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Posts posted by SnoGirl

  1. The teens are all falling right back into the traps of not telling their parents/trusted adults. I’m going to be ticked if we dont see one helpful adult or teacher someone goes to for help. Say something someone!

    What was with the counselor choking Bryce? The counselor has completely flipped script. Walking the halls, talking to students, at least he’s finally doing something he’s supposed to. But where are the teachers??

    Alex and Jessica were my favorite parts. I wish she had told Bryce to fuck-off though.  Also really like that Zach is making an effort to be better. I get his teen mind, being torn between doing the right thing and flying under the radar with Bryce. Protect himself, keep an eye on Jessica and Alex, while keeing Bryce off his back.

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  2. Spoiler

    To save the 8th

    Even after everything we’ve ben through would any of us go back to the world we’re used to?


    ^Im seeing on twitter those two phrases from the trailer are being used as rallying cries to save the show. I think Netflix is going to have massive numbers for this season. And one helluva of a Sense8 fight for the show.

  3. 1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

    Netflix tweeted that they’d be releasing the trailer for the June special today between early and mid-morning. Ok. It’s 11 am EST. Where is it. I’m so tired of trying to trust this streaming service only to be mislead or empty handed. 

    Did you see it?? Its been up for two hours now on Netflix’s Twitter. And all I can say is



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  4. Grey’s got me as soon as they started playing Snow Patrol. I really wish they would go back to the days of up and coming bands, instead of what they normally play. As soon as Snow Patrol came on, I teared up. That was old school Grey’s for sure.

    • Love 8
  5. 10 hours ago, blueray said:

    I thought that it would be interesting if they break the timeline and got reset back the the restaurant scene. However, the characters somehow still remember the whole thing.

    I can’t see how they’re going to break the timeline at this point. They’re literally setting up everything for the Earth’s fracture. I’m surprised Phil’s not already seeing those pieces line up. 

    AND we have a Thanos and Avenger name-drop? If they break the time-loop I hope


    They end up at the diner, and then poof, they get dusted. At this point, I don’t even know who I want them to save.  

    They have really lost what Shield means at this point. They’re not protecting the world, they’re saving themselves. Elena, at least, is attempting to stop the fracture. 

    • Love 7
  6. 1 minute ago, Raja said:

    I would think more like relief when Deke served his canary in the coal mine roll, followed by horror when stuff started happening to others. They don't have to be main cast as Piper and Davis are now known faces.

    Yasssss. I want it bc Deke for sure would be a red herring and the storyline literally writes itself.

    I saw what you wrote in the Avengers thread, I dont want to go to original Shield characters...I hope they mix it up. I just want them to do it. LOL. (PS it is so hard to be vague about Infinity Wars. How long do we put it in spoilers in this thread?)

    • Love 1
  7. Other than I love Alex, and I hate this ridiculous short fuse-putting his hands on other people, I laughed hard at Alex at the batting cages. FINALLY a better outlet for his anger. Until he threw his bat and I said outloud “two steps forward, one back.” 

    I, for sure, thought in true Grey’s style, Alex was going to get hit by a softball when he was having his meltdown. I was surprised when he didnt take a hit. 

    • Love 9
  8. 1 hour ago, Raja said:

    I agree doing a story based upon the fallout from Infinity War would bring us back to Turn,  Turn, Turn but does the movie side still trust the TV side to keep the secrets until opening week? Or if showing the outside world in any form might spoil how the movie plans to deal with the immediate aftermath.

    The only way I could see it working is changing their seasons to winter/summer. Have the winter season be the fallout, and have the summer season deal with Avengers 4. But we’ll see how much Marvel wants there to be crossover between the two.

    1 hour ago, TVSpectator said:

    From what I understand Marve Studios (the film side) and Marvel Entertainment (the TV side) really don't talk to each. So I doubt that they will share secrets with each other UNLESS there is some legal contract. Maybe Clark Gregg can ask his film friends but overall Infinity War was kept under tight wraps. Even with NDAs, fake scripts, fake scenes filmed, etc... They really went an extra mile to keep all secrets until the day of the premiere. 

    They must have said something for the New York comment last episode.

    They finished filming before Avengers came out, according to all their instagrams. But it wasnt weeks before the movie came out, more like just a week. So who knows what they told. Plus, they decide to have Infinity Wars affect the show


    Obviously they would be using cgi to make the ending like Avengers. They literally could have given them any direction “look like you’re in pain” “look of horror” but not know why they were receiving that direction. Or they could have lied and told them something else was happening to them.

  9. On 5/2/2018 at 12:35 PM, SimoneS said:

    I was re-watching Guardians of the Galaxy last night and had the sudden (and obvious) realization that since Thanos has the Power Stone which was secured by Nova Corp, that he likely killed all the people there like he did on Knowhere. It is very sad. 


