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Posts posted by SnoGirl

  1. 21 hours ago, kitlee625 said:

    Talbot (loudly): This is my inside voice.

    Coulson: Then your quieter inside voice.


    You know, there’s not a lot of quotes I can get away with saying in my classroom from tv. I cannot WAIT to say “then use your quieter inside voice.” LOL.

    • Love 2
  2. Wow. So they went there, not really a team but a fractured team.

    Some parts of the episode seemed lifted right from this forum. Deke talking about selling Daisy into slavery-check. Flint being a FitzSimmons and not Deke-check. 

    I liked good-guy Carl. I hope he survives so he can keep being Talbot’s body guard. And speaking of Talbot, man is he messed up. I hope he gets home again to see his wife and son. “Talbot, I need you to use your inside voice” “THIS IS MY INSIDE VOICE.” I died, just died.

    Simmons is prescribing to Fitz’s theory that time cannot be changed with a dash of YoYo’s future. I really thought the cups would be filled with all water, to trick Mack. I did not see the fourth cup being filled with acid. She would have been dead if she drank that! And then the gun going off....my jaw might have been on the ground after that.

    Fitz might be split but no one can ever question his love and loyalty to Simmons. Damn, it was like Simmons jumping out of the Plane all over again. I loved that he immediately hugged her. 

    Loved that they finally addressed Robin and her Mother. But where is Hunter? I wish we knew what time they returned too...

    • Love 8
  3. I thought it was just me, but after this episode, I am 99% sure that the actor who plays Street LOVES the driving scenes. I have no idea how they’re filming them, but he always looks like he’s just fighting off a smile when he’s driving in chase scenes. Either that, or he’s trying to restrain his gleefulness when he gets to chase bad guys to be professional.

    I hope at some point we see him smiling as he’s driving down bad guys. Its obviously something he’s good at.

    Loved all the Mumford scenes. I hope this marriage sticks for him. Dont mind its only been a month. When you know, you know.

    • Love 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Well, the only way they'd wake up the cryogenic Fitz is if they saved the world, in my opinion. And I guess, saving the world could cause that Fitz to disappear, but it also shouldn't, since he's not an anomaly like Deke is. Though time travel and paradoxes confuse me.

    I'd actually be very impressed if they ended the season with the world still being destroyed and them continuing to be stuck in the loop. That would be a brave thing for the show to go into a possible series finale....but I know that I'd only really want that ending if a final season is guaranteed. But I'm positive they'll fix things because of the uncertainty of the future...of the show, that is. It's just a question of how. Sacrificing a main character is likely. I think it has to be Coulson, since old Yo-Yo told her younger self that Coulson has to die in order to break the loop. Though we didn't see Daisy, Coulson, or Mack in the future scenes, so maybe someone else has to be sacrificed. 

    Since the show likes torturing Fitzsimmons, I'm placing my bets on Fitz. I think that's the only way to really redeem him...which is basically just rewinding what they've done and fixing the cryogenic Fitz before he turns into a villain. 

    I kinda think Fitz is the key too. Why wouldnt Future YoYo warn Past YoYo about Fitz going Leopold? “Lock Fitz, his personality is going to split and cause all sorts of issues.” I wonder if his split happened in the other time loops.

    And how would future YoYo know if Coulson dying solves the problems? She has to be guessing, she would have no idea what works, other than its what the previous Future YoYo told her but she prevented to actually do.

    My brain hurts. Do you think they came up with an exit strategy for this loop?  This is why I hate time loops. They are impossible to break out of cleanly. Even if Fitz is the key, something still has to happen for him to be in cryogen for them to get him in the first place. And since they have been annoying vague with when in time the Agents went back to, Fitz could be with Hunter right now too and not in cryogen.

    • Love 2
  5. 5 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Well, here's the thing I was thinking about. They still have another Fitz in the Lighthouse, so if they change the future, then they have cryogenic Fitz still stashed away somewhere. They could sacrifice this new version of Fitz, wake up the other one, and then find a way to fix him before his brain breaks. Of course, I do think that would be retconning his entire Framework arc this season, but I could see the show doing this (and saying "see? Fitz sacrificed himself for the greater good to save the world! He's redeemable!").  

