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Everything posted by pdlinda

  1. Living in Phoenix for 30 yrs and extensively driving around Maricopa County for all the years of my career, I was surprised at the 3 houses the couple were shown by the realtor. I thought each of the houses had minimal curb appeal (the 2nd house was a bit better but didn't have a yard because of the pool), but the other 2 (including the one they bought)were very unappealing. Maricopa County is HUGE so I don't know where these houses were located but for their price point there are far more appealing houses with a lot of amenities near where I live in north central Phoenix.
  2. Can someone please indulge my curiosity about what that massive tattoo design is on Morgan's "beefy" arm? 😄
  3. Alexis' remark robbed justin of any degree of dignity and respect as a MAN and was really abominable. I "get" that Alexis thinks she is some type of "evolved" and "conscious" new-age woman who is powerful and independent. Her "over-the-top" appearance gives away her obsession with being the "center of attention." Alexis' primary reason for appearing on this show was, apparently, to create a social media presence that can lure a number of candidates to vie for her affection.....AND, if there's a monetary aspect of that presence, so be it!! Justin seems like a "detail" in her life plan whom she will ditch as soon as her legal obligations to the show expire.
  4. I think that Alexis (maybe Justin, too) has had her share of "pop psych" sessions with different levels of "counsellors" (perhaps during her romantic interludes when she got 3 PROPOSALS) who gave her certain "buzz words" to use in relationship situations that ARE NOT WORKING! She uses these "formatted phrases" like "what do you mean by that" and "what makes you say that" or "why are you surprised" , IMO, to deflect any responsibility from herself in the discussion and MAINTAIN CONTROL over whomever she arguing with (Justin). He is so emotionally "beaten down" by her authoritarian "directives" and confusing phrases, he either starts crying or walks away, frustrated and defeated. In some cases, when Alexis probably believes she has "won the round" of the discussion, she, too, will "walk away" to give herself "space." Whatever the dynamic with these two, it is not healthy and should not continue. However, I saw the previews for next week and production has revved up the activities on the beach with J&A fully participating with a whole lot of congeniality.....so there's that.
  5. I wonder if Morgan would have physically assaulted Binh if the cameras weren't there. She's so vocal about her physical strength with the boxing and other training she does, it's possible that under certain conditions when she's really ANGRY, she would instinctively "haul off" and physically harm Binh. For that, and MANY other reasons, I wouldn't go NEAR her (without "security"😄) if I were Binh. And, I don't say that lightly!!!
  6. On that note, I wonder what the compelling reason is for him to persist with all the toil and prep for "pumpkin season"? Is it for the show? Is it for the revenue? I wonder how much $$$ they net from what seems to be an "ordeal" of rolling out the pumpkin season every year. With the proceeds of the sale (even contemplating dropping the price in the near future) maybe Matt will decide to truly retire and see where the show lands without his presence (if there would be a show at all).
  7. Yes, I agree that the construction and design of those earrings (aside from how impractical they are in case of loss) are the antithesis of the elegance and simplicity of much of Chanel's jewelry. I recall seeing the "button earrings" with the intertwined C's on Stasia's ears at the beginning of the show (I haven't watched the last hour as yet) that I thought were tasteful. It's apparent that Stasia is heavy on "pretense" and "affect." Nate seems to have his own level of "affect" with the "bad boy" aspects of his appearance and presentation. In the end, I believe $$$$ will come between these two as Stacia's insistence on "control" and "dominance" in this area will, in time, wear thin with Nate and he will return to his lifestyle, behaviors and friends he enjoyed before Stacia came into his life.
  8. Yes to BOTH....no spontaneity anymore. Seems like all the "characters" are scripted. Concept of show has gone KAPUT!!
  9. That's what I thought. I hope their relationship flourishes with the home purchase.
  10. I don't see ANY of these couples lasting long term; however, for some it's a paycheck (like for mitch, justin, nate and lindy) so it's certainly in their best interest to keep the "drama" going for as long as possible!
