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Anna Yolei

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Everything posted by Anna Yolei

  1. Yeah. One of the things that made Wyatt stand out was his devotion to the women he was with ad being a true partner that supported them. Even if TIIC didn't speedrun her forced redemption down everyone's throat and was generally a better person, having Wyatt pull a Liam turned him into as much of a slag as his brother and ruined the one thing I did like about the guy. As for Liam, SC seems like a decent enough guy, but if they aren't gonna be rid of the character, they can at least give him something new to do. Like....anything besides whine and moan to anyone who will give him the time of day (which includes Thomas now apparently *sigh*)
  2. Kinda reminds me of the story about the set of Star Trek Voyager, where Kate Mulgrew took out her frustrations of the shit male producers creating the Seven of Nine character out on poor Jeri Ryan. She's long since apologized for her behavior, but this sort of "crabs in the bucket" type thinking is far too common in the real world. That said, you'd think if Li couldn't blame the shit as doctor who couldn't keep it in his pants, that she'd know a child who didn't ask to be here on this dumb planet is the last person to be blamed for any of this. You may as well blame Hope for being a stain on the family, and we know absolutely no one ever would say such a thing. ........ right?! 🙃🙃🥴🥴 Yeah. Looking back at the Caroline I exit story on YT, they never actually named *what* she was dying of until they wrote in her twin sister and then labeled it leukemia. B&B was real fond of giving characters cancer to write them out of the show in the old days. Susan Flannery made it crystal clear she wasn't going to be John Abbott'd into the show for perpetuity and she very much enjoys being *retired* retired. As well she should cuz she was carrying this show for years before she left haha
  3. I imagine I could tolerate scumbag Liam more if I felt that this was intentional on Bell's part, but we've been here so many times with this guy that I know it's not. And unlike Ridge, who has actually did have to work hard to win Brooke back in the 2000s after that marriage to Taylor (albeit with the writers putting a thumb on the scale on Nick's personality), Liam's had not one genuine moment of realizing how his behavior affects people. At all. At *most* he had one very quick moment of acknowledging his flake behavior may have contributed to why Hope got a jump on pushing him away after Beth "died" but introspection? Never heard of it.
  4. Sheila putting us out of Liam's misery will have made the last three years of her nonsense worth it.
  5. I get Scott Clifton may have burned some bridges in his younger years with ABC, but any karma due to him for being a pain in the ass surely has been paid back with interest by now for how little they let Liam grow as a character?
  6. Wyatt was never a personal fave character of mine, but the way they cut actors loose after years with no exit story or further reference has been nothing less than annoying, to say the least.
  7. True as that is, Sheila is very much that too--she kidnapped her first daughter Mary, changed her name to Erica and raised her to become the perfect wife to get in between Rick and Amber, along with everything else @Snaporaz said. Granted, the show never showed Sheila nearly hitting her as a small child but given she left Finn to die, her twins with Terrible Tom are unaware she's even alive and who the fuck can account for Diana Marone's whereabouts (assuming that wasn't some random baby she stole outta a hospital, which is certainly in her wheelhouse), I feel confident in saying she's no better of a parent than Thomas. I ain't surprised.
  8. Also, why the hell would Li care what the Forresters think? From her scene with Taylor and Steffy last year when Finn had "died," she didn't seem to have much use for any of them. As well anyone with a working brain shouldn't, so I'm disappointed that we seemingly have yet another character propping up the nonexistent virtues of the Forresters. Ho hum. Apart from that, Luna is her own person, not her mother and should be judged as such.
  9. Truly it is. I thought Bridget's Madame X phase was cringeworthy but I'll at least give the writers credit for having her take some steps in earning that by submitting her designs anonymously to Jackie M without coasting on her name. RJ barely even seems interested in designing and everyone is trying to shove a pen in his hand. Indeed. This is a company that consistently wastes time and money on their own petty squabbles. Remember when Ridge was so livid about Amber having a line at FC that he called all the boutiques to embargo them like FC was Cuba and the line had to be sold on QVC? Or the time Stephanie fired everyone to hire Taylor and Thorne, either of whom had any ability to design, to restore "dignity" to FC? Or that time where, after they stupidly waited till the last possible moment to have a courier run a payment by hand, allowing Bill to buy up the company, they decided the best course of action to get the company back was to purposely tank their next line so he'd have to sell FC back? Ain't none of them would've been shit if Eric hadn't impregnated got married to the right rich woman that funded his vision, so they can all go hang.
