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This frakka show. While the hospital scenes were good for Maxie, Nina, Liesl and Dante, there was a major mistake. That floor should've been packed with cops. A police officer was shot. The whole place should've been crawling with uniforms. And Jordan should've been right there with Maxie. Nobody should've waltzing in and out to see Faison. He should've been under guard. MS was actually pretty great in my opinion. She isn't usually my favorite actress. Bit her scenes with Nathan and Maxie were very Nina and just lovely and believable. Liesl's scene with Dante were damn near perfect. She should hold Lulu partially responsible for Nathan's death. Even Dante seems to quietly again. He may not want to admit it, but he does. Nicely portrayed, Dom! Maxie should either be ice cold to Lulu or she should be screaming and trying to rip Lulu's face off. I would love for Maxie to bring up her lost loves and her bad luck with love. At least have her mention Coop. Forget Jessie, I can deal with that. But Coop deserves a name drop! Leave it to Lulu to make this all about herself. Nathan was a naive idiot. How the hell was painting a bullseye on Nathan ever going to keep Maxie and the baby safe? Yeah. Faison knew nothing of Nathan's existence before the article. And fuck you writers for this crap. First the retcon of Obrecht being terrified of Faison and he was Nathan's father. Bullshit. Britta's whole daddy issue was about how she wasn't the son he wanted. Now this shit about Anna and Faison? FUCK YOU SHOW.
Now and forever, Fuck off Sonny! And yes, show, Ava's outward appearance is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING for her. As it should be for all wimmens. <SkipperBitch eyeroll> Not getting back to her toddler child and strengthening her relationship with Lauren. Her face! That will fix everything! Now Nelle is delusional and Michael is just grand. Blech. Kim was great with Oscar. She actually sounded like a parent who is an doctor. Her rushing off to yell and Drew was weird. Why wouldn't she just question Oscar and hear his story? Best acting out of the teen who plays Oscar too. He really did look like he just wanted to die, rather than talk about sex. I also liked Julian with Kim this week. Who knew? Fuck off Carly and Sonny. Too bad this shitty show ruined a great chance to look into Carly's teen days with that terrible Reese/real Carly crap. It could've been an interesting story to look at. Have Caroline to go her high school reunion and run into the real Carly. Let it all come out. Have Sonny/Michael find out about "affair" and the what actually happened. Was C Benson a willing teen vamp or was she a troubled teen who was lured into a sexual relationship with her bestie's married and troubled father? It could be very interesting to see where Sonny stood on the story. Too bad Joss and Oscar have almost zero chance of having friendson screen. So I don't care about people I never met, much less seen. Why yes, show, St. JASUS is the bestest dad out there. He has never been around for Jake. But he "loves" him. By not being around. By choosing Sonny over Jake. Every time it came up. Same can also be said for Danny. I do love the fact that Jake was conflicted and worried about getting to know Jason. That he felt like he would be betraying Drew. Too bad I just hate this Jason is perfect crap. I think that I need equal time of Monica/Drew if I must be subjected to Jason/Sonny. Just because. Monica deserves at least one living kid that actually shows his love, affection and respect of to her.
What the hell is with Diane suddenly needing to have a say in regarding Jason's personal family matters? Why the hell are such supposedly highly esteemed attorneys arguing with their own clients during litigation, at the table, in front of the opposition? Jason was fine with what Sam(and Drew) could offer. He got his name back. He can see Danny. He can stay at Sonny's, the Metrocourt, Carly's old house, buy a new place or even move in with Monica.(if he wanted too) It doesn't affect Diane in anyway shape or form what Jason gives/forgives/loans his ex wife or his brother. What the fuck was that ungrateful snipe? Was Drew secretly pissing in her cocktails and she found out about it? Drew was also kidnapped against his wishes, bitch. And he got the fun of having his brain wiped and reprogrammed with his hereto unknown twin brother, the hitman. She can ease up on the bitchitude by about 1000 points. Speaking of Drew, have the morons in charge figured out any sane explanation of how Faison/Helena/whoever found out Jason had an unknown identical twin brother? Who just so happened to be a Navy Seal? I just can't with Lulu/ER. I'm sorry, but no to this whole silly idea of Lulu suddenly being a reporter. But Maxie has some gall, pontificating about self serving writing. When mere weeks ago she did the same damn thing. And Carly. CARLY of all people is going to be a prude about a dress on her daughter? BS. I would believe that Sonny would have issues with certain clothes. But Carly? Not that dress. It was sweet. Maybe a tad short for my taste for a young teen. But I've seen much worse. At the very least, I would've bought Carly having a standing set of rules for dresses/outfits. Knee length dresses. No cleavage showing. Maybe an open back limit. But Joss' dress was cute and fairly simple. I can easily buy Joss and Carly having opposite tastes in clothing. If anything, Joss should be a bit on the conservative side. Considering her mom is Carly and she has brothers she was close to growing up.
