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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Dan, you didn't do what you "needed to do." You blew your mental game by doing the least you could do to survive. And you made fun of others. Karma!
  2. Bjorn and Astrid? WTF? Who is the guy with the messed up face supposed to be? Harald and his brother look dirty all the time with those tats on their faces. Princess Froggy called Rollo a "son of a whore" among other things. Begs the question, if she was cursing him in French what language was she speaking to him and the servants before that? Lagertha is still a badass!
  3. Not a French boyfriend! He would probably be as unwashed and greasy as Ridge! ;-)
  4. I turned off today's episode when Puffy dropped by Waffle's house. I just couldn't take anymore. BTW, I just wanted to slap the crap out of Brooke when she simpered about all that Quinn had put our family through. WTF, lady, what has Quinn done to you or your son? Liam is the one who has legit grievances (which he should STFU about since he didn't press charges), and he isn't part of your family.
  5. April is Catholic. Guess that explains how a nurse got pregnant. <sarcasm> So she would want to bring a brainless baby to term? To suffer then die. Yeah, really Christian (and, yes, I am). Manning is insufferable. The scene of the father picking up his son's belongings was so heartbreaking. It seemed as if they had only each other.
  6. If anyone hasn't seen "The Fall," DO! It is amazing. Singh is a genius especially with locations and costumes. He is awesome in the "Magnificent Seven" remake.
  7. I first saw that Licky thing on Jimmy Fallon's show (yes, it was mocked!), and thought "what kind of an idiot would think that up?" Now I know! I have three cats and no way would I ever buy that! Did the coffee guy say he was a veteran? I can't remember. ;-)
  8. I was going to watch this based on the promos, but when I read that Tarsem Singh was the director, I really got excited! "The Fall" is one of my favorite movies ever. The visuals are stunning, as expected, and I'm really drawn into the story. Great to see Vincent Donofrio back on tv.
  9. I like Callie. She had me going! I thought she was one of those disappointing people who leave because they had done what they "needed to do." She had the dialogue down pat! :-) Her shelter is awesome. I can't stand Dan either (steel jaw traps...grrrr). Lazy punk. Fowler's shelter will be great when he gets it done. Good on Greg for making the raft to find better fishing. How's it going, eh? ;-)
  10. Othello wasn't helping Bill and Steffy in Aspen. He was Rick's friend, IIRC.
  11. They are really testing the depths of my loathing of Ridge. Just when I think it can't get any deeper...
  12. I don't wait Bjorn to cheat on Torvi. BTW, what were they going to do with all those captured women (besides the obvious)? I know they would become slaves, but would the Vikings actually drag them along on their multi-year raiding voyage?
  13. Please don't let Lagertha be killed until she is a very old lady! I don't think I could take KW leaving the show so soon after TF. So are we going to have Abdul Loki? ;-) I liked the thing with the crows but thought the visits by Odin were a bit much. When Aethelwulf asked his dad what he was going to do, I wanted Ecbert to say,"Oh, I'll just keep on f*cking your wife."
  14. I bet the motel management was glad when Lena left. She probably left the room a mess.
  15. Quinn! Think about what Eric just said. He said he was going to take a SHOWER! Those are words you will never hear come from Ridge's lips. Ever!
  16. Linda seemed really sad. I liked how grateful she and her husband were about the cleanup. Which leads me to Lena. What an ungrateful bitch. They ruined her business! STFU! She was so hateful to her friend, too.
  17. I bet it smelled around Britt's shelter since his urinal dumped the pee close by it.
  18. The Y&R episode had lots of characters no longer on the show-- Col. Austen, the Brookes sisters, Paul's parents, etc.-- and since recasted characters like Jill and Diane. That wouldn't be a problem.
  19. Why couldn't B&B have shown a classic episode like Y&R. I actually watched Y&R to see Nikki and Victor's first marriage again. It was a hoot to watch with all the 80s big hair and fugly fashion!
  20. Me, too! I adore JRM, but he was so miscast as the tall, ginger Henry that I couldn't watch it either. Watch the movie "Velvet Goldmine." ::sigh::
  21. Dave's shelter was pretty awesome, but he was so thin to start with that I can't see him lasting. No, Britt, you couldn't have kept on going but for missing your family. Hooray for the fox! That is one smart animal! How did Fowler plan on retrieving any ducks caught by his trap? Didn't he say that the weight would drown the poor thing? Was the weight tethered to the platform?
  22. :-) Who was the guy with one eye and a scarred face?
  23. I'm sure they didn't have boa constrictors there back then! That article that someone linked to (thanks) said the only poisonous snake, the adder, wasn't usually lethal, only painful. Ugh. Not good for Ragnar!
  24. Poor Steffy! Her only recourse to not living with Waffles is to move into her brother's crappy apartment. A million a year must not go very far anymore. Liked the crack about hand sanitizer! :-)
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