  11. Molly may be RELIEVED that her "producer-driven antics" are being discouraged. What we're seeing on this new season of the show might be more "HER STYLE." .....and that would include the Spring Baking Championship that might have been a "mismatch" that won't be repeated. On the OTHER HAND, she went through moving to a new home, having another baby and is opening a new RESTAURANT (I think momentarily) so maybe she's a bit fatigued and doesn't feel like "performing" with all those "cutsey" gimmicks people are remarking on in this thread.
  12. My thoughts exactly. I fail to see how Nate thinks he can be taken seriously as an adult with that "thing" sticking out of the back of his head.
  13. Maybe her beautician thinks the uneven ends are more EDGY😄 Nothing would surprise me.
  14. Oh, most definitely production would NEVER resist a "cliff hanger." My complaint is with Alexis "stirring the pot" in this matter. If Alexis had more "couth", IMO, she would have told her "beloved" BIG MOUTH, Justin, to "zip it" with Binh at the first sign of Binh using him as "Aunt Blabby" and Binh would have gotten the clue that his sneaky behavior betraying Morgan was abominable and tacky to say the least. On second thought, as I believe most of the episodes are "canned" by production, I believe the entire "straw that broke the camel's back" between Binh and Morgan, was at least partially encouraged by production. My belief is that Binh and Morgan are KAPUT....done!
  15. I cringe whenever I see the "get-ups" she insists on wearing, ESPECIALLY with the PLUNGING necklines where half her breasts hang out (in a most unattractive manner). I'm not sure she looks in the mirror after choosing her attire and putting it on. Her version of "sexy" must be her guiding light; however, it simply translates into sloppy and ill-fitting.
  16. Mitch seems very neurotic and the reason may that he has certain "issues" (maybe from childhood) that need to be sorted through before he can be considered "marriage material." His social awkwardness may stem from these unresolved "issues." In addition, he, apparently makes a paltry sum from whatever work he does so he's accustomed to living a "lifestyle" regarding budgeting that conforms to his "bottom line." Krysten, on the other hand, apparently, makes a decent living, and despite her dreary relationship history, seems very socially apt. comfortable and functional. I cannot fathom ANY scenario where this duo lasts beyond the 8 weeks, and, even that's a "STRETCH."
  17. What am I missing that he would continue to appear with that unkempt "thing" hanging down the back of his head? I could venture a guess but will refrain in the interests of civility 😄
  18. Does this lady own a MIRROR???? I wonder because wearing an outfit like she did (undergarments) to the party supply store in a public setting is just WRONG! A person gains respect and dignity by being respectful and dignified. My only explanation for Alexis' fashion faux pas' is that she doesn't look at herself in the mirror. Also, I saw on the Afterparty show that Justin was crying again!!! Another example of stretching emotional reactions in the public sphere to a point of being undignified. After he was done with his crying, however, he was quite articulate and made a lot of sense AND I also noticed a marked reduction in his use of "y'know what I'm sayin" ? Someone apparently called it to his attention and he was able to control his use of that sentence spacer. GOOD FOR HIM!!!
  19. I also find Krysten likeable and very "easy on the eyes".....she seems to possess all the attributes a prospective "normal" husband (not a neurotic fanatic like she got) would prize. Hopefully, some high-caliber dude will see the show (or have family/friend see the show) and make contact with her on social media after the show concludes. No way is she going to stay "married" to Mitch REGARDLESS of how she's been "waxing euphoric" about him on these early episodes.
  20. I'm with you on that one! I sensed that when Lindy was discussing her "working lifestyle" she made special mention of her "leisure time" priority. She doesn't seem to be a "detail-oriented person", so, perhaps she took for granted that whomever they chose for her to marry would quickly bond with her and provide attention to those aspects of her life. The fact that Miguel acceded to her request gave me pause.
  21. LOL....did you get it from repeating what you heard from so many "luminaries" or was it something you thought of yourself??😄
  22. I agree. It's a lead-in so many times on interviews, sometimes with the highest officials. I'm never sure what it means???? Why wouldn't they make their remarks without the "lead-in"????
  23. My apology. I just came online and only read the most recent posts.
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