Nobody has yet to point out to Liz that she is dating/engaged to her brother's half brother. Perhaps all we need to happen is for Steven Lars to come home. If only to break up his sister and brother. At least couldn't we get a snarky teen Cam asking if he should call Franco, "uncle Franco".
The Aurora Media is just crap. Sure. It is all about giving Drew and Sam something non mob related. But the only points I'll give the writers is that they bought it/was gifted from Julian. It just doesn't make sense for Sam and Drew to even be attracted to running a media empire. Security? Absolutely! It would dovetail perfectly to their actual skill sets. Sam was a con artist/thief for much of her adult life. Drew was a Navy Seal and was a quasi enforcer for the Gummy Mob in the last couple of years. But media/entertainment? Meh. At least Nina loved fashion. When has Sam ever shown an interest in media? She wasn't particularly excited with her stupid special people show years ago. Jason hasn't seen, mentioned or even thought about Jake since Christmas. Drew hasn't even said that much since the big reveal and promises of how he was still going to be in Jake's life. I don't even think that Drew even mentioned getting Jake(or Clay and Ashton) gifts. If the show wants drama, then why not do a troubled child story? Jake could easily touch on forcing Jason to step up as a parent. Danny is an easy young kid. He is cool with having 2 Dads. Jake has actual issues and realistic insecurities. And he should be fighting Jason. But Jason needs to learn how to actually deal with a kid who is screaming about not needing Jason. When in actuality he will need him. And he desperately needs Jason to stick around. Lucky hasn't. Thanks sjow! Now Drew is downgraded to Uncle. And it should be brought up that Drew made promises to stay in all of the Webber boys' lives. And has promptly disappeared from all boys' lives not named Jake. So why the hell shouldn't Jake be stressing out? It would be great soap to see Jake struggling and finally making Liz/Jason/Drew talk and make some decisions. It is cruel to just have Jason walk into Jake's life, say I'm your real Dad! And then he just stays away. Because Jake makes it hard. Liz should be looking for a new therapist and demanding that Jason and Drew need to grow up and visit with Jake. Consistently. Perhaps even insisting on family therapy. I would love to see Liz call Jason and Drew out on their behaviors. Just have her say I don't care about your new job. I don't care about your search into your disappearance right now. The most important thing in world to me right now is our kid's mental and physical well being. And right now he is having major issues.
Honestly. I would welcome Franco rubbing Drew's and Jason's faces in their neglect of Jake. And maybe it sparks something in them. Jason has always been about prioritizing issues. And why on earth wouldn't he decide that Franco(whom he has attacked since coming back to PC) should be eliminated from Sam's, Liz's and Jake's lives pronto? Sam's marital status should be secondary to her safety. And Jason has made it clear that he views Franco as a danger to his supposed loved ones. Liz needs to be calling Jason. Telling him he needs to make some effort. And go and talk to a therapist at the hospital for some guidance. Since Jason has kind of admitted that he doesn't know what to do with a freaked out and angry Jake. Liz needs to tell him to put up or shut up. Jake needs stability. So either needs to show up and be there, even when Jake is mean, scared or angry.
GH History Lessons: Because History is Always Repeating Itself
stlbf replied to Stinger97's topic in General Hospital
Damn it. I liked Matt. Especially away from Maxie. Why the hell was he sentenced for killing a serial killer who murdered and tried to kill multiple people on a boat again? -
Britt always knew that Faison was her father. But he had very little to do with her. Her being a useless girl child(according to TFGH) and she just had Dr. O as her parent. And Dr. O was obsessed with Faison and getting him to love her more that Anna. Which just makes this Nathan is Faison's son crap even dumber. And Britt made it pretty clear in her GH start that her mother was demanding and disappointed in her. She spent most of childhood in boarding schools. But actually like the fact that over the past couple of years that Britt has kind of grown fond of her father. And the the feeling seemed to be mutual. Faison wanted her to go with him, but she had grown tired of life on the run. Jason has not had one scene with Liz or Jake. I don't think that he or Drew has even mentioned Jake. Which could be a compelling story if the show decided to have Jake backslide behavior wise and have him talk to Kevin (or whoever was that child psychiatrist was before Andre). And have Liz throw the whole situation back at Jason AND Drew. Hell, have her say that she is thinking about have Franco adopt Jake. Because he has stayed around. Unlike either of them. And let that set up a Drew and Jason bonding quest of destroying Franco for good. Best part of today(and always!)? Curtis and his bestie, Drew! I laughed so hard out loud, I alarmed my dog. That hair quip? I was dying! Shut up Lulu. Shut up Maxie. Shut up obvious Faison son, Peter 8. <SkipperBitch eyeroll> Jebus. Why the hell is Diane not even close to being on the same page with Jason re: the divorce? What a waste of lawyer time. They should've gone over all of it before the meeting. That way Diane knows where to argue and where to agree. Why would she want to be hard hearted here? Jason could just say to write off Drew's transactions. Justification being this: it was Q money from their mutual father and grandparents. They would've set Drew up with the same trusts. Sam had legal rights to use that money anyway. She is Jason's legal spouse and the mother of his son, Danny. So, if Sam and Jason sell the penthouse, who buys it? Finn? Ned? Nina(if she and Valentin implode or as a present to her baby brother)? Laura and Kevin? Kim Nero?
