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Anna Yolei

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  1. And this, for all that I've grown tired of the Two Minutes Hate campaigns both on screen and among fans towards Brooke in reason years, is exactly why she continues to be as hated in fandom as she is. She truly learns nothing and ruins everyone around her in her wake, most especially her children. And all the while crying her stupid line year about resting or whatever the fuck. This isn't even the first time she's fucked Hope over for a man either. Besides Bill being Katie's wife, he was also her first bully, helping Steffy with her schemes. But hey, credit where it's due, cuz Bill actually did knock the shit off when he got with Brooke and made an effort to meet her halfway. Because that's what a man who loves a woman DOES. My mom was in a situationship for most of my formative years of my life and I spent every Christmas, New Year's and Valentine's Day from age ten to nearly 16 hearing her cry and moan about Mr Big from Wish was never gonna leave his live in girlfriend for her and then, when it finally ended when he couldn't even come by after her life saving surgery and he started flaunting new patsys at the gym--because I cannot stress what an incredibly insecure guy this was that he ALWAYS had to have at least two women after him--i had to listen to her rant about this guy for a minimum of one solid hour. FOR A YEAR. I suppose the only good thing I can say about my stepdick is that he got her to shut up about this jabroni. :| because yes, that shit weighs on you as a kid. It forms you. Its probably not the reason I'm asexual but between that TMI trauma dumping I grew up with and the shit in high school that was ironically compounded by my mom telling me that the worst thing a woman can be is desperate, it sure made me be at peace with not being married at forty. And hey, Mr Big from Wish to his credit was open about that BS arrangement, unlike Ridge who spent much of their early relationship trying to manipulate her for this reason of that one. And he certainly wouldn't talk stupid to any of us kids.
  2. It pains me to know how right you are about that. I don't want to conflate obsession with loyalty but despite having more problems than my 9th grade algebra textbook, when Thomas makes a plan, he fucking sticks with it to the bitter end. Normally, I would say she's headed out the door. When Bell runs out of men to put women with, they get shown the door. She's related to every other man on this show and I have the feeling that if they're gonna saddle Bill with any exceedenly inappropriate romance in the near future, it'll probably be Luna. But Bell has shown he is never letting his glory days of the 90s go and if he has to milk the fighting to their daughters and even their granddaughter if the show manages to survive long enough for that to come to pass, then by golly he'll do it. Which means he'll find more ways for Hope to be Meg Griffin'ed....even if he has to throw what little of Brooke's integrity under the bus to make that happen. I hate it here.
  3. I was digging through the archives trying to find something else, but found this from 2014 about Brooke screwing over Hope for a man. Some things never change, I guess. 🫠 Welcome back! 🫂
  4. Eight. And people have been calling Liam everything but a child of God for it because she was "on her knees begging and how dare he make a pregnant woman do that?! (Never mind that at at that point in the pregnancy, the embryo is barely any bigger than the period at the end of this sentence.) I am no fan of his and Steffy had every right to be mad about his kiss with Sally and overall pattern of playing savior with their history but having him find a paternity test in her purse and learning she'd banged his father the night they renewed their vows? What other reaction was he supposed to have? I don't even recall him dragging her history of lies and tricks to her face and he certainly didn't call her a bitch or a slut or a whore. It's that basic respect for women that makes me think Liam could be redeemed if he ever got to leave the Steffy/Hope tug of war, but I get the feeling with the Hope bash fest, that comment will age like milk in two weeks or less as he joins in with the rest of the hypocrites.
  5. The way I see it, she gets dragged no matter what she does. When Hope was the vestel virgin on the straight and narrow, she got slagged for being too idealist for wanting to wait till marriage. When she was in between Wyatt and Liam and married Wyatt after Liam failed to meet the expectations, she was called a waffle. When she came back into town for reasons entirely unrelated to Steam's impending marriage, she gets accused of being the reason it didn't work out, despite Hope encouraging him for damn near six months to reconsider. This in contrast to Steffy all but announcing the pilot light in her over was back on the minute she landed. Despite her own debilitating grief, Hope found it within herself to care for a child who was being harmed. She's accused of "stealing" him despite his father giving up custody for one night if sex. Even more ridiculous is Hope being accused of stealing her own damn child without waiting for a DNA test despite this never happening one damn time in the history of soaps for a baby switch story. Theres a great analogy I could use but frankly everyone is burned out on politics by now. Suffice it to say trying to meet in the middle makes no one happy so if the fandom wanna see her as a villain, then go for it. Make her B&B's Jill Foster Abbott who gets sick of being pushed around and let her be the thorn in the Forresters' side. As for people coming outta the woodwork to defend Brooke's honor NOW? LOL. LMAO, even. I won't bother wasting bandwidth typing out my thoughts on that fandom wise. But if Brooke wants to grovel and beg and throw her away for that sleazy ass waffle? Then fuck her ass too. I hope the next time Bridget's in town that she gives Brooke the slap she deserved the minute Hope's umbilical cord was cut for apparently doing no better by her and tells her Stephanie says hello from Hell.
