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Anna Yolei

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  1. If I were to slam Brooke for not working, I'd have to drag everyone. Liam I don't think has had any defined job since the release of Pokemon Go and Finn has such a light workload that he came come home to bang Steffy on the couch every day. 🤣 As for confronting Taylor, I don't know why she even bothered. Ridge straight up calls Taylor his safety net and that didn't get her to kick him outta bed. Being that desperate for scraps is it's own punishment, especially if the show swerves and ends up pairing Daphne with Ridge.
  2. I was against that idea for the sheer grossness of Finn/Poppy but considering how dull this show is and Luna is the only person this decade to shut that heaux up, I say bring it.
  3. I'm pretty sure Ridge was the President at one point in the late 2000s or 2010s.
  4. If any of those three stooges think Steffu is coming in any good faith, they deserve to lose control of the company. Brooke should damn well be smarter than this but she's so far up Ridge's ass that she'll do anything to get in his good graces, including letting Bitch In a Box back in. And Carter has proven over and over again that he'll fall for any pretty face that gives him the time of day that I won't be surprised if Steffy's stupid little plan with Daphne actually does work. Dude is always the layover to someone else's happily ever after and it's be as good an opportunity to fix Liam up with someone as he managed to spend all of 2024 completely unattached.
  5. No. No, they do not. This is the same family where Stephanie watched Tridge get it on, and when Bridget's entire family listened in on Deacon boink her over a phone call and where Thorne (a very recent widower) and Felicia (who had survived stage 4 cancer) were only slightly older than Steffy is now pulling stupid ass pranks on Donna as if Stephanie and Eric hadn't been on and off married for all of their adult lives--Hell, the first version of Felicia in the early 90s was very enthusiastically all for Stephanie putting Eric in her rear view mirror, which made her BS even worse! They're all insane.
  6. Bell's gotta walk before he can run, though ;)
  7. You know, other than those Morgan shenanigans, Ridge has never stepped out on Taylor with anyone other than Brooke, has he? Might be a great time for him to do just that and maybe, just maaaaaaaaaybe Taylor will clue in that the problem in her ill begotten marriages wasn't solely (or even mostly) Brooke.
  8. Better Will than Bill. As contrived as this shit is, I feel like this is--for once--Bell giving fans what we want by keeping her around rather than booting her after she finally got interesting. The show needs a fun psycho and since Sheila has apparently mellowed out, she can take her place IMO. Bonus points for building up the next generation of teens, which is very much needed.
  9. And this is why no one under 30 watches soaps anymore. I thought the show was exceptionally out of touch fifteen years ago with all of Hope's attempts to get married before she could legally drink but this shit? In the age of OnlyFans and where sex work is a big part of the gif economy? The show had a better grasp on this in the goddamn 80s when Donna did her tasteful nudes. LMAO!
  10. Sunken cost fallacy is a helluva drug :( I could squint and see it when RM was in the role, filling Speedos out in all the right places, putting actual effort in being romantic and was actually, genuinely funny at times. Now? Just go find a new man, I am begging lol 🫠 Truly, speaking as a California, nothing is at all exciting about riding motorcycles, especially when they speed down 580 in rush hour traffic while lane splitting, making merging into other lanes impossible. 😠 Uh. Right. A more impressive rich person hobby would be making Will a pilot. Or maybe a sailor who meets with a certain Jack Marone at the local yatch club since Will is related to nearly every other kid born within five years in either direction. Honestly, Brooke should've told her to kick rocks. I accept that request as the end of an era and Valentine to the fans (to use a rightfully maligned quote from thankfully now former producer of Star Trek Rick Berman) that it was but in universe? Stephanie had A LOT to ask forgiveness for. That aside, seeing Taylor's brain break when her best henchman best friend shut her out in her last moments was worth the price of admission. GOD YES THIS Please show, let Luna muzzle the yapping chihuahua for good!
  11. Oh come on, only Forresters get to be rapists and stick around long term on the show! :p I'm snarking but after the shit with Zende last year and even Bill's own weirdness with Steffy during Still 2.0, I would very much NOT like whatever *this* is to turn sexual between them. Perhaps she'll be a spoiler between Wilectra, which given her age would be a more appropriate set up. The show's last group of teens are now pushing forty so we're overdue for new young people.
  12. As gross as this is about Poppy and Finn, at this point I will take anything that pulls him into becoming his own character and not Steffy's Husband™ at this point. The only downside will be all the screeching and foaming at the mouth that she'll throw at Poppy and/or Luna and no matter their sins, I'm just....so tired of that. I already have a barking Chihuahua at home, I don't need to watch another on TV.
  13. The one silver lining about Ridge's recast is that we'll never see another montage with the song "Unforgettable" again. It's a waste of her time but it could be worse: they could be wasting Ivy in pining for Liam. Speaking of that little puke, I haven't missed him one bit but I feel like I haven't seen him since that half assed attempt to get with Hope after he learned about Carter months ago.
  14. Considering people were bemoaning the recycling of Bridge and the lack of any investment in the younger generation throughout the 2000s as the other shows were being slashed one by one (including the back-to-back cancellations of Guiding Light and ATWT in '09 & 2010 respectively), I'm gonna go with "No." It's come to a head in recent years but there's been for red flags waving like a bull fighting contest for the last twenty years when Bridget was the youngest cast member fighting her mom for old AF Nick with no other men her age and the show didn't bother to give Thomas #1 any story for the six years after his shotgun wedding to Gabriela. Instead they had Stephanie and Brooke carrying the show until SF retired and of course bc they had built up no other stories other than shoving Lope/Steam in our faces for the previous year, the show couldn't pivot after Stephanie was no longer there. As absolutely horrid as ATWT was in its death spiral, I can honestly say that there *were* things I unironically enjoyed that were worth watching: Luke and Noah and their pioneering queer love story; Will and Gwen coming together as two outcasts; Henry the oddball (who my mom thought for years to be gay!) and the sophisticated Vienna (until they torched that *sigh*); Parker Munson dragging his shitty parents stands in stark contrast to every legacy child B&B has had since Kyle Lauder!Rick and excluding Will for the time being, but we know the shoe is going to drop eventually. I have had no such sentiment for B&B since before the lockdown and frankly I hate that for what is my oldest fandom I've been apart of since middle school.
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