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Everything posted by BulldogAreGreat

  1. I am actually very interested in what they are going to do with the Emily character. I agree with Kelly Bishop that were Ed Herrmann still alive Richard and Emily would be in the exact same place doing what they have always done. Now what? Is she constantly traveling? Over involved in the lives of her daughter and granddaughter (and possibly another grandchild and/or great grandchild)? Is she spending all her time doing charity work? Did she start a business? Is she dating/married? Emily is a great character and I hope they do her justice.
  2. I need help. Why are people coming off better in the recollections of other's than in their own? Alison came off as great in Cole's part but not nearly that nice in her own. I remember thinking last week the same thing about how Helen came off in her own part compared to Noah's. They also look better in the memories of the other person. Did they put a belly on Joshua Jackson?
  3. That bothered me at first too. Then I went back and he clearly said something along the lines of: "Miranda, when you come this way would you please grab me a water. Thank you." I didn't see it as him barking at her, he said please and thank you.
  4. I didn't watch. I watched on Wednesday, but knew I would not be able to watch the girls. One thing I have been wondering about is why do they think that since the girls were asleep and apparently had no clue what went on, is some sort of justification and doesn't make it that bad. To me, that almost makes it all worse. That is completely taking advantage. With the girls being asleep, he knew there would be no resisting. That is predator behavior to me.
  5. This is what I was wondering. If this is happening with many people that they interact with, that should say something to them. Just because they know others it has happened to does not make it normal, ok, or typical.
  6. There may be an agenda against them but I don't care for their crying about it one bit. What about their agenda against transgender people? Religions that are not their own? Stop your whining and crying and look within for once.
  7. I just don't, or can't, believe that Anna knew. What person in their right mind would marry into that? Especially knowing that she would be having kids as soon as possible. I'm a casual watcher at best. I read more here than I spend time watching the show, but from what I have seen she does seem like a good mother. Her kids seem engaged in that they are doing, excited, and interested. She appears to truly love them and care about them and for them. From what I have seen of her as a mother, I just can't believe that she knew.
  8. I think they would. As you say, they are "family" oriented. The show has always meant more to them than their own children as far as I can tell. Anything to keep the show and the money coming. They will say it is because they want to continue "spreading their ministry" or whatever it is they say about why they actually have a show.
  9. Long time lurker on here and TWOP, had to make an account to now. I am disgusted! And I agree with the quoted post. I think Jana is still in the house because of this, I hesitate to call, incident. She is being guilted from her parents to stay or she is so worried that something similar will happen to the younger girls that she feels the need to stay and protect them. If the show gets canceled, the only people that will really be fine are Jill and her family because at least her husband has an actual job.
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