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Posts posted by SnoGirl

  1. 1 hour ago, JessePinkman said:

    Where. Is. The. Soul. Stone???

    At this point I'm waiting for them to reveal it was in Steve's heart all along.

    What if it was in the serum Steve got, explaining why other attempts at making super soldiers were a bust?

    I hope its not on Earth. The galaxy is massive, whoever hid the stones clearly wasnt thinking if they’re all in one spot.

    • Love 1
  2. 11 hours ago, paramitch said:

    I did like that Thor had heard of them and had admired them so much he'd wanted to be one... and then emulate them. I'll take every scrap of female empowerment I can get from stories and that was a nice one.

    I LOVED that part, bc if Thor said it was okay for a young boy admire and be impressed by a strong woman role-model, it makes others think its okay too. I like that line a lot and want to know if it was scripted or not.

    It made me think of the story Hemsworth told on Ellen (During press for the Huntsman movie) of how his daughter wanted a penis like him and her brothers. It was adorable bc he told her she could be whatever she wanted to be. It makes me think he adlibbed the line about wanting to be a Valkyrie.

    • Love 5
  3. 22 hours ago, ratgirlagogo said:

    So Besame is at long last releasing a make-up line based on Agent Peggy Carter:


    Can't wait to see if they make that knock-out drug lipstick we've all been waiting for.

    So random. How long had Carter been off the air and they’re doing this now? Riding on the coat-tails of the Infinity Wars?

  4. They did talk about Fury a lot season one when Shield fell to Hydra. I actually think Hydra was the best thing that happened to this show. But as the show grew older, the references got less and less. It bums me out because this show is on Disney. And back when this show first started, the Movie Marvel actors all said that they would cameo on the show. Missed opportunities. Its still frustrating to me that they have never had Coulson crack a joke about Matt Murdock. You know Couslon would be all over the Devil’s in Hell’s Kitchen...from afar. I think he would be amused by him. 

    Come on Disney, let everyone play in the sandbox. A reference will not ruin the Marvel TV/Movie universe.

  5. Oh Shield. Of course you would have Deke try to play catch with Fitz. And in a dick move, Fitz was going to play “fetch.” LOL. I guess since he hadnt slept all night, I’d let it slide.

    I wish the phrase Jemma had said was something we had heard her say before, or something she had said to Fitz before. I still liked that we heard her say it, and that Deke literally looked like his jaw was on the ground. And then later he commented on Fitz’s sweater and called him “Grandpa.” LOL. I wonder if FitzSimmons is going to figure it out and not say anything to Deke like he’s not saying anything to him.

    Loved Jemma bringing up hyphnating their names and Fitz saying “Simmons-Fitz has a nice ring to it.” LOL. Their whole conversation as a married couple was perfect.

    I love Mack Hammer. I will never write his name as anything else. I’ll be honest, I didnt see the “Hammertime” reference coming, but I did laugh outloud, scaring my dog when it did.

    I wonder if Elena is going to try and stop May and Daisy from saving Coulson. I wish she would stop saying that everything she was told was happening and actually told Jemma or Mack Hammer what those things are. Time travel is wonky, she needs more allies.

    I do wonder, if sending Deke back to space with all the knowledge he knows, breaks the time loop. If Deke acted differently, helps Shield after being on Earth with them therefore saves the Earth. But then there’s the whole problem double Deke in space. I hate time travel.

    Where is Hunter and Robin during all of this? Can someone clarify that for me??

    • Love 11
  6. 9 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

    I cant decide what call back line from Steve I want more. Do I want someone to be like "are we going to try and fight these guys They're intergalactic conquerors from outer space!" and Steve says "I dont like bullies, I dont care where they're from." OR, do I want him to be fighting until the very end against Thanos, and Thanos is like "Surrender, you cannot possibly win!" and Steve just gets up and says "I could do this all day" while practically falling down in pain and exhaustion. 

    I dont care if its cheesy I WANT WHAT I WANT.  

    Cap is my favorite. If he says either, I’ll be crying. I think there’s going to be a lot of tears shed.

    Who knew that an actor that I was so concerned about when he was casted would be the one who is going to Hulk, Smash my heart (I knew that reference ?)

    • Love 7
  7. 4 hours ago, Froippi said:

    Help me if I’m wrong but this makes it sound like a bunch of relationships will be destroyed this season

    I think the opposite, I think they’re going to bring people together. I think we’re going to get a big Phil/May moment still. Who knows what else. I wouldnt mind if Daisy ends the show single, but hopefully not with Deke (Im definitely a Quake/Ghost Rider shipper). I think we’ll see Daisy get her powers back. It would be nice to see Cal again (for Daisy’s sake) or Bobby and Hunter before the end. (Hunter, who should be in the lighthouse right??? Protecting Robin???).