    OH! I like this theory a lot. Does it break the loop? Or does it speed it up bc Fitz knows he has the ability to go rogue? Also, it allows our heroes to know 1)Daisy is not the Destroyer 2)They can remove the blocker from Daisy without paralyzing her.

    Either way, Fitz is going to be racked with guilt, he believes time cant be changed, he’ll think he’s doomed to have a split personality and stuck in the villain lane.

    Do you think the writers will let our heroes go back to space? Maybe do a “fast-forward” through things that dont change and let us see the things that do? Our own groundhog’s day episode? 

  6. On 3/27/2018 at 11:14 PM, Trini said:

    Is there usually wine at a baby shower? But that's probably it, though. (I'd love a do-over for both bachelor/ette parties, but I know that's not happening...)

    LOL. Wine is the only thing that makes baby showers survivable.  Any showers actually. Mimosas are usually more popular for morning showers but I’ve seen wine at most showers I’ve been too (I have a lot of female friends who are having babies).

    14 hours ago, ruby24 said:

    I'm starting to think Harry will probably be a villain next season. Maybe he takes Killer Frost along with him.

    That would explain Dawn's reaction to meeting them- and also I'm thinking that this entire Dawn thing is setup for Season 5 for sure. I'm actually really surprised they started setup for Season 5 so early. To introduce her in the first third of the season, really? I mean, was that even necessary? If her whole thing is for next year she could have easily shown up in episode 20 or so of this season, not episode 8.

    I guess they just thought it would be that cool to have their future child show up at their wedding...but she still hasn't been confirmed as their future child, so I don't really know why they had to have that happen so early.

    I was thinking the same thing when Dawn was so frosty to both Harry and Caitlyn when they left. I was disappointed, bc I really like where they’re finally headed to with Caitlyn/Frost. I hope she doesn’t cross completely to the darkside. I also hope Harry isnt a villian bc you know, retread much?

    I hope Iris is not pregnant. I want her in charge and reporting. I feel like as soon as she’s pregnant, Barry is going to be insufferable when it comes to the things Iris can and cannot do.

    • Love 3
  7. 9 hours ago, TVSpectator said:

    WTF, five seasons of Will They/Won't They for Coulson and May? When did the show ever had that Will They/Won't They for May and Coulson in any season prior to Season 4? That shit was retconned in Season 4 when Coulson suddenly developed romantic feelings for May. Hell, they have always been friends but please there was never any Will They/Won't They. That was that (yet again) crappy ship between Coulson and May that some fans had. In my opinion, Joss Whedon should just retake this show and crush all shippers' desire IF there is a Season 6. 

    You have a point about how it seems impossible at this point to fix Fitz, IMO. But honestly, I just can't see the writers ever going in the direction where Daisy will never forgive Fitz and/or Fitz becomes evil/a supervillain at all (or have it stick for the entire series). If they thought that they were going to be canceled in Season 4 and wrote the Season 4 finale as "family gathers at a dinner table after Fitz hid AIDA and LMDS literally blew up the playground, got tons of SHIELD agents killed, agents were kidnapped killed and/or replace with LMDs, and puts the main characters into a VR imprisonment where Hydra rules and he was a Dr. Mengela preforming amoral experiments, etc....." which, in my opinion, is sad because I thought that they could've done better. Also, what Fitz did, this season, IMO was a moral line that he crossed but the writers will probably never admit to it and properly deal with the actual fallout and not a forced ending where Daisy goes, "oh, Fitz I understand. Blah, blah, blah....". But this has nothing to do with May as Hydra (either time) this has to do with Fitz torturing a living breathing Daisy (which he believed was his friend and Daisy once trusted him) but now that a line has been crossed. There seems to be already handwaving being done by the other characters and I won't be surprised if Daisy just suddenly has a "changed of heart" and/or they write a deus ex machina way of solving it, IMO. 

    LOL, I’m in the middle of a rewatch. I always thought Coulson and May had that vibe of both of them liking each other just, always at the wrong times. I especially thought it was apparent whenever the other had a significant other in the picture. I actually shipped Coulson and Roslind, but Ward killed that ship. It’ll be sad (to me) if May and Coulson never get the chance to try at a relationship. It’s a little too real life for me. But miles may vary on how long they’ve been flirting on the edge of a relationship ☺️


    I want to know if this is brain injury that’s causing Fitz’s split personality (also, Daisy quaking him is well deserved but also he banged his head so obviously not a great choice) or if this is guilt and lack of sleep that’s causing the split.


