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So before I deleted this off my DVR, I rewatched the Emma scenes and I have to say that JMO's arms are kicking it! I missed this in the first watching because I was distracted with the ill fitting prom dress but they are really, really awesome!
It is for the DVD sales. This way they can have SQ's buy the complete set! The question I have is what did they pay JMO to fly to VC for such a small piece in the finale???
tri4335 replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in Once Upon A Time
The last scene should've been The Chief and Nurse Ratchet outside Regina's room because truly the only way the ending makes sense is that it was all in her delusional mind!- 630 replies
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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!
tri4335 replied to regularlyleaded's topic in Once Upon A Time
According to IMDB, Ginny's next project is with ABC so that may explain a lot. Also they are both professionals who like/need to work and aren't superstars who can say/do what they want in terms of bad mouthing a series, cast, writers, producers or network. The only actor on the show who has some clout in the industry is Robert and even his clout is not mega levels. So my take is Ginny and Josh are holding the party line. Everyone involved on the show (actors, writers showrunners) all want to work again, so I fully expect if we'll never hear about the behind the scene feelings, manipulations etc, If we do, it won't be for years (kinda like the Sex in the City feud that didn't imploded for a long time). -
A Thread for All Seasons: This Story Is Over, But Still Goes On.
tri4335 replied to MostlyC's topic in Once Upon A Time
Yes it was Belle's job but I feel in better writers' hands this could've been done in flashbacks versus in the present. At the end of the day, all incompetency is on A & E and not on any of the actors. -
A Thread for All Seasons: This Story Is Over, But Still Goes On.
tri4335 replied to MostlyC's topic in Once Upon A Time
One of A & E's biggest mistakes was bringing Belle to present time. She should've remained in flashbacks but had died in the past. We could've seen the love but then see without her Rumple was off the rails. Instead they brought her forward and proceeded to ruin her character. My other wish was that Neal grabbed her hand and killed her (or they could've made it that she was in the vault and Rumple would need to free her by redemption and again the flashbacks would show the love but she wouldn't need to make excuses for current behavior). I felt that would've been meaty work for MRJ and RC for Rumple to kill Neal's mother and Neal to have killed Belle and actually have these acts acknowledged. I know that everyone was like you can't kill a Disney Princess but what A & E did was so so so much WORSE! -
I think that ensemble shows have this drama built into the nature of the show especially if the leads are not megastars from the start. Actors need to promote themselves and it is a scale on how much that promotion is to the detriment or benefit to their co-workers. So my scale for ensemble casts is a follows: on the far left you have John Ritter whose co-stars didn't speak to him for decades and on the far right you have the cast of friends who held out as a group until everyone was paid equally. In the exact middle is where most actors fall, which is promoting themselves but neither helping nor hurting their cast mates. For some (and I do include myself in those numbers), LP was left of middle but she certainly wasn't to the extreme left. It is clear the LP/Regina/EQ and Rumple were favorites of A & E. But when I think of the promotion done by both actors, I clearly remember RC promoting MJR and ER and I don't remember that from LP - what I do remember are a couple of instances where I think her take on things were detrimental to her coworkers and JMO in particular. I don't think they were feuding and both were professional but I don't think they were "friends" either. But in truth, my opinion has no affect on anything. :-)
You're right that A & E won't realize that they were the death of the show. They are the worst showrunners I've ever experienced. They had lightening in a bottle with the premise and the cast and they alone wasted it! I've said this many times on these threads - I will NEVER EVER watch a show that they create again because they would continue to make the same mistakes. ^^ so true so true!
What they wanted was a show that kept Regina, Rumple, Hook and Emma! They wanted to keep their queer bating on full throttle and you know that there would be no way that Emma and Hook were a couple in HH. It would be a love triangle between the three or they may have actually grown a set and had Regina and Emma in a relationship. I imagine A & E are sitting in their offices blaming the audience for not understanding their vision and blaming JMO for ruining what they had planned since she didn't want to sign on for that treatment. But in no way do they blame themselves and their lack of writing skills.
I too miss Snow and her being the heart. Yes they should've explored her relationship with Emma and had her enabling Regina but more importantly is A & E underestimated how much Ginny's acting elevated Lana's. The replacements are not working as the heart of the story - I could care less about Henry, Cinderella and Lucy. LP is basically holding her own but she's not knocking it out off the park because she is not acting against a strong talent.
Ratings and Scheduling: Who's the fairest of them all?
tri4335 replied to Serena's topic in Once Upon A Time
I wouldn't say Tiger's sources were wrong because it appears without the Netflix deal OUAT, AOS and Inhuman would be out. I think that it is clear that OUAT did not follow the "normal" process so I expect it wasn't discussed in the traditional terms - hence why the "inside" source wouldn't be hearing anything. I think we are seeing the new model being in effect and moving it to a night where the numbers won't matter as much and reduced ad revenue and licensing for the "live" viewing with monies being recouped from a streaming source. -
Season Seven: The Reset Anticipation/Apprehension/Dread Topic
tri4335 replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in Once Upon A Time
Responding to @Daisy's comment from episode thread regarding ripping off the Whedonverse. I'm going one step further and thinking the last dinner scene matched the Angel scene where he is having the family dinner with everyone but then we find out it is fake and he is really trapped on the bottom of the ocean. Sorry but I'm not buying the HEA montage and think that Emma failed. The montage was the "wishes" of Rumple, Regina and Hook but none of it is real hence why Henry is broken and has no hope. That is A & E's surprise twist! I don't care how much they answer that it is "real" in interviews. They lie like a rug and will say anything to keep the few fans they have. -
Season Seven: The Reset Anticipation/Apprehension/Dread Topic
tri4335 replied to formerlyfreedom's topic in Once Upon A Time
Exactly this^^! I don't blame JMO for not renewing. She (like many of us) see the writing on the wall and regardless of what A & E should do and what would be a good show; they want to retread the TEQ for the one millionth time. I think JMO knows that no matter what they promised, she and the character Emma would not be the star of the reboot. The only thing that works for me now if it is not adult Henry. That way you can say that whatever curse happens put the "villains" into a different realm and they are trying to get back to their loved ones (Emma, Snowing, Henry, Zelena) who are having a happy life all together in the EF because they think those three "died" as heroes and don't know they are cursed. Zelena didn't get zapped because giving up her magic was such a self-sacrifice that she was completely redeemed. If it is adult Henry then every happy ending is ruined. And at this point, I have no clue who the girl is! But this is A & E and "TW/TS" will remain intact so therefore, it is going to be a complete shit storm though they will continue to speak in interviews as if they gave us unicorns and rainbows! These two are completely delusional to what they show on the screen. What I will commit to for Season 7 is checking in on this forum and then deciding if I will check out an episode. I won't delete this off my DVR list because quite frankly I could not watch with out FF being available.