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Anna Yolei

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Everything posted by Anna Yolei

  1. Oh I was πŸ˜‚ and you're right that the the only recast more poorly received than Kaye's was this. God, what a complete waste indeed. His stance against COVID vaccination means he'll never darken the door of a California soap ever again, so there's that. They won't, since they already had Steffy and Rick boink and that would mean she boned a biological uncle. I genuinely hated that Bell turned what could've been a more compelling story highlighting Stephanie's hypocrisy and reexamine the revisionist history of The Logansβ„’ ruining her life into PornHub plot fodder. But then, even William Bell himself wrote a story about Christine Blair dating a guy with a strong possibility of being her brother where she didn't let that deter her, so..... :\ She was on the show from '04 or '05 until some time after 2011, so yeah.
  2. Thankfully, no. There's been some conflicts as to whether CBS or even Brad Bell's own mother put their put down on going further than a scant few kisses they did share, but it got cut off before it went further. Still, it's for good reason that shitshow was the watermark against which every other bad story was compared to before Beth's kidnapping burst through and smashed records like Michael Phelps at the Beijing Olympics. Hell, personally that wouldn't even rank in the top 5 of worst B&B plots anymore as the 20s have been bad plot after increasingly dismal bad plot and in the case of Eric's ED dilemma, genuinely offensive.
  3. Clayton Norcross was Thorne #1, followed by Jeff Trachta for ten years. WH was the third. And there were absolutely no other Thorne πŸ™ƒπŸ«  It's such a contrast to Ronn Moss who was definitely no Gregory Peck, but was a capable enough to sell the fact that he was a leader who the other siblings listened to and took guidance from. Thorston Kaye's casting may not be as bad as Charity Rahmer's Belle on Days of our Lives, but for my money even she would've made for a better Ridge than he.
  4. Facts. For some reason my grandfather and grandmother didn't tell anyone that our grandfather was dying of emphysema (sic? Too lazy to look it up). The youngest of the seven kids was already 14 by the time he passed. Had no warning, nothing. That said: For any other soap character and IRL, I would agree but we know Ridge and he can't NOT make anything about himself and I frankly do not blame Eric for not wanting to deal with any of that for as long as possible. That said, he's fooling himself if he can hide this from everyone with the coughing up blood shit.
  5. Fully agree. Liam and Wyatt served narrative purposes to being connected to Bill: Liam was there as Bill's son at a time where he was learning how to navigate caring for other people besides him. Wyatt was a foil for Liam and perhaps he didn't necessarily need to be related to him for that purpose, but the gimmick wasn't as worn out there. Other that having one girl permanently off limits to Liam's brand of waffling nonsense, I see no reason for her to be Bill's daughter. If he and Poppy were ever together, they need not connect that with Luna's paternity. Even apart from the very bad optics of Zende being Black....it's Ridge. I could easily see him pulling the same crap on Felicia's kid or Aly if she were still alive or Ivy. Or hell, even with his own siblings but especially Rick. But the optics are especially bad when *only* the Black adopted kid has not been told when everyone else in the family has found out, including the stepdaughter that Ridge hates. After that horrid ED story with Carter, I'm not feeling as charitable about the show's ignorance on racial sensitivity these days.
  6. I too am side eyeing this possibility of Luna being Bill's. I know B&B is not especially inventive in its story beats but adding Liam and Wyatt served a bigger narrative purpose than "Everyone has to be connected to the same three families." With Liam, Bill has to learn how to be a parent and have some sensitivity (as much as Bill Spencer is capable of such a thing) and Wyatt gave Liam a taste of his syrupy maple medicine. It's bad enough that Hope was the last legacy child that wasn't related to everyone else in the canvas and she was born in '02, but certainly there's some other way they could invve Bill in a story to keep his SAG card benefits I mean, Kelly is RIGHT THERE. This. Eric has always considered the Logans a 2nd family so I'm not bother Hope knows but as Kristen's son, he absolutely should've been looped in too. He's also more than right to call bullshit on RJ's fast tracking into a career he quote literally had to be shoved into versus the craft that he and even Thomas have put effort into.
  7. I do feel bad for those actresses playing two of the most maligned, hated characters in B&B canon (albeit somewhat intentionally for Nicole, at least at first). I've heard people say Edwards' acting has improved considerably after leaving B&B.
  8. Mind you, RJ is the only one of his maternal half-siblings who wasn't married before he could legally drink (technically, Hope never was either, but not for a lack of trying), so I find this to be progress πŸ₯΄
  9. In a perfect world, Hope would be done with Thomas once the crazy came out yet again, Liam plays hero and Hope will still dismiss him afterwards. Maybe if John McCook is actually retiring with this story, they'll have money to hire a new live interest for Hope. Maybe have her give Oliver another shot or something, I dunno.