    Im going to be bummed if they forget about Xander and Nova Corp in Avengers 4. If they reverse what Thanos did, how far back will they go to undo things? Bc let’s be honest, he’s been around since the first Avengers pulling Loki’s strings.

    22 hours ago, StarBrand said:

    The thing that really got me about the "dusting" is that, after all the noisy battles and hoopla, the characters start to disappear in an eeire quiet-I think we just hear thunder in the background-while others look on in stunned disbelief.

    Everything just.....stops...

    I have never been so aware of the silence. An end of an action movie, and its silent and sad. It was incredibly moving. I’m glad they let the movie end like that, no extra codas, no uplifting moment. Even the extra scene was moving, wiping out Hill and Fury.

    19 hours ago, Perfect Xero said:

    I think that the difference between this and the comic crossovers is that each solo film is, mostly, its own complete story, and the release schedule for major films prevents having a bunch of different stories happening all at once.

    Obviously there's going to be some sort of reset, but the more streamlined nature of the film universe means that Black Panther and Spider-Man stories aren't getting sidetracked for 6 months and having to do a filler story arc about T'Challa and Peter Parker being dead while we wait on the reset button to happen and get us back to our regularly scheduled Black Panther in Wakanda and Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man stories.

    The MCU is much more of one big serialized story than the comics can ever be, with the big crossover serving as an actual climax.

    The Netflix series can get away with just setting their next seasons before the events of IW.

    Agents of SHIELD is really the only part of the MCU that has to deal with the normal comic book sidetracking/fallout that comes from crossovers.

    I think Agents of Shield is going to drop the ball on Infinity Wars. Im going to be profoundly sad (like I was at the end of the movie) if Shield doesnt end the season with a dusting of its own team. They referred to NY in the last episode, and I think they were referring to the beginning of Infinity Wars. I want them to stick the landing and do it!

    • Love 6
  10. If we’re getting another season, I want them to do all of it. Fracture the team. Infinity War. Force the team to live with their consequences.

    Winter Soldier and Hydra coming into the light elevated this show. Why are they backing off? They have literally turned FitzSimmons inside out. Destroyed friendships and relationships. What’s a little Inifinity War added into the mix so scary? 


    Comic Book resurrection Shield! Come on. You could rescue Trip AND Hartley applying Infinity Wars. Crap, you could even handwave the timelines and I would not care. Doooooo it!

    Gabriel Luna did an interview saying he wasnt asked back. Could be a misdirect, but considering how well-liked his character is, I would be surprised if he showed up at the 11th hour. What if a Koenig, either of the remaining three siblings showed up? Protected by the power of the badge. 

    • Love 3
  11. 6 hours ago, kitlee625 said:

    Some spoilers/hints about tomorrow's episode.


    Sounds like the show is going to reference Infinity War, but not be affected by it (disappointingly).

    Booooooooo. I hope its just misdirect. Come on Agents! Turn Turn Turn* again! 

    *Not a Infinity War spoiler, just a reference to the episode when Agents did let Avengers affect them in a big way. I want this show to big affected in a big way.

    • Love 1
  12. I’m bummed bc it is being released so close to summer. I want students of all ages who might watch be able to go and talk to someone they trust, and with a May 18th date, that’s real late for some school districts. I wish they had released the season in March.

    • Love 1
  13. Did you guys see this? I don’t know why they let Mark talk in interviews, lol. Don Cheadle’s face is priceless! He has to drive Marvel absolutely Hulk-level mad. I know they played it off as a joke, but man....I cant wait to see him in the press before Avengers 4. At this point, I feel like they need to give him signs of what he can and cannot say.

    • Love 9
  14. Weren’t there production pictures of Evans, RDJ, Mark and Rudd in New York? Is it too soon to start predicting what’s going to happen in next movie, because its been days since I’ve seen it, my heart is still broken and I need some hope. 

    I rewatched Spiderman Homecoming to feel better but that was a mistake too. Peter and Tony. Ugh. It still stings...

  15. 10 minutes ago, Raja said:

    While the other TV shows on networks with a lower expectation they might play looser with the movie tie-ins for AoS it is their bread and butter and with ABC already balking at orders from Disney. Being a limited run summer show after Avengers 4 would solve a problem of how you go forward 

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    after the rapture of half the universe

    To be honest, the more I think about it, the more I want Shield to actually be gutsy and do it. I think they could swing a winter comeback by


    Showing the aftermath of Thanos. Lets be honest, the world could get a bit wild west after half the world’s population is wiped out. What’s left of Shield could be protecting the innocent. A ragtag bunch of spies doing what they can for who they can. Plus, this could solve the Hunter/Bobby problem-have Bobby or both disappear with everyone else. Hell, you could even handwave a return of dead agents (Tripp, Hartley, Indiana) with the reset that’s obviously coming to Avengers Four. 