  10. While true, I gotta go with these two: And sure, she shouldn't want anything to do with Thomas either, but even his half-assed attempts at "change" that TIIC waiver back and forth on is still more self growth than Sheila has managed in three damn decades. As far as Hope knows,he's not a murderer and until another EP not related to Bell takes over, we'll never revisit the Emma killing so Hope is making the most informed decisions that she can with what she's working on.
  11. I mean, even if I felt an ounce of sympathy for Flo's life being inconvenienced for five minutes (versus the entire YEAR Hope and Liam lost with their child), any karma due to her has been paid with interest being stuck between the shitty ass Newman brothers. Next to maaaaybe Thomas, no character has ever been propped as hard as Flo Fulton.
  12. Speaking of which, if Sally ever does return, I'd love seeing her with Finn. Wyatt will never deserve to breath the same oxygen as her for that shit with Flo and Liam is...well, Liam. It gives Bell a triangle and one where the conclusion is not a forgone conclusion.
  13. Exactly. And while Hope didn't lose years with her mother due to her actions and would try to be more understanding of Finn's turmoil than Steffy, I don't see even this more pushover version of Hope reaching across the aisle to welcome Sheila into their lives. If Sheila wants to be rid of Steffy, she couldn't have picked a worse way to make that happen than pushing her son towards her long time rival, and a Logan no less. Yeah, I don't see how Thomas has anything to do with Deacon either and Deacon as far as we know is in his right mind choosing to marry her. Sheila isn't above intentionally harming kids to get her way. I don't see Thomas killing kids to get his way, his abuse of Douglas notwithstanding.
  14. In fairness, the Forresters are all weirdos that no one with a lick of sense should want to see their children hanging with.
  15. Also, didn't they already do this Taylor the model thing once before? You know, when Stephanie had her New and Improved™ (LOL) FC for a few months after she learned Eric had hidden the trust from her? And it was an unmitigated disaster. Given what I saw of him when Sheila had him captive I think so too, but you know we'll never get to see any of it with the writing being what it is.
  16. You're not wrong, but my immediate thoughts went to this: ...because Bell has no originality at all and I know he didn't learn a damn thing from the Brooke/Nick/Taylor triangle from 2006. Not being Liam hasn't worked to sell me on Sinn when he's as flat as cardboard and it won't work here either unless TPTB are at long last investing in making him an actual character & not a prop with the addition of his family. It worked for Maya and that was a character I actively despised when they did it for her, so....I'm game to see where it goes. My preference would be they stay friends for a while but I may as well give Santa my color preference for a unicorn than wish for that. I will say for as right as he is on Thomas, everything he said goes 1000 percent for Sheila. Thomas HAS had one moment in time where he wasn't a complete slag and seemed to understand the damage he caused, which is more than I can say for Sheila, who has been doing this shit since I was literally in kindergarten (I'm 90 percent certain I was put in afternoon kindergarten so she could watch Y&R, but I digress lol)
  17. I don't mind because at least then we'll be getting closure for his story and if they could kill off Stephanie, Eric ain't safe either. I feel like TPTB didn't kill off Sally because the character was so larger than life. I can see the vision with that, but it never gave us the opportunity to celebrate the character either. Plus, if TIIC hadn't been so short sighted to kill Aly less than A YEAR before the revival of Spectra Fashions, Sally dying and leaving half her company to Aly and CJ could've opened up so many more avenuesof stories, especially in light of Rick and Maya's dictatorship where Aly got bullied worse than Ridge. You know, who fucked his wife. :\ But I digress.
