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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Lithuania: Hope the husband has good life insurance. Bet people think he is the grandfather of those young kids.
  2. I don’t think it was mentioned. I didn’t find them annoying (except for the soul patch). Cute kitty.
  3. The wife’s friend’s fried hair and troweled on blush cracked me up! Bet she thought she looked so hot! 🤦‍♀️
  4. When Steffy was doing her “poor me” routine, she wailed that she had given Phoebe “every ounce of my love and affection.” I was like “ouch, poor Kelly. Sucks to be you.” 😆
  5. I don’t buy that Long Island witch clocking the girls. They all pass. Angel is a the Bebe girl, for crying out loud! I can buy the LI witch being a racist in that scenario. Fun episode though! I really like LuLu now. She was a mean girl when paired with Candy. Glad the mummy trunk was brought up again. I knew it would smell. Elektra’s apartment is pretty fab. I think we’ve seen only the bedroom before.
  6. I laughed when JMW did her wailing collapse at the end. 😆 I hated Sally taking Wyatt back like that. 🤬 Love how the baby playing Beth clearly prefers AN to JMW.
  7. Barcelona: I liked the flat they immediately crossed off the list. The younger guy was really annoying me since I figure that his husband was the one paying for the lion’s share of things since he had a stable job. I liked how things worked out in the end.
  8. Strasbourg, VA: Did she really not know what a radiator was? Seriously?
  9. I can’t believe Gregory is 18 years old! Wow. Poor Gideon the mastiff did have cancer. Hope he continues to do well. Man, that was a big dog! After seeing The Vet Life the night before (recorded HWTH), I’m glad that bearded dragon didn’t have a black beard! I just love Dr. Tony’s voice...
  10. Did Steffy have a lawyer for the “adoption,” and please don’t tell me it was Carter. 🤦‍♀️ Did they go before a judge? This “adoption” should have raised more red flags than a May Day parade in Moscow.
  11. Poor BD. Pets are usually the way kids learn about mortality. Chocolate was gorgeous! I wanted to hug him. I went to LSU for my undergrad degree and I love Cajun food, but I have never eaten crawfish. Never wanted to.
  12. That’s only about 65 miles north of where I live. Welcome to the Shenandoah Valley, Dr. Emily!
  13. Poor little Mikey. 😥 His cries were heartbreaking. As soon as I heard that music, I knew the poor little guy hadn’t made it. Baby goats are the absolute cutest things! Little gamboling addicts! I wondered about splinting that puppy’s legs, too. He was such a cheerful little fella.
  14. Germany: I think the boyfriend was cast in the jerk role for the show. After all, he became a cat lover!
  15. Germany: Nice to see Kevin, aka Baby Elvis, again. He is so cute. The boyfriend was hot. Loved his accent. They picked the most logical flat. The house was awesome but too far away. Everyone’s reactions to the weird futon-ish thing were funny.
  16. A court would order a DNA test regardless of whether or not the parties asked for one.
  17. JMW continues to be such a lousy actress. I laughed when that big black tear ran down her face. Hope was really Brooke’s daughter the way she told Steffy that she was not leaving without her daughter. 👏 Sally needs to tell Wyatt that he can kiss her posterior.
  18. I don’t feel sorry for Steffy either. Her desire for an insta-sister for Kelly started this whole ball of 💩 rolling. Any pain she feels is nowhere near the agony Hope went through.
  19. Sorry Nikki got pulled too. Who was that in next week’s preview having a freak out? Maybe the wolverine is the mate of the one Jordan slaughtered. It has revenge on its mind! BTW, I just recently watched an awesome survival movie, Arctic starring the marvelous Mads Mikkelsen. Highly recommend it. On Amazon Prime.
  20. Ho Chi Minh City: I usually love foreign accents, but Tayla’s drove me nuts. So annoying. Seems they found expats to hang out with.
  21. With the Marais apartment, the entrance was directly into the bedroom area. I liked the place she picked. That little dog was tote adorbs! Wonder if the HH is still there. She would have to get a job eventually.
  22. Where is the B&B located specifically? I would like to see its website. The stained glass windows in that third place were gorgeous. The B&Bs I’ve stayed in have all been in the city (Boston, Philly, and DC). That way, I could walk to places and/or take the Metro or bus. I never had to eat breakfast communally. In Boston, breakfast was brought to your room. It was in Beacon Hill, a great location. The squirrels on the Boston Commons were so cute. I would bring peanut butter crackers to feed them, and they would get on the bench with me, sometimes even get in my lap!
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