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Posts posted by SnoGirl

  1. I can’t wait to see this! I love Ewan McGregor and Haley Atwell. Eeyore is ny favorite from the 100 Acre Woods, so I’m glad he got some good lines. I doubt I’ll see this in theaters bc its just so dang expensive now, but I will see it eventually.

    • Love 4
  2. 23 hours ago, Dejana said:

    Ha! I love it. I also really like when movies highlight social media somehow-love the swirling social media making it’s way to Nick’s mother. It remind me of Chef, where various characters would tweet and you would see the twitter bird and a “tweet” noise every time someone tweeted. 

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  3. I just rewatched Infinity War since I saw it in the theaters and I cannot believe how much Chris Pratt grated this time around. I wonder how many of his lines were improved or scripted. He just seemed so immature compared to everyone else other than Groot. And I love the Guardian movies, I just don’t know what it was this time around.

    I can’t believe how swept up in the action I got while watching it again. Still got goosebumps at all the big moments. I can’t wait to see how they resolve the snappening.

    • Love 3
  4. I haven’t seen a RomCom in theaters in forever, its just so expensive. However, I loved this book so I’m definitely going opening weekend and making sure people come with me to support the film! I can’t wait to see it.

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  5. On 7/31/2018 at 8:54 AM, Joe said:

    I'm listening to Rey's Theme right now. Skywalker or not, that's a great piece of music. Starts off so light and fun before building into something really special.

    Rey’s theme is probably one of my favorite themes I have ever heard. And when she gets the lightsaber from Kylo in The Force Awakens, I always get chills from the music.  I might not always agree with the choices of the movies but I will always love the music. The Duel of Fates, the Skywalker Theme, Rey’s Theme are always on any playlist I make. 

    • Love 2
  6. Does that make Brooklyn Nine-Nine Marvel? Does that mean they could have ridiculous guest stars ? Could you just imagine Tom showing up-I live for crossovers.

    (I know NBC, ABC are different networks. A girl can DREAM)

  7. Wow. That bums me out. I dont remember those tweets the first time around. Kinda ruins the first two movies a little bit-those tweets are not okay.


    Wouldn’t mind Waititi directing, but I’d love a FEMALE director too. Spread the wealth Marvel, get a lady up in there.

    • Love 6
  8. I’m kinda bummed Chloe mentioned Instagram...lol! That’s where all my spoilers can from. I follow all the ladies and they were quite revealing last season on their Insta-accounts.

    I wonder what the announcement is going to be? Traveling in a different timeline? Going to be affected by Thanos? Bringing back Tripp (#tripplives)? Peggy is coming to SHIELD in the future? 

  9. 13 hours ago, Joe said:

    New trailer. Looks pretty good, and doesn't ignore his private life.

    I cannot imagine anyone seeing this movie and it being quiet during the songs. Like the first trailer, I got goosebumps again watching this trailer. 

    Anyone have any good recommendations for a book about Freddie Mercury or Queen? I don’t know if I can wait until this movie comes out...

  10. Just finished, I put off the show because I didnt want to burn through all the episodes fast but once I started, I couldn’t stop.

    I hope Ruth and Debbie’s story finally moves on from “you slept with my husband.” I hope they keep mending to be friends, especially after their fight bc as they shouted, neither one of them are perfect. Honestly, I want them to become a two-woman team kicking ass and taking names. Sam is redundant bc Ruth can direct. They might not even need Bash’s money after Vegas (I like Bash, he can stay as announcer). I really think if Ruth and Debbie actually continued to opened up to each other and trusted each other, I would love to see them dominate together. 

    I don’t want Sam and Ruth. At least not yet. I’d be down with them playing the “will they-wont they” between the two until the end. I think it will create a power struggle with the Ladies if they go there too soon.

    The Ladies of Glow were awesome. I love how brash and loud they were. I really hope more of the show focuses on them next season. My favorite episodes this season were the ones with the side stories. And I really hope, as a fellow plus-sized lady, that Carmen gets a love story. And I hope that Bash and Carmen figure things out. She looked so upset, I hope they dont drop the story. I also wish Carmen had ripped off that stupid shirt after defeating her brother. That’s a big wrestling move right? It looked like she had her bridesmaid outfit on under it.