  10. God, this. I want to side with Brooke on principle but much like her and Ridge's incessant squaking about Eric and Quinn a while ago, she doesn't know when to just STFU. Stephanie knew how to move in secret and get a task done without flapping her jaws every moment. Either Brooke starts working on a Plan B to break up Thope by contacting Oliver or Liam or ressurect Caroline somehow or she lets her daughter literally fuck around and find out, because if abusing her son and KEEPING HER DAUGHTER AWAY FROM HER wasn't a deal breaker to Hope, Mommy's nagging won't move the needle much either. As for Liam, I have to say that even for this show cs track record with waffling men, this is so ridiculously selfish and unhinged that it has to be intentional. He's always been a worthless waffling bint who flips loyalties on a dime and usually has to be pushed into deciding to be with one or the other but I could believe it was due to genuine laziness at worst. This OTOH is worse than any of the shit Ridge did to get in the way of Brooke's relationships and that's truly saying a lot. Granted Ronn Moss overall got more compelling writing but even through the selfishness you could feel a real concern if you squint. But Liam flip flops so damn fast that you can't tell which way he's coming or going. The reason why people really don't mention anything about Steam or Lope prior to AN's casting is because neither pairing was ever allowed to stay together long enough for anyone to form an opinion one way or the other to care who the hell Liam chose got saddled with him. And with the spoilers I've read about the guy...let's just say that THIS being the first time he decides to take action on something without being pushed or pulled into it isn't helping him beat the allegation that he's a bigger menace to women than Thomas.
  11. Especially coming from a character who spent her entire 20s trying to be married at live life "right" as karmic retribution for existing. Brooke and Deacon's sins were never hers to atone for. I've often said the sister she should've been butting heads with or been estranged from was Bridget but that ship has long since sailed. Didn't Taylor throw a shit fit about Hope using her "virtue" to win back Liam one time? After that shit, I had no use for her, since that was quite literally the only thing of value she ever brought to the table. I may not have been a fan of old Hope at the end but I could never see her being so cruel as to let Steffy thing her father was dying to hold onto a guy.
  12. To be quite honest, I'm midway through the Season 6 playlist and that Saint Taylor narrative was a lie from day one. Caroline was barely in the ground before she started moving on Ridge and she was pretty willing to accept Ridge after that Saint Thomas stunt knowing full well what his feelings were for Brooke. Hell, she could barely tolerate being in the same room as baby Bridget. I dunno, I'm no therapist but I would say that a stepmother who can't tolerate her husband's child has no business being married to that man and is gonna do irreparable damage to that child. I can't seem to find the clip, but there was one where Ridge, rightfully angry that she knew about Brooke's dad lying about a heart attack, had left and Taylor spends the whole scene screaming at Stephanie that Ridge no longer believed in her "virtue" anymore, without one single thought about the pain Brooke had gone through. There is honest no better scene that so highlights who Taylor Hayes Hamilton is at her core than that.
  13. Even if I wasn't painfully and repeatedly aware of how quick this show is about going back to its status quo, it's glaringly obvious that there's no Thope for the Future here. She's back to the Hope 1.0 "Fuck everyone around me, I got mine" behavior from back in the day and If it were any other man but Thomas, I'd probably be more mad. As it stands, it's the longest she's ever gone without wasting energy on Liam, so I'll take that small victory. That said, I don't wanna hear fuck shit from Taylor about how brokenhearted her precious widdle boy is when it falls apart. She couldn't be assed to come back to LA after the chain of events that SHE started by arranging an adoption without talking to Steffy because she was that hopping mad that she lost her proxy war with Brooke. She didn't care that her grandson was being abused--no one did, besides Hope--or that he was going to use another woman to make Hope jealous. Hell, she barely seemed to care when Steffy brought up that Thomas lied about CPS because she soooo close to getting Ridge. I'll say this for Stephanie: she had no use for Brooke, but at least she was equally willing to drag the men in her life for being stupid about her too.
  14. That's what truly gets my goat. Even in a poor attempt of selflessness (as much as Ridge is capable of it these days), he can't help but make it about himself. He is a grown ass adult man FFS. Hayes has better impulse control of his emotions than his grandad and he probably still sleeps with a security blanket. I am ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I've said in the past that I wish Steffy could be a bit smarter in her dealings with Sheila, but the fact of the matter is this woman has terrorized her family since before she was born, was the reason she lost years with her mother and is only reaching out to her husband because he happened to marry her. A sucker punch is the very least of what she's owed, and I say this as someone who has no use for Steffy 95 percent of the time. They've had plenty of better, more convincing opportunities to reform Sheila and never took them. I doubt they will now. I will say that for as watered down as Sheila has been after 2002,.I do miss traditional irredeemable villains who continue to be terrible for decades on end and wish we had more of that in soaps. I want to say this is out of character for Bill, but then I remember his own foolish ass behavior every time Katie begins to move on from him. I did think he was genuinely friends enough with Steffy and/or moved past his hate boner for Hope that he'd at least get Liam to think twice before pulling more of his weasel shit TBH. Honestly, this. They were able to put their heads together to expose Thomas at that wedding to Zoe, so why not let them team up on this now that Liam is no longer an issue coming between them? Women uniting to tear down another woman is a time honored tradition on this show and this would be the rare time that it's actually well deserved. 🀣
  15. ESPECIALLY Ridge 🀣 That said, there's room for him to do both. Stephanie knew she was dying but she was still able to be involved with her charity work, connect to her family AND slag Brooke at every opportunity! Jokes aside, terminal illness doesn't mean people stop living and there's no reason he can't have a final line to go out on his own terms. I will say Ridge's typical dickishness certainly isn't helping, however.