  18. I don't get it either. If she was a grifter, she couldve had Thomas at the drop of a hat at any point in the last four years. Where was all this hand wringing when Thomas was going to sig away his custody of Douglas for sex? As it happens, on on the S6 playlist on YT right now right after their famous St Thomas vacation and it is so blatantly obvious that Ridge was using her as a mess to an end to protect his dad and give him a chance to work things out with Brooke. And while I think Brooke should've went about her business then too, Taylor the World Renown Therapist® should have seen that for the bullshit scheme that it was. She willingly has settled for a man with divided loyalty from literally day one and only ever gets him when someone (usually Stephanie, but now her worthless children) puts their thumb on the scale. Everything you said about Brooke is spot on. I'd be lying if I said I have been a fan of hers since I started watching, but the extent of her "scheming" to get Ridge was her random--and admittedly very sus--visit to meet Caroline while she recovered from fainting at her wedding and hiding a letter for a day--and Thorne was the one who suggested it to her in the first place! Same. They're adults and as awful as his sins against Hope have been, it is her decision to move past it and she absolutely has (to my permanent chagrin, but no use continuing to bitch about that). Brooke's gotta accept that Hope doesn't see him as the devil incarnate and Taylor's gotta trust that the 20 minutes of therapy she gave him before declaring him sane stuck this time. Tough titties to them both 🤷‍♀️ Although it would be a little funny if Taylor and Brooke finding out the other was against the union is the thing that pushes them into supporting their kids once and for all.
  19. ??? Hope's body count (for lack of a better term because I hate that phrase IRL) can be counted on one hand and the only marriage she "destroyed" Liam walked away from months before she came back to LA. Where the hell was this energy four years ago when Thomas was ready to sell his kid for one night of sex with Hope?! I will give them that one...it's nice to see Hope dressing appropriately and not in he clown outfits they had for her two years ago.
  20. Given her history of doing exactly that towards Hope and even Bridget at times, it's not exactly unearned. Still, I never would've put money on her being more calm about this than Brooke overall.
  21. Out of all the things that have been baffling to me in the last few years, this one is at the top of the list, and considering Thope's continued existance that's saying a lot. Like, the dude was THERE in town when Sheila shot at Brooke when Hope was barely 3 months old and probably would've killed her if Taylor didn't intervene. I don't get it....crazy women can't be THAT great at sex, right?
  22. This is the same show that had Thomas and Steffy calling Eric by his first name and not Grandpa while Taylor was dating him ten years ago, mind you. I'd respect the show more if they will lean in to its weirdo premise rather than pretend all of this is normal.
  23. Far be it from me to discourage anyone from reading Liam for the weasel he is, but Finn has earned this separation fair and square on his own merits. Steffy could've been way more forceful for in shutting Lameass down but she has not been nearly as ready to pounce on him as she has been in the past so I dunno what Finn thinks beating his chest is going to accomplish. At this point he's just as stupid as Liam.
  24. Sad to say, it'll be the same old shit that every kid on B&B has: that their parents are the bestest people in the whole world and that their parents belong with one another. I bet he'll be partaking in his own parent trapping because if Scott Clifton is still on the show, you know Hope will have ended up back with him by then. Now, if it was any other soap opera, it would have very much been must see TV. I mentioned earlier how even in the very darkest days of ATWT that the writing for the teens was top notch and that their parents' bad decisions played a big part in their character, either because of their own and off marriage (ie Parker and Faith), being extremely controlling (all of Barbara Ryan's kids,but most specific to Will,who literally poisoned a woman to stop a wedding between her and his brother, and the resultant institutional stay affected ever aspect of his life after that), or just being able to be shits because of their parents being in positions of power (Margo's son, one who was arrested for gambling and the other an actual rapist). If Douglas doesn't end up hating the Logans like the rest of his family, that will be a minor miracle in and of itself.
  25. From the season 1 and 2 episodes I watched, I assume it was bc he wanted to maintain a close proximity to Caroline. But I agree with the sentiment. Felicia had the right idea to move to the other side of the world when she turned 18.
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