    I just dont want episode 100 to have callbacks. If this is the last season, easter egg it for the watchers who have been around since season one!

    • Love 1
  8. 3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    Yeah, from the clips we saw, it looks like Thanos and company kill a bunch of people on the ship, maybe everyone except for Hulk and Valkyrie (SOBS!), and then he will threaten to kill Thor if Loki doesn't give him the stone (which he stole because Loki), and because Thor is pretty much the only person in the universe Loki gives a damn about besides himself, he does it. Then...I have no idea. Maybe Thanos kills him when he has no more use to him, and tosses Thor into space, and that how he finds the Guardians? 

    I think is exactly what happens. I wonder if we’ll get two Loki’s, one trying to save Thor, the other trying to get the Asgardians off the ship. I dont think they would wipe everyone out, right after Thor rescued them...Banner, Heimdall and Valkyrie are MIA, as are the ragtag bunch of aliens who were with Loki, so I’m assuming they’re with some of the Asgardians escaping. I wonder if Thanos murders Loki after he gives up the stone, or he allows Loki to join him again (I kinda think Thanos isnt into second chances). I know Loki is a thorn, but after Ragnarok, I want to see more Thor/Loki stories. I’m not a Loki fangirl, but I admit I might be crushed if he gets killed off.

    I wonder if not all the Supers will actually cross paths but be separated into two different stories. Some in space, some in Wakanda? Or if some of them, like Valkryie and Nebula, wont make an appearance until the second film. I really want Gamora/Nebula to be the ones to finish Thanos, but I’m sure that honor will go to someone else. Too bad Quill gave up his powers, I think they are definitely needed.

    • Love 4
  9. Omg. They’re all going to die. How do you win against that??? Looks like Thanos has some villians on his side too. Man, I hope the ladies have some killer moments. They’re the ones I think are going to be in the background to make room for all the boys, Gamora is the only female who speaks compared to all the males who speak. Is Valkyrie in this? Or Nebula?

    I cant believe we’re finally seeing all these stars in one place. If they didnt tape some Marvel behind the scenes documentary, they really dropped the ball. 

    I cant imagine any other storyline than our heroes really losing. I’m not ready to say goodbye. If you need me, I’ll be watching all the original Marvel movies (except Thor’s, I’ll be watching his third).

    • Love 4
  10. See, I want all these fun quirky moments between the characters, but with there being so many characters, I think there’s going to be less moments and more action. 

    I would love a movie where we only see all the supers do normal things. All of them hanging out at the Avenger compound doing nothing but watching movies and playing games but that’s obviously not what Infinity Wars are going to be.

    What do you think the running time of this movie is going to be. Think its going to be the longest yet?

  11. 31 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

    So ... many .... pep talks.

    Cisco definitely needed to give Iris a nickname.  I thought it was cool that Iris' lightning flashes were purple, so maybe Flash Mauve (sounds like Flash Mob) ?  The Purple Streak ?? Lavender Lightning ?

    I liked what Candice posted on Instagram, which was Purple Reign.  I am ridiculously disappointed Cisco didn't say a nickname after she ran away in her new costume instead of "I've got hangers."  Come on Writers!  Way to drop the ball there! 

    • Love 3
  12. 4 minutes ago, imhooked said:


    Jack's hammer

    I thought it was a screwdriver....I thought it was cute either way.  They could have (with forethought) have made it into the handle of the flowers, instead of on top.

    • Love 7
  13. I really liked it.  Liked that Kate finally let go of Jack a bit.  And I liked that both Kevin and Randall admitted they put themselves before Kate for awhile now.  I liked that they tried their best to make her wedding day special.

    Loved Worst Case Scenario.  I loved the tics that Beth and Randall have with their marriage.  And I loved in the moment, Randall opened up to Kevin and got him to play the game too.  A couple of my friends texted me and asked "so, worse case scenario.  Sounds just like you," LOL.  I'm such a Randall.

    I'm concerned about Deja.  I hope they get her into therapy.  I really thought we weren't going to get the angry foster kid story, so I hope they steer clear of the stereotypes with this story.

    I think Toby has cancer, or some sort of sickness.  There are lots of meds that could be adjusted.  I was hoping Kate was going to be drama-free for awhile.  I bet that "future" story happens really quick.  I couldn't believe how many future stories they laid out.  I wonder what their writer room looks like....there has to be crazy storyline threads EVERYWHERE.

    • Love 16
  14. I love Iris.  Damn right, she's the boss.  AND she's finally getting back to reporting!  Woohooo!  LOVED the Purple.  So amazing, and so Iris.


