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  1. I agree with all this. And LOL, yes, Rachel's demonic smile - I think that's one reason why I find her creepy. I don't get it either why they keep talking about how hard marriage is and how much work it is. What's so hard about it? Showing consideration to your spouse? Not being a selfish jerk? Spending time together? I guess for Tom it's giving up living in his bus.
  2. I don't like stubble at all. But Tom actually looks even worse when he's "clean-shaven." Maybe it's because his weird upper lip, or maybe it's because even when he's shaved he has a strong five o'clock shadow. And so much yes about his condescending attitude towards Lilly. I had recorded the show and just watched it today, and had to fast-forward through some of their scenes because I'm just so tired of their constant kissing, Tom's condescending behavior, and Lilly's dramatic speeches. I also agree about Rachel. I don't like her at all. I find her sort of creepy, especially with the way she salivates over the couples' sex life. And yes, that line about Heather realizing that she could have tried more was wishful thinking on Rachel's part and totally baseless. Plus, it made it sound as if Heather and Derek breaking up was all Heather's fault and Derek had had nothing to do with it. I agree. Heather was heavily edited because they couldn't talk about Derek's weed smoking, so they wanted to make her the villain. I think it was the weed, his explosive temper and his tendency to get jealous and controlling, and maybe there was something else, too, that we didn't see. I wish Heather spilled the beans about what exactly happened.
  3. Yes! His upper lip is super weird (like it's curving inward or something) and it's been bothering me all this time. I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed it.
  4. I guess we'll see next week. And maybe after the reunion show we'll actually get some real info on SM about what happened after all the filming was done...
  5. Maybe he lost the ring? I think, too, that they might be trying to mislead the viewers (again). I doubt they would give away such information in a preview. On the other hand, didn't Sonia have some post on SM about being fooled twice?
  6. LOL! I think I can imagine that. :D
  7. LOL, that's an excellent point. Also, I think that clock is ugly and I'm surprised he bought something like that. The design on the face doesn't look very minimalist to me. ;)
  8. LOL, thanks. That's quite hilarious. :D
  9. While I agree that experiences mean more in the long run than material possessions, one drawback of such a carefree life is that Tom won't be young and healthy forever, and if he doesn't build up enough of a nest egg while he's still strong and healthy, he might not have the financial security he might need in the future. A serious illness or a job loss can make a big dent in one's savings, and it's much harder to recover from something like that later in life. This might be why Lilly works so hard; because she wants to create that financial security for the future of her family. But if her goal is to work hard so she can get rich, then yes, that's definitely not something that would fit in with Tom's personality and life goals. Unfortunately I only got to see the last half hour of the show, so I didn't see the gift giving. What did the couples give each other? It seems Tom gave a clock to Lilly - what kind? And why? Was he trying to "teach her a life lesson"?
  10. ^^And Ashley is actually smiling in that picture! What a rare find! :D
  11. My memory is that Lilly has been very accommodating to Tom about the bus. I don't remember her criticizing the bus to him. The things she complained about in her THs were things like the bed, and I don't think that anybody can fault her for that - she had to put a pillow under her lower back because the bed hurt her back. The first night she slept there and she took a shower in the morning, something went out (was it the light? or the hot water?). The only other thing I remember was that it got very hot inside without the air conditioning. Was there anything else? I can't remember. By the way, I grew up in a country where we didn't have air conditioning either, but now I would suffer, too, if I had to be in a hot, humid place for an extended time without A/C. I think that Lilly has tried very hard to go along with Tom's love of his bus. She didn't chew him out when he finally confessed that he lived in a bus; when the question of the second honeymoon came up, and he kept pushing for them to take the bus, she obviously didn't like the idea, but she still went along with it for his sake. And, as several people have pointed out, she went snorkeling with him, even though she doesn't like to swim in the ocean. When he kept pushing her to consider alternative medicine despite the fact that it's a torn ligament that needs surgery, she didn't tell him to shut up. She tried to explain her point of view. She got that artwork done for their one month anniversary. She organized a surprise birthday party for him and invited his brother. I think she's been trying to be as nice to him as she can. I don't put her on a pedestal. I'm just sorry for her because she got paired with someone who has very different life goals from her, and I think that was a really unfair thing from the experts to do. Of course, the same can be said of Tom, since he didn't get paired with a similarly free spirited person either, but I just don't know how well he explained his preferences and dealbreakers to the experts before he got matched.