    If the series is ending, I wouldnt mind Daisy as the head of Shield. Full circle.  But if its not ending, I would prefer May or Mack. More May than Mack just because we’ve had all male directors. Plus, Daisy shouldnt really be out in the field if she’s the director, but she’s too strong of an asset to not have out in the field. 

    • Love 2
  8. Im torn about Coulson. From a storytelling point of view, Coulson should probably die at the end of this season. Officially pass off the torch to Daisy. However, I’m going to be slightly bummed that they played five seasons of will they wont they with Coulson and May to end it now. And I real like Coulson’s dry wit.

    And if this isnt the final season, I have no idea how you fix Fitz. I hope they don’t handwave it, they really need to address him and his choices. I kinda hope May takes him under her wing like she did with Daisy. May was Hydra too so she understands. Let’s be honest, Fitz is no longer just a tech specialist anymore and needs someone to help him figure it out.  And he needs some serious therapy. If the show comes back, I hope Hunter comes back. I think Mack and Hunter would be good for Fitz. And to be honest, I want to see the three of them out in the field together.

    • Love 5
  9. Spoils abound. 

    I just finished. I’m bummed, in the sense that I wish we had more episodes and that I wish it was a tad less depressing. I forgotten how dark this story really was, and how much I hated the adults. 

    I love the inclusion of the VFD adults. You can really see how the schism happened. They focused way too much on being secretive and less on the fires they’re trying to put out. The inclusion of the adults show how big the VFD was but how they almost abandoned all the children in the books for the sake of being secretive. They move too slow, are spread too thin.  I also wish they would show more of Lemony getting to the scene late, instead of just being our narrator.

    The lighting the fire scene was heartbreaking. Olaf really was twisted, knowing it was Baudelaires and still making them light the fire.

    I havent read the book in forever, so I was bummed about Jacques Snicket, and loved all of the Olivia scenes. Those extra scenes are definitely building towards the ending of the story.

    I loved spoting a VFD in the background, the clouds/sunset at the end of Vile Village made a VFD. Also, spotted the original Series of Unfortunate Event books in the floating library from the Vile Village too. I want to rewatch looking just for VFD’s in the background.

    Is it wrong that I want this series to go beyond the books when its done? I really want to see (book spoilers too)


    Adult Violet, Klaus, and Sunny create their own VFD, find the Quagmire Triplets and create their own successful secret organization putting out fires.  


    Do you think they’ll show the audience the Baudelaires parents? We havent actually seen them at all right?

    • Love 2
  10. 22 hours ago, CaptainTightpants said:

    The only time I recall Daisy actually turning on the team was when she was infected with Hive. Which was in no way her fault.  


    Well...Ive been rewatching the show too and there was this time when Daisy turned her back on Shield and choose the Inhumans over them. She attacked May with her powers. Coulson ended up losing his hand amd Jemma was scooped up by the rock at the end of that story. Skye also tried to warn her hacker boyfriend that Shield was coming for him in Season One which betrayed Shield and really pissed off Ward. Also, got a handful of Shield agents killed bc that’s when Scorch went off the rails.

    I’m getting real nervous about this storyline. If this is the end of the show, I don’t know if I can stand it ending with Dark Fitz. Fix the timeline Shield! Save Talbot, you’re his only hope!

    The best two parts of this show were Fitz’s reaction to Deke (it literally looked like his brain could not compute the information given to him) and Talbot. Poor poor Talbot. I hope they rescue him.

    • Love 5
  11. 11 hours ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:


    Let me start with, I do love that poster and would love it for my house. Also, my brain was saying Maria Hill, I have no idea why I typed Maria Hall. Glad she’s going to be in Captain Marvel, I hadnt seen that anywhere yet.