  16. I watched that film in flight on a trip to Hawaii a few months ago and yeah, it's much better than this B&B ripoff. For one, Ester has been wealthy for over a decade now so this whole fish out of water thing just ain't working for me.
  17. As little as I still care for this pairing, I'm forced to agree. Li's being ruined with this idiotic grudge wank, Finn and Liam are morons, RJ has no life of his own besides propping everyone else's drama and Ridge. Truly, the only unequivocally successful and good CEO they've ever had in the history of the show was Brooke Logan. And given how she came by the company, she would've been well within her right to fuck them over and run it into the ground the way Nick nearly did, but she made them all so much money with her ideas.
  18. Yeah. One of the things that made Wyatt stand out was his devotion to the women he was with ad being a true partner that supported them. Even if TIIC didn't speedrun her forced redemption down everyone's throat and was generally a better person, having Wyatt pull a Liam turned him into as much of a slag as his brother and ruined the one thing I did like about the guy. As for Liam, SC seems like a decent enough guy, but if they aren't gonna be rid of the character, they can at least give him something new to do. Like....anything besides whine and moan to anyone who will give him the time of day (which includes Thomas now apparently *sigh*)
  19. Kinda reminds me of the story about the set of Star Trek Voyager, where Kate Mulgrew took out her frustrations of the shit male producers creating the Seven of Nine character out on poor Jeri Ryan. She's long since apologized for her behavior, but this sort of "crabs in the bucket" type thinking is far too common in the real world. That said, you'd think if Li couldn't blame the shit as doctor who couldn't keep it in his pants, that she'd know a child who didn't ask to be here on this dumb planet is the last person to be blamed for any of this. You may as well blame Hope for being a stain on the family, and we know absolutely no one ever would say such a thing. ........ right?! πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒπŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄ Yeah. Looking back at the Caroline I exit story on YT, they never actually named *what* she was dying of until they wrote in her twin sister and then labeled it leukemia. B&B was real fond of giving characters cancer to write them out of the show in the old days. Susan Flannery made it crystal clear she wasn't going to be John Abbott'd into the show for perpetuity and she very much enjoys being *retired* retired. As well she should cuz she was carrying this show for years before she left haha
  20. I imagine I could tolerate scumbag Liam more if I felt that this was intentional on Bell's part, but we've been here so many times with this guy that I know it's not. And unlike Ridge, who has actually did have to work hard to win Brooke back in the 2000s after that marriage to Taylor (albeit with the writers putting a thumb on the scale on Nick's personality), Liam's had not one genuine moment of realizing how his behavior affects people. At all. At *most* he had one very quick moment of acknowledging his flake behavior may have contributed to why Hope got a jump on pushing him away after Beth "died" but introspection? Never heard of it.
  21. Sheila putting us out of Liam's misery will have made the last three years of her nonsense worth it.
  22. I get Scott Clifton may have burned some bridges in his younger years with ABC, but any karma due to him for being a pain in the ass surely has been paid back with interest by now for how little they let Liam grow as a character?
  23. Wyatt was never a personal fave character of mine, but the way they cut actors loose after years with no exit story or further reference has been nothing less than annoying, to say the least.
  24. True as that is, Sheila is very much that too--she kidnapped her first daughter Mary, changed her name to Erica and raised her to become the perfect wife to get in between Rick and Amber, along with everything else @Snaporaz said. Granted, the show never showed Sheila nearly hitting her as a small child but given she left Finn to die, her twins with Terrible Tom are unaware she's even alive and who the fuck can account for Diana Marone's whereabouts (assuming that wasn't some random baby she stole outta a hospital, which is certainly in her wheelhouse), I feel confident in saying she's no better of a parent than Thomas. I ain't surprised.
  25. Also, why the hell would Li care what the Forresters think? From her scene with Taylor and Steffy last year when Finn had "died," she didn't seem to have much use for any of them. As well anyone with a working brain shouldn't, so I'm disappointed that we seemingly have yet another character propping up the nonexistent virtues of the Forresters. Ho hum. Apart from that, Luna is her own person, not her mother and should be judged as such.
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