working with Jeremiah and was surprised when he wasn’t. With that said, I thought the episode was solid. Goodbye crazy Gotham!

    I assumed that Jeremiah said he’d kill Barbara Lee if Bullock said he was behind it.

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  2. 22 hours ago, nutty1 said:

    2 thoughts to ponder....

    If Hannah G had her fantasy date before Cassie, do you think it would have changed anything? 

    If Cassie didn't break down on their fantasy suite date and had acted "normal", do you think Colton would have continued the show as normal, and had his 3rd fantasy date with Hannah?

    No and Yes.  I think he was picking Cassie for awhile.  He was planning on following his contractual obligations with no complications so long as he got his desired endgame.  When he thought he might not have it his wires blew out.

  3. I think that the larger problem with Demi is that she shows how ridiculously--and foolishly--"meta" this show has become.  No one just comes on it anymore.  They all come having scripted their own roles in relation to earlier seasons and then try to put a new spin on it.  Demi wanted to be Corrine 2.0 but didn't have the skill.

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  4. 8 hours ago, ljenkins782 said:

    Agreed, but it just reinforces that even having Colton as a Bachelor was pointless from the start. The gaggle of girls who were 23 going on 15 were a match for Colton's 26 going on 12 mentality, but talk of marriage had no place in any of it. There had to have been a better choice somewhere among the rejects of last season.

    Maybe when this is all over Colton will go back on BIP and find love with Tia

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  5. On 2/11/2019 at 7:57 PM, ketose said:

    I would almost equate the Narn to the Americans, rather than the native people of America. Americans broke free of British rule and became an even bigger power. The British Empire then shrunk to a shadow of its former self. That's what probably would have happened to Centauri had Londo not met the Shadows. JMS tried to keep Londo on the knife's edge, showing how he could be taken in early on and how the Republic made the deadliest deals with the Shadows. Still, Londo was forced to rule over a destroyed plant by the Drakh, cruel but fitting punishment.

    I'm not sure that this analogy really works.  The British Empire if anything grew across the 19c--the loss of the north American colonies were an emotional blow but did little if anything to stop Britain from being the most powerful nation in the world.  I think we need to fine a truly post-imperial analogy with a nation that still thinks it is the center of culture.  Perhaps contemporary France?

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  6. On 1/25/2019 at 4:16 AM, treasaigh said:

    Can anyone help me remember why Dean Fogg made he deal with the library in the first place?  Yesterday I rewatched the last two episodes of last season and this one and I cannot remember why he made that deal.  Did he not believe the kids could do it? 

    I assumed that they threatened his students and the deal was that he could protect them.  But maybe i am just operating in a Fogg.

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  7. 2 hours ago, ae2 said:

    Critics love it because it catered to the zeitgeist. Read through a few of their reviews and you'll see they're almost exclusively praising the show for its so-called progressiveness rather than evaluating the story telling itself or the actual quality of the show.

    Also worth noting that out of the 38 critic reviews attributing to its overall 94% rating, only 6 of those reviews (15%) were written after October 22, and 27 of them were written before episode 2 aired. In other words, they're not really rating the entire season.

    That isn't to say the user reviews are fair evaluations either. The usual garbage is there. However, perusing them, many are more informed and provide better analysis than the critics' reviews. Here's a decent one that hits on some of the major problems with the season (all emphasis mine):

    Is it just me or is everything just being repeated.  I would disagree with almost everything that you have highlighted although obviously there are people who agree with you as well as with me.  But I keep checking for anyone to say anything new about this and I can't find anything.  

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  8. 39 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

    I got the impression that the Shadows and Vorlons were the kids looking to make their Dad happy and thought they could do that by "raising" the younger races. Maybe they were the middle kids who didn't get enough attention while the others grew up and went their own ways. But they were not left to guide the younger races.

    That is my sense too.  That was concealed because Delenn and the Minbari were convinced by the Vorlons that the latter were supposed to guide them.  I don’t think she ever fully broke from that mindset.