    However, I decided tonight to do some tallying. I decided to see how outnumbered women are in the Marvel Movies. I went onto IMDB and decided to look at the top ten listed actors in all the Marvel Movies since Iron Man. I included all of the phases of Marvel, not including TV since Marvel movies rarely include the TV shows. Here’s what I data mined:

    • In Phase One (Five movies), there were 9 women in the movie’s top ten billed actors, compared to 41 men. Every movie, except Captain America, had two women in their top ten. That percent is 18% compared to 82%
    • In Phase Two(Seven movies), there are now 16 women in the top ten billed actors, compared to 54 men. Cap 2 is the first movie to crack the two women rule with three. Guardians 2 and Ant-Man also have three women while Avenger 2 only has one. Scarlet Witch is the 11th billed actor in that movie, just missing the top ten. The final percentage was 22% to 77%
    • In Phase Three (Five movies) there are 15 women to the 35 men in the top ten billed actors. Spiderman and Black Panther have four women billed in the top ten actors. This percentage was 30% to 70%

    The final numbers were 40 women compared to the 130...which is 23% to 76%. The trend is increasing for women. It’s exciting to see 30% of the top ten billed actors in the current phase of the movies.

    But I still say that’s not good enough. We shouldn’t be satisfied with such uneven ratios of men and women in record breaking movies. And those were just the top ten billed actors. I bet my hat those numbers would change if we increased to the top twenty billed actors with the female percentage dropping. 

    Will I stop seeing Marvel Movies? No. Too many of these characters have stolen my geeky heart. However, it doesn’t mean I can’t demand better, or ask for more women in the movies. If there was a Marvel Men movie poster like the one poster posted, it would be jam-crammed with men. Plus, none of those women in that poster lead their own movie other than Captain Marvel whose movie hasnt come out yet. For a lot of these movies, its a 1-4 ratio of women to men (in the top ten). Its noticeable how the movies are filled with dudes. And Peggy, who is a queen but also the largest figure in that poster, barely also had any females on her tv show. Her best female friend didn’t even make it to the second season!

    By the way, I also kept track of white characters versus minorities in the movies in my spreadsheet too. Overall it was:

    • 55% white men
    • 22% minority men
    • 18% white women
    • 6% minority women 

    I know, it adds up to 101%. All of the math would round up the percentages to whole numbers. I can post the spreadsheet if anyone wants to see it, or which characters IMDB said were top billed.

    So technically you’re right. There is female representation in Marvel Movies. I should have said “I would like to see a more even female to male character ratio (or even, crazier, a more women to men ratio) also with Marvel Movies with female leads.” Better?

    • Love 14
  12. 5 hours ago, Cobalt Stargazer said:

    Not all the boys. Nothing against Coulson, but his kinda-sorta resurrection just makes me grumpier that they gacked Quicksilver because of legalities.


    Oh, dear:



    Coulson, Fury, Ronin, and Korath. You’re right, not all the boys...but in a movie about a woman super hero, would it have kiled Marvel to, I dont know, to bring in some females too? It’s not a knee-jerk, it’s a frustration that I want more female super hero representation in Marvel. May would have been a great and surprising addition. Where is Maria Hall? You would think with the trust Fury has with her, she would have been involved in some of his early adventures too.

    • Love 4
  13. 8 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

    I call foul. Couldnt bring on Ming-Na Wen as Agent Melinda May? Come on Marvel, you bring back all the boys, bring back Coulson but don’t think May wouldnt have been involved in all this business in the nineties? Give Shield some female representation in the movies beyond Maria Hall(who isnt in this movie either...)? Coulson and May have a huge Shield fanbase, I’m bummed. I know, I know, don’t cross the TV and Movie streams but come on? Just a little? 

    • Love 6
  14. 27 minutes ago, Dee said:

    I just need Shuri, Peter & Groot to become friends.

    If they don’t, I think it’ll be a major fail on Marvel’s part. The same with if they dont have any of the ladies team-up at some point...

    • Love 3
  15. 6 hours ago, SimoneS said:

    Teen Groot being snarky. Bwah! I love that the whole team now understands Groot.  

    OMG. Groot cussing is HILARIOUS. Their faces when he says “I am Groot” from behind his cell phone/game are insane. Gah. Teen Groot is going to be the death of me. Can you just imagine him running around and getting in trouble and all the Guardians trying to keep him safe?? I really want a Ladies Avenger movies, but now can we have a Teen Adventure movie too? Groot, Shuri and Peter off causing a rukus??

    Editing to say, I hope Nebula is the adult in charge of this teen adventure. Or Bucky and Sam. Or all three.