  6. It's amazing to me that this show is on the same network as Beyond the Gates, one that gives more narrative grace to a woman who is now married to her former best friend's daddy than this show gives Hope for existing. And it's not like Hayley is getting a blissful happy ending --sge is very much in the Find Out phase. But the Duprees (besides Dani, the scorned ex-wife, understandably) aren't dragging her every day and she's allowed to stand up for herself for things like Dani breaking into their house on their honeymoon. There's a balance that has not existed between Hope and Steffy since before JMW left in 2013. The misogyny is one thing but the it's truly the one-sided wins for me. No character should get to run ramshod over everyone. It wasn't fun to watch when it was Nick Marone doing it in the 2000s and I enjoy him at his worst far more than I ever have Steffy at her best. @Waldo13 my app is bugging out and I can't seem to find your quote about Carter having his is handwaved but on that tangent: even if I believed anyone believed Hope lured him with her feminine wiles...why would they keep such an easily compromised doofus on payroll?! The next pretty face--and there *will* be a next one--could be a lackey for Bill. It could be Sally Spectra when she leaves Genoa City. Amber is a know grifter whose suckered in two Forrester sons (three if we count Marcus). Hell, it could be any of Sheila's daughters. And y'all wanna roll the dice with that? They're better off throwing a million on red at the craps table in Vegas than Carter not drifting away for another pretty face.
  7. I hate Tridge but if she's gonna throw away the daughter she brought into the world whose very existence is a reminder--or should be--of how shitfucked she becomes in desperation for Ridge, then fuck it, I'll be on board out of spite. Glad to see all the kindness and grace Bridget spent her youth extending to Brooke about Breacon were clearly in vain because this betrayal feels so much worse than Breacon. This is very much in line with the selfish behavior her detractors accuse her of being all the time.
  8. I'm here with everyone pushing for Hope to drop the little puke 2.0. She dumped the one she had children and built a life with, she certainly doesn't need to waste energy with one that kowtows to people who'd throw her under the bus. My one consolation is knowing one day down the road, the Tridge Mafia will throw his ass under the same exact bus the minute he doesn't heel. In the meantime, Hope can find someone else.
  9. Speaking as a millennial, most of us can't afford even one :( Nevertheless I'm glad for her and even more glad to have this place as one of my soap homes because in certain subreddit that won't be named, there are grown adults closer to menopause than puberty who somehow believe her being pregnant makes their speculation on this for the last few months justified (with one person blocking me when I said I had a lesson about that back in kindergarten! 😂)
  10. I'd be more worried for Hayes sharing DNA with Stephanie and Taylor and Sheila going cookoo for cocoa puffs TBH. It's still more work than they ever put into Flo (who I still hate, almost as much as I do Thomas), but I agree. Hell, why bother rehabbing her at all? We got a year of good girl Luna and that wasn't exactly setting the fandom on fire. Every soap needs that messy unhinged shit stirrer and there really hasn't been one on this show for a hot minute. Let her be crazy, it works lol Among other reasons, Beyond the Gates has been refreshing to watch because men who screw up (well, the one who has been getting the business thus far) aren't treated like stupid babies or slagged off as horny dogs that can't control themselves around women. They have agency in their decisions. I truly love to see it. Is it better or worse than Ridge trying to cry after he learned Caroline was dying? 😂
  11. I'm positive it was back when Hope got with Carter and he made some eighth-assed attempt to express that he loved her or whatever and she shut that shit down. As anyone should because Thomas or no Thomas, it was long time to be tired of his shit. @nkotb this site is being buggy and won't let me quote, but by "adopted cousin," do you mean Marcus? Cut if so, that adoption, absurd as it was, took place years after they dated. Still, you're right that she has no space to judge anyone just on Rick alone.
  12. Finn will never have enough insane relatives to ever get me to root for Steam again. But I suspect what will get Steffy truly back on her Liam BS is his ass kissing that I suspect Finn won't do here for once. Turning his back on a biological mother he never knew is one thing, but he ain't gonna leave his kid in the lurch.
  13. The best thing Bridget ever did was move to New York and Hope should follow suit, the next best thing would be to take her talents elsewhere and let FC be miserable without her.
  14. For many reasons in universe and especially out of it, I didn't expect Harter to be one for the ages but I'll be sure glad when Hope walks away from this. She's finally free of one spineless little puke and certainly doesn't need to stay with another one hugging it out with the only man who's disrespected her worse than even Bill did. I mean, Rick's tried multiple times to no avail, albeit in ways that made him come across as no better than Ridge himself. Hell, he was willing to sign a deal with the devil Satanie herself. It's funny in hindsight bc of he and Steffy had dated even a year later, they could've been united in their hatred of Bridge and perhaps worked together to bring them down lol.
  15. She couldn't answer it when Rick asked the same question twenty years ago. :| He was as parent trappy as Steffy in the mid 2000s and I don't condone his methods but he wasn't wrong to be sick of Ridge's shit either.
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