  9. 4 hours ago, ProfCrash said:

    Agreed. The Shadows wanted to sow conflict and the Vorlons prized order. Every 1,000 years both sides would look for races they could direct, conflict would emerge and then end. We never learned how the past conflicts ended. Valen shows up with B4 and is able to turn the last war around and it ended in a stalemate. But how that was achieved was never addressed in the books, comic, show or movies.

    There was a clear cycle of a war between Shadow and Vorlon agents every 1,000 years. Normally the war ended in a stalemate with the Shadows and Vorlons maintaining influence with a few races but mainly disappearing from the scene. There never appeared to be a real attempt to actually wipe out the other side, only stir up crap between the younger races. This was the first war where either the Shadows or Vorlons brought out the planet busters and started to actively target each other. I can't help but feel like we were cheated by the ending of the Shadow/Vorlon war because the notion that they were two badly behaved First Ones who needed to be schooled by their Daddy still irks. I want to believe that there was more depth to that story line that we were denied by the need to wrap up the series a season early.

    Essentially, we never really got to understand what had been driving a core plot for the entire show. Instead we ended up with singing telepaths.

    I am still annoyed.a

    All of this.  We spend 4 years being told that the shadows are evil, about 1 1/2 seasons learning the Vorlons are about as bad, and then it turns out that it's because they had to share an apartment while their friends went off to college and their father cut off their allowance.  Not a great look.

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  10. 51 minutes ago, hnygrl said:

    Nobody's saying that. Let's get real here for a minute and stop making it perverted/sexual. That's not what anybody means.

    The very thing I'm about to write about happened on Bachelor Australia. Two of the Bachelorettes hooked up. With each other. And are dating now.

    They are trapped together in a tiny little space, two, three, four to a room. They can't go outside, not even for a darn walk, they can't go clubbing, they can't even watch TV OR read a book! Not even a BOOK! They only have each other and their handlers to talk to. When the handlers go back to their hotels/go home if they're in LA still? They only have each other.

    If you're surrounded by stunningly beautiful men/women, and you're only into men/women, you're gonna fall for EACH OTHER. It's gonna happen. You optimistically spend maybe 2, 3 hours top with the Star (Bachelor/ette) and the rest of the time (if you don't get a one-on-one) is spent with your fellow contestants.

    In a same-sex-season, they WILL fall in love with/hook up with EACH OTHER because they get to know each other intimately well. They're all they've got. Nobody else to talk to, no books to read, no games, no TV, no outside influences whatsoever. They can't even go down to the store to get tampons or razors. The handlers have to do that for them. They're basically prisoners in a gilded cage. They only have each other for entertainment for weeks. Yeah, if it's a same-sex group? They will definitely fall for each other.

    After all this is basically what happens with BIP.  Everyone on that show was “deeply, madly” in love with the lead but throw them together with other options...

    • Love 10
  11. 7 minutes ago, Joe Hellandback said:

    They do, they need someone to come out on top, remember they don't simply want destruction, method in their madness. 

     Well, unfortunately Sky One has stopped showing B5 for the moment so I'll start doing Xena instead and let you know if they begin again. 

    I’m not totally convinced.  They need conflict.  It doesn’t matter if their chosen is the winner so much as someone wins and embraces conflict.

  12. 2 hours ago, ganesh said:

    So basically, "It's not the same as last time and it's different than I was expecting." From a show whose main premise is literally reinventing itself. 

    And if we had whatever 'connection to its past,' or 'whatever about villains', they'd be saying 'oh it's the same as it's been, they should have done something different.'

    Yes, that was pretty silly.  New aliens are great but we should have stuck with the old villains.  Return to educational roots was good but there was no continuity with the past.  And to talk about 9 as having continuity with a completely invented time war and alleged end of the time lords is pretty, pretty, silly.