    And finally Bash. Chris Lowell really brought it this season. As much as I was frustrated that the show was focusing on him, I now want to rewatch the series to see if there were other clues dropped that I missed the first time around about Bash’s backstory. I got suckered in. The bar, the phone call, the house were crushing. Even his final shot on the bus, he looked so....lost. I’m kinda bummed he continued to lie to Britannica about being in love with her. I hope he figures life out, and I kinda hope he bonds with more of the ladies.

    • Love 5
  11. They definitely crammed a lot of mythos and character beats in this last one. I dont think my heart has ever swelled so big while watching a show. I never wanted it to end.

    I loved Dani’s speech, it was nice that her story came full circle. Loved after Rajan found out. Everyone’s faces were priceless. Loved that the cluster’s cluster were so understanding. I wonder if we werent so pressed for time, who wouldnt have believed the story.

    Did we ever have a moment of just the 8 together, in one place, without their sidekicks? I kinda wish the last scene wasnt of the dildo but of the 8 together safe and happy. There didnt even need to be words. Oh well, I’ll cross my fingers for a return of Sense8 and a single scene of them together. I wish we had more character beats too, but alas, I will also take what I can get.

    I love Sun and the Detective. Their love story was my favorite. He broke the law for her. She left her phone on for him. He met the family. Sun’s dog was in the finale! I’m in love.

    I hope someday they reveal what the storylines of the other seasons would have been. How long would the Sense8’s been without Wolfgang. How long would it have taken to clear Sun’s name. Which Cluster sidekick wouldnt have believed the story, or other parents we would have met. Or the Mythos of the Sense8s...damn you Netflix. This is going to haunt me for awhile.

    This show is going to be the show I judge all other ensemble shows on.

    • Love 9
  12. On 6/2/2018 at 10:33 PM, HunterHunted said:

    From this article to their eyes! Please, let’s finally see Peggy building Shield. And she better build it with WOMEN. Honestly, I doubt if Agent Carter came back they would do this but I want a season of 100% female directors like Jessica Jones. And I want more than one gal-pal for Peggy. Hell, I want to be greedy and have more than one female agent!

    • Love 2
  13. I thought it was okay. Not the best, not the worst. I thought it was a fun romp into the Star Wars World without Skywalkers. 

    Wish they hadnt killed Thadie Newton’s character so quickly. Would it have killed them to have more than one female on screen at a time? Plus, I would have loved to see her either double cross Han too or be surprised at Beckett’s turn. Plus, they had said there’s going to be a possibility of a couple more Solo movies right? No need to kill off everyone so quickly. Watching her fire at drones did make me think of Star Wars games I’ve played...hiding behind things to shoot down the drones. I did chuckle to myself.

    Did have a big smile on my face for some of the parts. The first time we see Han escape. First time Han is in the driver’s seat. All the Chewie/Han moments. Lando tossing the gun to Han, and then Han and Chewie getting Lando back onto the Falcon when he was shot. Actually, wish the camera hadn’t been so close to Chewie when he picked up Lando. Lol, wish I had a giphy of it. Even if Lando doesnt get his own movie, I do hope he will be back for the Solo films. I did enjoy their adversary friendship. Has any website put together an Easter Egg list yet? I know I missed stuff, would love to see a list.

    Hated how dark everything was. Hope they lighten it up for the dvd release. You literally couldnt even see facial expressions at one point. 

    • Love 5
  14. 17 hours ago, MissL said:

    Oh trust me. Rajan and Felix add wonderfully to the finale and in my opinion don't take anything away from the episode or our 8.  I'd even have to say some of my favorite moments involved Rajan which completely surprised me.  There isn't enough time to give our 8 all the time I would want but I really felt everybody had a moment to shine. 

    Ah. I just want to see everyone interact with each other. I actually cant wait for secondary characters to meet main characters. Ironically, Felix and Rajan don’t know right by the end of the second season right? I’m just looking forward to small moments....like I want Brian to see his cop friend again. Or Bug to meet Lito in real life. I can’t wait!

    • Love 4
  15. 9 hours ago, mxc90 said:

    When Barry was standing in front of the crowd taking triumphant bows and half his face exposed, Singh should have shouted "Barry did get my voice mail? See you at 8:00 sharp!". He might as well follow Oliver and announce to the world he is the Flash.

