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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Originally, shotgun houses were like the one Miss Indiana bought. You could shoot a shotgun through the front door and it would go straight though the room doors to the back. We need to have an LSU party, mes amies! 🥳
  2. Mexico: That Tulum place was beautiful, but I knew the wife would get her way. Why move to another country just to live at a golf resort? And how is a view of a golf course such a big deal. Looks as if their new friends were a bunch of ex-pat white people. Luis the realtor was cute!
  3. When I was at LSU majoring in Anthropology, lo these many years ago, I did a class project involving a stunning double shotgun in the French Quarter. It was a gem. Even then, I wouldn’t live in a shotgun because of the configuration. Having to walk through all the rooms to get to the kitchen (always in the back) is a hard no for me. Miss Indiana‘ house (I thought “beauty queens” were tall) wasn’t wide enough to build a hall in. Oh, and Miss Indiana, barn doors aren’t “trending.” They are passé.
  4. A real life horror movie plot! 😬
  5. I wouldn’t want red wine sauce on fried chicken.
  6. Why does Freeform carry the 700 Club?
  7. Wyatt cracked me up when he told Liam to just let Justin work “his magic” to get him out of there. Yeah, Justin is a criminal lawyer only in the sense that he helps Bill facilitate crimes! 🙄
  8. I wish, instead of wasting time on stupid challenges, they would show a graphic for each team of their menu items and the prices.
  9. I figured it was Kate who shot Martin. After all, we had the Chekhov’s skeet shooting weekend that showed she knew how to handle firearms. Of course, like the whole “shoot-out” story, why wouldn’t the police have cleared that up? Nobody else could have shot him.
  10. The outfits Zoey and Paris actually looked like something women would actually wear to work. Felony Flo, of course, was dressed like a truck stop hooker.
  11. One team was shown asking customers to use their social media to promote them. They wrote it on the takeout containers. I believe the long-haired Seoul Sausage guy has his hair pulled back when cooking. Was the damage to the Waffle boys truck their fault? If not, why would the money come out of their till? Maybe I didn’t hear it right? 🤨
  12. That bayou Black Bear around their camp was nothing compared to the Grizzlies on Alone this season.
  13. How did Lime Disease or whatever their name is have sales totals twice as high as the other teams? Their prices had to have been really high.
  14. Yes, please! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 The only way that douche bro made the 60 days in the Philippines was because he got taken out to spend the night in the medics tent then was allowed to return to play. I still don’t understand that. I like how Riley and Matt mocked “boys with a z!” 😆 I was sorry to see Gary leave like that, too. His eating anything and everything finally caught up with him. I hope EJ and Max’s dugout canoe is a success. Who else wanted that gar to bite Jeff?
  15. I liked Debra’s color choices. I especially liked the green bedroom with the hawk picture over the bed.
  16. I didn’t hear him say he wanted to have a farm or own animals. He just liked living somewhere where he could be near farms and cows. I would too since it was only 15 minutes from Cork.
  17. People are forgiven for much worse.
  18. A lot? I heard about only a couple of places. When I was a kid we moved about every two years. Now that a lot! Who said anything about her smiling? I’m a woman so I know all about that. I just said she looked miserable.
  19. Sorry, still can’t understand it.
  20. I thought the reactions of Toby’s sons were bizarre. It’s not as if she abandoned minor children. They were grown. Toby did something incredibly stupid, but not unforgivable, IMO.
  21. The wife annoyed me because she looked so miserable most of the time. Hey, lady, lots of us would love to move to Ireland.
  22. There was one episode in which an African-American woman went in her house and got a large kitchen knife when a brawl between her family and the family of the woman she was feuding with broke out on her property. She came out with the knife and unfortunately stabbed and killed the sister of the neighbor woman. She was convicted of manslaughter. My reaction was like “Wait, if she had been white and had a gun, she would have been acquitted or not even charged!” The “stand your ground” laws that get people off for shooting someone on their property are bullshit, IMO. The shooters always claim they “feared for their lives!” Yeah, right! 🙄
  23. Watch Pose if you ever get the chance. Dominique is fabulous in it. Her character Elektra isn’t always likeable, but she is always amazing!
  24. Fresno: It’s alpha females butting heads tonight. Guess we’ll never know the whole truth of the feud. The real Lora rubbed me the wrong way. I don’t think she was a truthful narrator. I’m sure the sister-in-law was right about neither side being willing to pull back. BTW, the daughter’s fake eyelashes drove me nuts! They looked like something a drag queen would wear. 😆
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