    • Love 3
  13. One thing that I have always considered a bit inconsistent about the Shadows choices


    is that there big story line is about creating chaos.  But if that is true then they don't really need worlds just like the Centauri.  Anyone who is willing to engage in some sort of regional squabble could start the chain reaction that they want.  I can understand the need early on in the series when we were supposed to think that the distinction between Shadows and Vorlons was simple.  But ultimately it made little sense.

    Like others I feel strange putting spoilers on a comment but I know that some people are watching for the first time.

  14. 8 hours ago, DanaK said:

    Tweeted by TVMoJoe, a Vulture writer:

    ”DOCTOR WHO wraps up its first Jodie Whittaker season Sunday, and at least as far as Nielsen is concerned, it's been a hit. Overall audience (including replays) is up 20% vs last Capaldi season, to 1.6M L+7 viewers. And the move to Sunday has helped same-day viewership spike 47%

    Driving the DOCTOR WHO gains: Millennial women. The show has doubled its female 18-34 audience from its last season, and is now a top 15 cable show in that demo, per BBC America.”

    It sounds like he’s talking strictly about BBC America and not BBC

    Of course, some of the improvement is due to the move to Sunday (I’m sure the same is true for the BBC ratings), so it’s a bit of an apples-oranges comparison

    I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that it was up in England as well.  The Saturday to Sunday cuts in a lot of ways.  Plenty of people were upset about it.

  15. 1 hour ago, One4Sorrow2TooBad said:

    Anybody keeping up with this season's ratings ?  Since this season's premier, the ratings have been slipping(at least on BBCAmerica) .  Will be interesting to see if the ratings can come up & if BBCAmerica wants to continue running the show in the states. 

    Here's some perspective:


  16. 14 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:
    On 11/14/2018 at 11:20 AM, LuvMyShows said:


    Well, there may be a difference between what the "experts" say on teevee vs what actually goes on behind the scenes during participant selection and the matching of couples.

    IIRC, it was either stated on the original MAFS, or in an article I may have read about the program, participants are given a bevy of psychological/personality tests prior to selection, the results of which are used in the selection/matching process.

    If this is true, then Pastor Cal's statement may have just been based on two criteria he was able to recall "off the cuff," as opposed to being the totality of the criteria/traits used that led to them being matched.

    I don’t know.  Maybe viewers’ hope springs eternal but i have never seen any evidence that the “experts” have ANY idea that they know what they were doing.  The first few years the psychologist claimed that he had scientifically proven tests because of course psychology has worked out precisely what draws two people together.  Basically i tend to think that their claims of science have the same truth value as “my dog ate my homework.”  They basically decide which of the couples they think will be more interesting together (or who the producers imply will make for good TV).  And then they put them in a highly artificial environment and hope it pressures them into staying together.  Frankly i think they would be better of having Chris Harrison pick and it isn’t as if that show has a great track record.

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  17. 19 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

    I have a theory about the purpose of this show. I wonder if the whole point of it is to make people realize "instant chemistry" is a lousy way to choose a partner, and feeling "instant chemistry" is not a good predictor of compatibility (and conversely, NOT feeling "immediate chemistry" is likewise a poor reason to reject someone right away, because you may develop chemistry with someone if your personalities, interests, goals, morals, etc., are compatible).

    You are a very generous person.  I think that the purpose of this particular show is to try to cash in on the bachelor spinoffs and see if they can create a short term holiday version of MAFS to make more bucks.  They don't really want to educate anyone.  I mean really, MAFS pretends that it is some sort of "radical social experiment" when arranged marriages are as old as time.  The only thing new about it is that it is on TV, there are commercials, and the "experts" can't claim either to know anything about these people or that they are making marriages to bring family property lines together.  And the whole this is really up to you is just there to cover up for the fact that being picked by "experts" and being thrown in front of cameras is not exactly a good way to figure out if you can have a life together.  If they really wanted to be educational the "experts" would get on TV announce that the premise of the show was wrong and that it really is just a way to sell products and cancel it.  Now that would be something.



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