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  1. Please DM me as well. Thanks!
  2. I am grateful for the HILARITY, occasional HIGHJINKS and sheer HUMANITY of a wonderful group of people so willing to share.
  3. You've GOT to be kidding me......
  4. Boy, wait til she figures out linner...
  5. Dang, God's image kind of looks like a shrimp.....
  6. I do think he meant the brink of insanity........ but it amuses me to think otherwise.
  7. Makes me want to wear one saying, "You Go First."
  8. There just isn't an eyeroll big enough......
  9. Ha! I used to have an apron with that cat, complete with him tossing a mouse in a skillet. The song he was singing: Love to eat them mousies, Mousies what I love to eat. Bite they little heads off, Nibble on they tiny feet. Thanks for the memory :)
  10. Ah, that hadn't occurred to me.... I thought she was referring somehow to her role in the family!
  11. Yeah, that "high level supervisory role that I had for many years" got me too. When exactly did that happen?
  12. Stepford Wife
  13. Good find. And, yikes.
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