I don't get the feeling of hate from SBr pointed at MB and SB. She is just stating a truth. So I don't see her saying a fact as blame towards MB and SB. So WTF? Fuck those haters. Didn't Genie Francis have to leave GH to get the salary and perks that she wanted? And that Wahlberg news was just disgusting. Michelle Williams got like lunch money to work. And Wahlberg leveraged it to up his fee. The only actor who really needed full salary was Christopher Plummer.
Nope. The best moment was when the whole stupid thing ended.
This whole Nathan is Faison's biological son is complete horseshit. Obrecht desperately tried to get Faison to be in her man. He was Brit's father. She never kept Brit away from him. She knew exactly who Faison was. She knew about his Anna obsession. She knew about his criminal empire. She didn't care that she was at best, 2nd best in his eyes. She wanted to give him a son. Brit wasn't good enough in Faison's eyes. So there is no fucking way in hell Nathan should really be Faison's son. Zero chance. The only reason Obrecht would need to hide her son from Faison is the fact that Faison was not his father. Anything else is total bullshit. And a retcon.
Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue
stlbf replied to BestestAuntEver's topic in General Hospital
Heh. I least Lauren has some reason to go into the medical field. Her father was a doctor. And Morgan had his mental issues. But this Franco sold his crap paintings for Lauren's schooling is moronic. Lauren should be her father's only heir. Especially with Rafe being dead. And she sold his ginormous condo to Nina. So why is anyone needing to pay for her schooling? Why not just have Lulu run her freaking business? Hell, let her get involved in the business aspect of this Charles Street plot. Instead of this out of the blue "I woke up this morning and I decided that I'm a real journalist!" crap. -
Sweet Jebus. Carly needs to be told to stay the fuck out of everyone's lives. Jason needs to really tell her to stay the fuck out of it. Or else. Same with Sam, whom Carly suddenly believes is her best girl pal. And Drew needs to cut ties with the bitch. And Griffin is a horrible priest. Who the hell sees and hears the words coming out of Ava's mouth and thinks that she is sane and ready for a relationship. She is accusing her daughter of man stealing and purposely trying to make Ava crazy. She blames her insecurity on a fucking barely there burn scar. A scar she put there when she decided to try to kill herself and w other assholes. And Griffin is going to go with: you don't need severe therapy, you just need me to fix your tiny scar and you'll be fine! Griffin deserves the Ava stalking him plot that should be coming up.
No woman on TFGH is allowed to angry at any man. Valentin has the Falconeri-Collins female hate. Franco maaaaybe the lone man all women are allowed to be mad at. Liz is rarely ever really upset with any man for long. She has mostly dismissed Franco's part in the Jason/Drew identity crisis. Sam still mostly treats him like the crap he is, which is shocking to me. Monica actually told Sonny off. And then with her next breath pretty much took it all back, earlier last year. Leaving her in a pissing match with freaking Olivia. OVER MONICA'S HOUSE AND STAFF! Nina is upset with Nelle and anyone against Valentin. Except Nathan, her brother Carly is of course, braveandstrongandloveswithherwholeheart! She is generally only upset with her enemies. So par for the course. Nell hates Carly and Nina. Maxie might be on her hate list now too.
Spoilers and Speculation: Clink Boom and Cheese Fondue
stlbf replied to BestestAuntEver's topic in General Hospital
Danny is legally Jason's son. Jake is not. Lucky's name is on his birth certificate. Unless Lucky has signed away his parental rights, Jason has nothing but biology on Jake. The interesting thing in my mind is if Drew decides to see about legally adopting Jake. After seeing Jake have major emotional meltdowns over the Drew/Jason identity issue. Lucky signs off on it. And Liz is fine with that too. But what if Jason decides to try to intercede? That could set up a big family showdown. Danny hasn't shown any issues about having another Dad. But he isn't losing anything. Drew is still there, everyday for him. Jake doesn't have that stability. He just has Drew's word. Which has meant nothing to Jake's 2 brothers. Drew made the same promise to them with the original Jason identity finding. They should have Liz and Jake(we all know that Cane and Abel have zero chance of being involved here) talking about how scared and insecure Jake feels.