    • Love 8
  16. 3 hours ago, Affogato said:

    Yes but they are also hinting strongly that it is necessary ( that Fitz gave into his dark side because his lighter half won’t do what needs to be done) so it may end up indirectly saving the situation. 

    I predict it creates a fissure in the group and Daisy may never fully trust him even if she eventually accepts it.

    This is really bumming me out because Daisy and Fitz have always had this accepting friendship with each other. Fitz accepted Skye day one on the Zephr, Fitz accepted Daisy after her change to Quake, and Daisy accepted Fitz after the Framework. They’ve always been there for each other....ironically, the only time Daisy struggled with Fitz was after his brain injury, and now that brain injury is rearing it’s power back over Fitz.

    I thought it was interesting that Fitz struggled with words when talking to Leopold. I wonder what version of Fitz/Leopold we’ll see in the future. Think we’ll go back to “struggle to find words Fitz” or a mix of “light/darkside Fitz?” How many episodes are left this season? If this is the last season, I’m going to be crushed if this is how Fitz goes out.

    Is it too soon to bring up the Star Wars parrallels again? Because Fitz definitely went darkside. 

    • Love 4
  17. Wow. I was super frustrated that we never saw more of a fallout of Fitz in the Framework, but I take it back, I take it all back. Poor Fitz. I’ve been rewatching early seasons and I really miss those days.  

    So, is this the trauma of the Framework, or is this Fitz’s brain injury flaring up? Has he hit his head or is it because he’s not sleeping? Someone should hit him with an icer so he can get some sleep.

    So, did closing the rift save the world? When we saw the flashback of right before the end of the world. Daisy was wearing her superhero outfit? So the end is still yet to come, right? We already have one change, I thought future Yo-Yo lost her arms bc of Kasius, not Ruby. 

    I still can’t believe that happened. Poor Jemma, poor Deke, poor Mack Hammer and poor Daisy. Rough all around.

    • Love 3
  18. 31 minutes ago, kinnej5 said:

    I could not care less if Owen left the show. He was such an ass to Amelia. If I talked shit like that to my young family member who had cancer, my family would not speak to me ever again. And you know what, Amelia should never speak to him again. Girl, you don't need to be treated like trash.

    I wish Meredith had heard that conversation to say "You are a cheater. You cheated on Christina."

    I like April and Jackson, and I'm bummed that relationship is probably dead. I liked that Jackson is looking out for her, and trying to protect her. Poor April, there's no way this is going to end well.

    I wish Jo and Meredith would start developing a friendship...their relationship is still very mentor/intern to me.

    Loved the scene where everyone was trying to name Bailey's device. I want more character scenes like that.

    Maggie, can you grow up just a little bit? Quit telling everyone about your "night." You're not twelve.

    • Love 20
  19. I actually think Sandra was a foster kid. Never unpacking, talking about kids never having toys and only having what they could carry, they were laying it on a little thick. I do think her friend’s look was a look of pity. Like “I’m offering you a home but you’re still one foot out the door like the stories you told me.”

    I love Littlejohn. She is my favorite character. She is fantastically unrelenting. 

    I also like the relationship between the elders. I like that they seem like they have a deep respect for each other even though they’re on opposite sides of the courtroom. I hope we see them argue against each other AND still be friends afterwards. 

    • Love 1
  20. Soooooo Chuck 2.0? Throw in a hairy short sidekick with awkward social interactions and you have a Morgan. Or is this Big with super powers?

  21. On 3/19/2018 at 1:38 PM, AriAu said:

    I do wish there was a separate thread for spoilers and another for speculation since I can speculate that logically, April must die (no way Jackson or his Momma let's Harriet go), but I have NO WAY of knowing.

    With Arizona, she doesn't logically have to die...... other than the fact that Alex is on his way to some level of happiness so it is obviously necessary for his mentor and friend to die.

    There are actually a lot of episodes to go-that was only episode 15 so there are 8 or 9 left depending on how many they have this season.

    I wonder if something happens to Arizona that is April’s fault sending her further down this spiral we’re seeing. Or maybe its not April’s fault, but she thinks it is.

    I hope its nothing that has to do with Matthew and his new baby. That might be a step too morbid, even for this show...

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