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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Another fun episode! I enjoy seeing how they are trying to recreate the furnishings without resorting to making exact replicas. BTW, Barry is still looking good! 😏 They had to have the bunks custom made, IIRC.
  2. Question re: the latest reno: I thought it was stated that making the fireplace useable would cost $7000, but when the fireplace was being demolished the cost flashed on the screen for removing the chimney was $10,000! Huh? Did I misread or mishear something?
  3. I liked the couple. I liked the dark gray kitchen cabinets. Nice change from white. That “Puff the Magic Dragon” mural was hideous! Loved the dude’s crack about the Orca giving birth to a dolphin! 😆
  4. I’m sure a microchip was suggested. They can’t show everything. Yes, it was mentioned that Ted would have time to meet with Skate during the ongoing training period. They just wanted to introduce him to Ted early in the process. It terrifies me to see my cat Aemon Targaryen have grand mal seizures. I can’t imagine what it is like to see your child or brother have one.
  5. Well, Dr. Thielen is going to have her own show. They had a promo for it. I’ll watch it if she has cut out the baby talk. The Sickness became the The Dead. Be careful what you name your animal. Poor tiny monkey. Enjoy your trophy pet, folks. 😡 Those foxes cost about $2-3,000 dollars. Wish there had been an update on the ferret. Sure hope it didn’t have distemper.
  6. The 21 year old who was the “sugar baby” expert made me roll my eyes. Yeah, I’m so sure that guy in his 60s pays her $1200/month to just hang out with him. 🙄 I agree that it isn’t victim blaming to point out the bad decisions Mackenzie made. Not meeting someone at a park in the wee hours of the morning is a no brainer.
  7. It still seemed like a repackaged episode since the houses had names and the real estate agent didn’t go in the houses with them. I agree that the couple was nice and the island was beautiful.
  8. So glad Atlas got better. He looked so forlorn laying there with his swollen legs. I used to have a Bengal. The vet techs at the vet clinic said Sashi was the sweetest natured Bengal they had ever worked with. She was so beautiful with huge green eyes and gold tipped fur. Fred the tiny horse was adorbs! I think Atlas was bigger than him! Polly the therapy dog was gorgeous. The uni I teach at brings in therapy dogs at finals time. Great idea.
  9. I liked the two good-looking half bros in Vietnam. Glad they both found jobs.
  10. That close-up of her trout pout at the end was truly frightening! 😬
  11. Temecula: Anyone else watch Pose? The wife reminded me of Elektra. 😆 Stamford, CT: I thought they were a nice couple. At least they didn’t belittle each other.
  12. I know! He seemed so nice, but she treated him so poorly. The man wanted a pool? Is that a crime? That woman made my skin crawl with her pretentiousness. The longer the show went on the more I fast-forwarded.
  13. I liked Little Monsters. The demon was creepy, and the child actors were great. Tutorial was weird but entertaining. That mask was 😬.
  14. Tangiers: Here we had the exact opposite of wanting “local charm”! I just knew they were going to pick the cramped generic apartment. I loved the second place. I would love to live someplace like that. Couldn’t they get a countertop convection oven if there was no built in oven? BTW, apropos of hard mattresses, when I lived in China in 2010, the mattresses were rock hard. It was like sleeping on on board. Killed my back.
  15. Why does Ridge get veto power over Flo’s deal. That is ridiculous? He wasn’t the victim of her crime.
  16. Nick the Brit in Spain is now one of my HHI faves along with Richard, Adrian, Baby Elvis (Kevin), and Taniel.
  17. Drew and Jonathan aren’t flippers that I’m aware of.
  18. I feel sorry for all the Spaniards who aren’t living the authentic Spanish experience because they don’t live downtown. Pobrecitos.
  19. Lansing, NY: Does the husband realize that in the winter deciduous trees have no leaves, but in the spring they will grow back? 🙄
  20. It was something about being teaching assistants, using their native language. Yeah, he seemed like a nice guy, but she was whiny and annoying. The flat they picked was tiny, over budget, and an hour from work. Just so she could go out drinking every night. When she said about the first flat having no charm, I was like “F*ck you, neither do you!”
  21. Just have to say : Mid-century modern is not at all the same as Seventies style.
  22. Yeah, my concern was the dog getting sick from what was on the pizza.
  23. I don’t know why you think everything she said was said as a joke. 🙄
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