    Team Flash didn't bother inviting Cecile's other daughter to the party? 

    I would have liked Marlize to join the team but there are too many in that group.

    Can I just say, if Singh doesnt put it together bc Barry’s facemask was ripped, he shouldnt be in charge. Come ON! That was literally one whole side of his face.

    I’d be down for a humbler, more down to earth Ralph. But if he gets super annoying, I want a female superhero to replace him asap.

    So Nora acted kinda frosty towards Caitlyn and Harry at Jitters, but obviously then, the another Harry down the line is going to possibly be evil right? 

    Also, if Barry “died” originally during this tineline, wouldnt that mean for Nora to exist, Iris would have to be pregnant right now? Maybe Barry wouldnt have died but something else would have happened to him, or Nora couldnt resist fighting with her father again. I also kinda wish that the reset we saw with Nora helping was actually her power. We’ve seen her speed off already, so I know its not...but it could be fun to see variations of a speedster powers instead of being able to run and heal fast. Like, Nora could only run fast if she’s going back in time to change something. A reverse speedster if you will. Goes against everything we know about the Speed Force, but it could be a fun idea ?

    • Love 1
  16. I finished. What a sad ending. Not only do we have a teen pregnancy, heroin, we also are going to have a fallout from the police being called, Clay with the gun, and them helpin Tyler get away. With Santa Fe, and Netflix canceling the party for the show, I really thought Tyler was going to kill his classmates. When the group surrounded Clay when the song came on, with Tyler’s “friends” standing behind them, I mute my tv. I didnt want to hear/see it if they did go there. 

    I very much liked the adoption story. The fight when tying the tie made it seem like the boys were already starting to act like brothers with their bickering. And I really enjoyed the friendship between Zach and Alex. The learning how to dance scene caused me to tear up.

    I hope the ladies have more to do next season. I hope Jessica gets to make more choices than having the boys constantly try to pressure her into things.

    Overall, I still wish there had been a teacher protrayed as someone fighting for their students (other than the counselor this season). This whole group of teens should be in therapy. And someone should be going through Justin’s stuff on the daily.

    • Love 6
  17. 39 minutes ago, Raja said:

    I can't be the only one sitting there listening to reporters drone on about royals asking where was the after credit sequence? See you all after Avengers 4 hopefully

    I was surprised there wasn’t an end cap scene. Like, when Coulson blasted Garett or when what’s his face disappeared in the Framework. I really thought we were going to get an Infinity War ending or at least Deke disappearing watching a squirrel.

    • Love 4
  18. After watching this episode, I decided the writers wrote a bunch of things they wanted to happen, and then couldnt decide on what they wanted so they just had all of them happen. Seriously, I dont know the last time I watched a show with so many cliffhangers.

    • Love 1
  19. Oh shit. Frozen Fitz means two things 1)We know he’s most likely going to snap again so Jemma and Mack better be on top of that

    2) FitzSimmons is married but they’re not. And we’re going to get post-Framework, post-Hydra prison Fitz. Are we going to get another wedding? And this Fitz never meets his Grandson, but also means so many other things are wiped out. Everything except his first episode this season. I dont know how I feel about that.

    • Love 6
  20. No Thanos ending?!? Boooooooo Shield! You chickened out for sure. 

    I was shocked by Fitz. Like, I cried surprise. I thought he wasnt going to have legs when he looked down. Robin freezing when she said “something is different” was haunting. I hope she finds some peace.

    And super SUPER surprised we didnt see Deke fade out. I’m actually sad we didn't.

    I thought they were going to go for the shocker moment of the time loop, they ushered all those people from Chicago on the plane. I for sure thought they were going to go for it.

    Would Fitz really be out in space? Wouldnt the timeloop collaspe? Are we going to get Enoch back? 

    Love Mack as the Director. I wonder if Daisy recognizing her lack of leadership skills was the start of the change of the loop. Coulson really did put the puzzle together. Daisy was the only one to stop Talbot. He definitely lived long enough to see himself become the villian. 

    So, the cliffhangers are is Fitz still out there, and will they find him? And Coulson’s death.

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