    As long as Ward stays dead.

    • Love 1
  16. 11 hours ago, Raja said:

    I figure when the canary in the coal mine disappears Fitzsimmons will miss interpret it.  They would think the Simmons theory of time travel and loops now had empirical evidence. Season or series finale. Where as if they get a season 6 they can roll that back when the S.H.I.E.L.D. survivors find out what happened to the rest of the world while they were in the Lighthouse or space fighting the Confederation and Graviton. then Avengers 4 is released and the movies roll back on what just happened in the rest of the universe.

    Could you just imagine it? 


    Imagine them breaking the time loop. Deke is with FitzSimmons, or the group is together and he disappears. They think they’re all safe and then suddenly, other members blink out too. 

    Or, they dont break the time loop, they’re back in Space knowing they didnt break and the loop and people start disappearing. Including Kree. Now, when our Agents come back through the loop, everything is different. 

    Or people disappear before they break the loop. They think, bc they’re so busy, its bc of the time travel.

    Either way, I kinda hope they go there. Talk about a reset.

    I think it depends on how gutsy they are. Do they acknowledge Infinity Wars and tow the line? Or do they say we’re in an alternate universe bc of the time loop?

    If Shield comes back, I wonder if they would move it to a winter/summer show....

    • Love 1
  17. 2 minutes ago, Froippi said:

    they just haven't had a big tie in since season 1 and I don't see that happening in season 5

    They did have the Darkhold, which tried in with Dr Strange. I just like speculating. With a comic book show, you just never know ??‍♀️ Disney kept Agents of Shield around for some reason. Why not because of another tie-in? Its not like Disney really needs Agents of Shield, I saw more commericals for the show all week than I think Agents of Shield played during their commericals. Miles may vary of course ☺️

  18. Omg. If Shield ends with


    a Thanos ending where some of them team blinks out of sight, I will have some crazy respect for the show. I actually wish they would pull a Turn Turn Turn and do it next week, before the ending. Honestly, they’ll think they’ve changed the timeline instead of it being Thanos, but we’ll know.  Actually, it would be interesting bc then this storyline would kinda make sense. They wont know, there would be chaos. Also, it kinda explains why we only see Daisy running into the fight before the world fractures. Also, it would be fun if they used the time travel to bring back some agents. I would LOVE to get Hartley or Tripp back from the dead. 

    • Love 3
  19. On 4/27/2018 at 9:19 AM, hjmugillecuty said:

    I'm trying to keep track of who was where. Here's what I've got so far: Dead: Heimdall, Loki, Gamora, Vision, the Collector, Children of Thanos Vanished: Dr Strange, Spiderman, Draxx, Mantis, Quill, Sam, Bucky, T'Challa, Wanda, Nick Fury, Maria, Groot Living: Thanos, Cap, Tony, Natasha, Thor, Bruce, Rhodey, Rocket, Okoye, M'Baku Appeared in the movie but status unknown: Wong, Shuri Anyone else?

    Others said Valkyrie, Hawkeye, Antman and Sharon. I’d like to add Nakia, Wasp, Ross, and W’Kabi. Its a shame they wont add the TV-verse, because at the very minimum, it would have been great to at least see the Defenders fighting in the background.

    I could not believe how shocked/silent my theater was at the end. This theater cheered for Steve’s entrance, Thor with his new hammer, and laughed so loud at every joke. But you could have dropped a pin onto the carpeting and heard it at the end of the movie.  I know most of it probably will be undone, but wow. We got the original crew (minus Hawkeye) at the end and I immediately was like “I see what your play is Marvel.” I also hope we get a scene of the six of them together talking in the next film.

    That was a lot. If this is the end of Evan’s Cap, I hope he gets to do more in the next movie. I was wondering if that was really Loki who was killed or a projection. I wonder if the next movie is going to start with us seeing Valkyrie escaping with Asguardians. I was surprised that when they rescued Hulk and Loki and jumped for Thor that Loki wasnt all “let’s blow this popsicle stand.” Did anyone see Loki’s ship on their ship? I was trying to figure out if that’s how Valkyrie escaped with Asguardians or if thats how Loki would survive. Honestly, sibling stories really get me, so I want more Thor/Loki as well as Gamora/Nebula stories. 

    Loved all of Peter’s movie suggestions. All though I wish he’d stop calling them  “really old movie.” My students never say that we referring to an old film and they’re younger than Peter.

    During the Widow-Okoye-Witch fight all I could think of was “Lady Avengers.” Come on Marvel, you know you want to do it.

    I really thought we’s see Cap grab Thor’s new Hammer. I hope in the next Avengers, we get that scene. I dont know if this hammer operates by the same rules, but I hope it does. It was such a tease in the last Avengers movie. 

    I cant wait until next summer. Man, that was a blockbuster.

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