  12. I agree that Tom is living the carefree life people usually want to live when they're retired and have the financial stability to be able to afford that. Which is fine for him as long as he's single or if he finds a woman who has the same outlook on life. But it's not fine if he goes on a show like this without making it very clear that that's the only thing he'll accept. He should have known that most women signing up for getting married this way would want the traditional married life with a comfortable home where they could raise their kids, and he shouldn't put Lilly down for wanting that kind of life. My problem with Tom is that he looks down on people who want to live their life differently than him; he's inflexible and tries to push Lilly into doing things HE wants and the way HE wants; he's self-righteous and condescending; he doesn't accept the fact that she's a hard worker who wants to create the financial stability first before living that carefree life he wants; he doesn't accept her opinion and her decision about HER OWN BODY, and he's pushy about it all.
  13. I was very sorry for the dog. I don't know how hot it got in that bus, but they just left him there all by himself and I was concerned for him.
  14. I don't even understand why Tom wanted to get married. Unless he stipulated that he only wanted a free spirit like himself who would love to live in his bus, who loves to surf and doesn't bring home any work, and the "experts" still matched him with someone who is not like that at all, then he has no right to complain. What exactly did he expect otherwise? Most women, when they want to get married, would want a home they can feel comfortable in and where they can raise their kids. It's not Lilly's fault that that's what she wants. That does not make her prissy and high maintenance. And as for Lilly working so much, like it was mentioned before, when you're an immigrant without some nice big inheritance to rely on, you have to work hard to create the financial security you want. Not just for yourself, but also for your future kids. Yes, Tom has the right to live a carefree lifestyle, but then he shouldn't have signed up for this show. And he shouldn't put Lilly down just because she doesn't have the same goals as he. I also agree that it's been Lilly who's been compromising. Tom talks the talk but all he wants is for his needs to be met and he doesn't care what she wants. I think, too, that all this negative talk from Tom now is to throw the viewers off, but they will stay married at the six week mark. Long term, though, I don't think their marriage is going to work. And the sooner Lilly realizes that, the better it's going to be for her. I don't know about Nick and Sonia. I think it could go either way, since she keeps talking about not wanting to give up. I guess we'll see next week. But OMG, more than two hours for the next episode? I think we'll be in recap hell.
  15. And when he realized that she had given up sitting uncomfortably behind him and was sleeping on the couch now, he seemed to be annoyed by that. Probably because she wasn't paying him attention. Boo-effing-hoo. Lilly should run from this marriage. He's a selfish, pushy, aggressive asshole who wants everything to go his way, and I hate how condescending he is to her. She's trying to be a trooper, but all he can do is whine because she doesn't do everything exactly as he wants. I didn't understand why the experts had even chosen him for this show, but I'm even more annoyed now that they matched hard-working, ambitious Lilly with slacker, 'my way or the highway' Tom. I agree. I think Lilly has a good nature and she's a nice person, but the way she talks annoys me. It's like she has to be dramatic about everything she says. I think she probably did one or two years of medical school in Nicaragua, but didn't finish. At first, I thought Sonia looked nice in the dress, but then I thought the bottom part was too clingy and it emphasized her butt and outer thighs a little too much. I wasn't a big fan of the cleavage either; I didn't think it was very flattering. But maybe men have a different opinion about that. ;) Same here! I wanted him to actually tell her that he missed her. Not just keep saying that she should move back in the house. Well, at least this time he said she looked beautiful, so that was a first. But that was it; no more compliments or an effort to touch her or anything. LOL, I agree! Sonia mentioned going salsa dancing - that would have been more interesting! I was surprised they didn't do that. Also, about the lack of A/C in the bus: Tom is such an ass about that, too. He doesn't deserve a giving person like Lilly. I hate that, too. They make it sound like they HAVE TO make a decision or they'll be forced to stay together forever.
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