    I call foul though.  No nickname?  I hated every moment they called her Flash.  I would literally watch a show of Iris running around like the shero she is, and Barry sitting at Star Labs.

    • Love 9
  15. I. Am. Freaking. Out. 

    Let’s be honest, I feel like Jacob finding out he’s going with Newt! I love Fantastic Beasts and just rewatched it this weekend. Im still bummed about Depp but Jude Law was just rocking as Dumbledore.

    Did anyone else see Credence? I thought he was on the roof with the other wizard. And was that Newt with his brother at the end?? I’m a sucker for sibling stories. I hope Newt’s brother isnt awful, that would make me so sad.

    • Love 1
  16. I thought it was super similar to Castle....even down to the handcuffing and escaping aspect. I think Castle took down the bad guy in the first episode too, and Beckett admitting to being a fan of his work after originally saying no, just like the FBI agent. She’s even chasing someone she’s been chasing for years, like Beckett was chasing her mother’s killer.

    I feel like they canceled Castle, retooled it with magic and younger characters. I liked it, but I also was a huge Castle fan too. We’ll see how the rest of the episodes go...

    • Love 4
  17. I think an Early Edition remake would be so great. I think the fact that the main character would get a newspaper still would be interesting bc people would comment on it (mind you, I still know a ton of people who read a physical newspaper over the computer). Plus, talk about how you would want to catch whose delivering it. If it was electronic, it would be a lot of internet searching. I think a physical paper would be way more interesting.

    What I loved most about it, is it could be a family show. I remember watching with my sister and parents. With the Librarians being canceled, I wish there were more shows that you could watch with your kids...

    • Love 5
  18. Candice reposted some fanart of her in the supersuit and the caption says: Purple Reign ?

    I wonder if that’s her alter-ego name or if that’s what the artist called the picture....

    • Love 3
  19. 7 hours ago, Froippi said:

    one thing I did not like is how Daisy reacted to Fitz about Hydra I mean I got why she said it but it did sorta of feel like a low below I think even Simmons found that a bit offensive

    I actually laughed at her throwing Hydra in his face and calling him Leopold. It was such a sibling thing to do. Who hasnt, in an high stress, emotional moment lashed out at a sibling or family member by throwing something in their face that you know is going to cause a reaction? My sister has gone through a ton of cars and when we’re getting into it, usually “car killer” pops out of my mouth. Its so stupid, but for some reason it really gets my sister going. Logical? No. 

    Daisy went for Fitz’s knees bc she was upset. It definitely looked familar to me.

    • Love 11
  20. I was trying to think of all the throwback or new information of old stories Easter Eggs they covered in this episode.

    1) Bringing back Deathlok from episode one

    2) Finding out what FitzSimmons first conversation was about

    3) Finding out that Coulson’s father was a history teacher. With Coulson’s love of history, my heart skipped a beat. That tidbit was adorable. I kinda wish we had have an episode of Coulson’s life. Did his parents die and that’s why he went Shield? Was he more like FitzSimmons looking for an adventure? I want to know more.

    4) I thought it was interesting that Lash appeared as Coulson’s fear. Hive too, but I wish that had been Ward. I know, I complain about him coming back all the time, but this time I think it would have been earned. Coulson was able to always save his “daughters” but his “sons” were not always as lucky. Ward was the ones he lost. I wish we had seen more Coulson “failures.” The female agent from season one with the bomb in the eye. Blake, Trip, Victoria, or Rosalind.

    5) The return of Fitz’s drones. We havent seen them in awhile right?

    6) The return of Davis (thanks @Jediknight)

    7) And one of my favorites, return of just regular Shield Agents. See Daisy, its hard to kill an idea. Women and Men willing to fight in the shadows. 

    • Love 10
  21. I am shocked. I am so happy they kept the wedding under wraps. I kinda thought wedding when Coulson made the comment about symbol of hope, but I thought the shipper moment would be Coulson-May.

    I teared up a lot in this episode. Coulson finally admitting he’s dying. Fake!Mike telling Coulson he was dying on the table (they had me going for a moment). And then the wedding. Oh that wedding.

    And the icing on the cake? Deke being a FITZSIMMONS! Ha! I KNEW it. I was so hoping for a child in the lighthouse, and Im thrilled to be be right. Totally an earned moment. He picked out Jemma’s ring bc it looked like his Grandmother’s ring. Although sad, FitzSimmons must have died before he could remember them. And they have a DAUGHTER!!! Love it!

    Who was the guy with the scar? Was he was from Season One? Also, I call foul on Bobbi and Hunter not being there. Where the hell is Hunter? Isnt he in the lighthouse? When in time did they return? Isnt he and Enoch with Robin and her mother in there somewhere??

    Otherwise, perfect episode. One of my favorites for sure.

    • Love 9
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