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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. All of the shows overdo the staging, IMO. You can’t see what the rooms are like for all the clutter.
  2. Participation Trophy Wife. 😏 Dallas: I really liked the first house. It’s funny that on a network that has a lot of “flipping” shows, when flipped houses are referred to on HH it is to point out shoddy workmanship.
  3. Houston: Why did they need such a huge house? Oh, wait, partying. 🙄
  4. Karen’s kitty was so cute getting into the middle of that project. BTW, one could not have that headboard/footboard set in a house occupied by felines. It was one big cat scratching post! My cats would have it shredded in no time flat.
  5. Didn’t anyone notice that they weren’t getting a utility bill? 🤦‍♀️
  6. Well, Bulent started doing something once he was left alone and had to. I don’t recall him doing much before that.
  7. I didn’t like the black staircase either. I agreed with Karen that the vaulted ceiling would have been a better use of the budget than those French doors to nowhere. Why is it call a “Juliet balcony”? Juliet had a real balcony, damn it! 😏 I like the woven light fixture Karen made. I think they should have kept the original porch railings where they were. I liked the design. BTW, do the people they are shown showing the house to ever buy it?
  8. Nice: That was fun finding all about Adrian! They better do an “Adventure Continues” episode with Richard now. I remember the HH. He was funny. His singing though...🙄 The French can have weird tastes, non? I wondered if Dozer had passed on since he didn’t appear in the new content. ☹️
  9. From what I read, Bulent’s “day job” is a border patrol agent in Washington State. I didn’t believe he could support himself as a “life coach.” 😆
  10. Makani’s real name is Natalie Paul. “Makani Nalu” is her made up Hawaiian name. She is such a phony. 🙄
  11. Yeah, I can relate! I would love in apartment stackables!
  12. Why wasn’t that mentioned? The way the son talked he had grown up with the dog! 🙄
  13. Not sure, but maybe it had something to do with the psychic abilities he has (like Maggie, Vic, and Jolene, Charlie has special abilities). Just a guess!
  14. You’ve never heard of Murnau’s Nosferatu? It’s a classic! Werner Herzog did a remake in 1979 starring, of course, Klaus Kinski.
  15. The father hurt one of them, IIRC. Not seriously, but it was scary at the time.
  16. Interesting to see Charlie’s back story. Did someone dying in the Wraith give it its powers?
  17. The “catfish shooting out of Bulent’s ass” clip was hysterical. 😂 I bet Bulent regrets letting Kate take his bow and arrows with her. I’m Team Baboon all the way. It’s their water not yours, Bulent. BTW, is he French or French-Canadian? I hate seeing animals killed, but I’m happy for Wes and Gwen. They are a great team. I would like Tribe Murder Puddle to join them. Seth, well, I have nothing more to add to what others have said. Poor widdle baby always gets mean teammates! Boo effing hoo! Love, love, love Clothed and Opinionated! Like hanging out with friends.
  18. Those green eggs were lovely. Dr. Seuss would approve!
  19. You mean the Schneider family? I’m still irritated about that poor Golden Retriever. It’s not as if the tumor was not visible. It would be like a person walking around with a growth the size of a soccer ball right below one side of their posterior. 😬
  20. The Bros really are funny. Bet they were a handful when they were kids.
  21. Those dholes were so cute! Yes, they had boopable noses! 😁 Going to be shallow here, but the babirusa’s keeper needed dental work as much as he did! ::ducks::
  22. I don’t really care about their fertility issues. Not why I watch.
  23. That dog dying on the operating table had me bawling. 😢 Poor sweet dog. That tumor was huge. I don’t understand why the family didn’t bring her in sooner. I loved how that cat was comforting Erin. OMG, that snow white calf was gorgeous! 😍 Since they gave plasma to that newborn foal in last week’s episode, I figured that’s what they would do for baby Iris.
  24. IIRC, they drop off more batteries when the weekly health checks are made.
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