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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. The rubella baby storyline was so heartbreaking. Antivaxxers would have us going back to those days. Could that baby’s heart be repaired today, I wonder. I loved Lucille placing Warren’s picture and the flowers next to St. Raymond. 😥
  2. That’s why I wanted them to adopt a feral cat or two at the Chicago shelter.
  3. I know, right (on both counts)? I want to cuddle a baby puma! And a baby flamingo. It was great to see Jose and Raul together.
  4. That woman said those goats were like her children. Really? 🙄 I seriously hope, if she had children, she didn’t neglect them the way she did those poor goats. Thank God Dan and his refuge took them. The twins are so funny (and hot)!
  5. Nandor and the Baskin-Robbins coupon was sweet.
  6. He should have been wearing a mask when he was ripping out that carpet. Chicago: I didn’t like either one of them. Adults do live in apartments/condos, asshole. And she was another who bragged about not cooking. 🙄 What architect thought outdoor stairs was a good idea in Chicago? It wasn’t as if the building was a tenement.
  7. Redding, CA: What was with the husband’s metrosexual hair? 😆 OMG, that carpet in the house they bought was unbelievable.
  8. Has anyone tried emailing Colin Robinson? If I had written down his addy, I would have. That episode was hysterical as usual. Nandor telling Guillermo to get Tide on the Go pens cracked me up for some reason. Then he got more change back. The curse was lifted! 😆 Good to see the haunted doll back. Poor Derek. Died a virgin. Wonder if he was turned? 🤨
  9. Dallas: Didn’t she pick the one with the HOA as well as the highest price? I liked the realtor/friend.
  10. Val’s seahorse looked more like a chicken of the sea!
  11. It was £5. I’m sure movie tickets were cheap back then. Guess I’m the only one who doesn’t need more Timothy scenes. I think he is a snooze. It was fun seeing David Attenborough on the telly at the Turners.
  12. WTF. That finale was a self-indulgent mess. The magical adventure with my new friends Peter, Simone, Janice, and Fredwynn ended last week apparently. Well, I enjoyed the ride until tonight. Should have jumped off the train before it hit the wall...BTW, I want to punch that creepy kid.
  13. That woman was such a bitch to Sister Julienne. Granny probably wouldn’t have minded them using a bit of her donation to go to the movies.
  14. It was a 30 minute show on after “Saved by the Barn” (BTW, I started a forum for SBTB). I don’t know the what AP called it. It’s probs on their website.
  15. Loved Sister Frances telling that lazy lout of a daughter to move out of her mother’s and back with her husband. I also liked that she told Mr. Calthrop that he would need to learn how to give himself insulin injections. I kept saying that to the TV! Poor Sister Julienne kept getting dumped on. Yeah, she wears such luxurious robes and lives a life of leisure! 🙄
  16. The Loop was shut down in the parallel world so, if there were counterpoint Loretta and hubby, they might not live in the area anymore.
  17. Howie was a doll! I think he’ll do fine with the gang at the other zoo. Hope he fathers many cute joeys! Wasn’t that Jose’s twin wrangling the alligators at the Queen’s Zoo?
  18. I caught the tale end of a COVID 19 show on AP, and saw the docs talking about how they are handling cases now. Nice to see them! Best wishes to Drs. Blue, Lavigne, and Ross and their staff and families.
  19. I’m disappointed they didn’t get one of those cute polydactyl kittens. Dr. Oakley referring to her husband as “the boss” was annoying. So happy Blue the bull got better. He had a Ferdinand quality about him. 😊
  20. I’m really enjoying this series. I wanted to hug Mike the blind bull and Strauss the former fighting cock. Love that Mike can stay out in the pasture with the other cows. He’s a champ. Wynter is a beautiful dog. I wish Dan had taken that feral cat, too, to be a barn cat. OMG, those bunnies! 😍That grey one had the most gorgeous long hair!
  21. Hope Bill gets a beard trim during the hiatus. His was getting too shaggy. I don’t like neck beards.
  22. I would have thought the William Shatner episode on the airplane or the Billy Mumy episode would have been first.
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