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Heather Lynn

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Everything posted by Heather Lynn

  1. While I loved Ricky's dancing, I think his hands are horrible!! I swung from the highs of beautiful legs and leaps to those floppy things hanging off the end of his arms. They were so distracting! Maybe he should dance with mittens so I can fully enjoy his performances.
  2. Melanie was just on the Tonys dancing as Peter Pan with Jennifer Hudson.
  3. I kept wondering if they were watching the same performance I saw. She was stunning and I thought he was "meh" at best.Fik-Shun joining the popper didn't bug me because she came out into the audience to reach the judges. I thought it was a spontaneous moment that she seemed to enjoy as much as he did. While I liked the returning ballet guy, he was no Chehon. If they had compared him to Danny or Will, my head may have exploded.
  4. This is going to sound contradictory but, while I enjoyed this episode, the ending was ridiculous. The story of agents delivering a warrant...warrants are always delivered by SWAT teams right? This just so happened to a high profile agent that was just publically accused of killing a citizen in his suburban home where he lives with his wife and child? I can usually suspend disbelief but this is pushing it. If this had happened in a remote cabin, I can understand the lame cover story but really? And to arrest Bones, who entered her destroyed home to find a man with a gun over her husband, for shooting the "agent" is just pushing things. That said, since Pelant didn't rise from the grave to coordinate the whole operation, I'll be back next season. The wrap up better be as good as the gun fight.
  5. I'm really hoping they stay in the Enchanted Forest for at least a portion of next season. At least that may stop Emma with the "NYC is so awesome" talk. Trying not to have too many expectations or I'll end up disappointed *cough HIMYM Finale cough*
  6. I'm with you. I looked again and you only see Ward shooting in the air. You never see who is pulling the trigger behind the scope. I thought Garrett shot the dog to prove that he knew that Ward was weak and Ward jettisoned FitzSimmons to prove that he could both care and get rid of them to show he wasn't weak like he was with his dog. I don't think he could open that door and I'm sure it was bulletproof glass so dumping the container was his only option.
  7. I thought this was just because her specialized legs were designed for dancing not walking up stairs. I've loved Artem since his SYTYCD days. I also like the troupe as well but I like them even more with Artem.
  8. Emma is starting to seriously bug me with the constant NYC stuff. She's one of my favorites, which is saying a lot considering I've loathed every character Jennifer Morrison has ever played at uncomfortable levels, but get over it. IMO, she's basically giving up on them the way she always believed they gave up on her at birth. Also, what made her think Henry wouldn't want to stay with his other mom and the rest of the people he grew up with. Don't really care about Regina's good magic, like that Rumple is still a baddie (she did kill his son) and agree with others that Belle is an idiot. I still don't really understand the spell at the end so I'll reserve judgement until next week.
  9. I guess I'm the only one who rewound a couple of times to see Rachael fall? There wasn't even a curb! Did her legwarmers fall down and trip her? I'll give her credit for laughing about it after. Horrible outcome!! The Cowboys were the least offensive of the remaining teams so I guess I have to root for Brenchel but if she doesn't knock off the whining, I'll have to go for the Afganimals and hope the other two teams get lost on the way to the final mat. The Cowboys complaining was OK with me. They were mad initially but, in the end, just said "It's a race" and rode off in the sunset. A much better exit than their last run because I thought they were being butt heads then. Then again, if they hadn't told the Blondes where that one clue was, they may have had enough time to u- turn them. A big MEH to the rest of this season.
  10. I get both sides of the "using Emma" argument but Zelena's planned time reversal impacts both Emma & Henry. Emma would likely have been raised with her parents in the Enchanted Forest and Henry would never have been born. The only way they found to even get back was to kill Charming so I can understand why they wouldn't have tried something sooner. It wouldn't be a happy reunion if Emma heard they killed her father to get back to her even though they knew she & Henry were living a good life. In Emma's shoes, I would consider that just as selfish but YMMV. I'll fanwank that they discussed missing Emma offscreen. I did enjoy the episode but hope we find out what happened with FlyingMonkeyAurora and FlyingMonkeyPhillip.
  11. Of the three agents, Ziva was my favorite. I just never cared for Kate and wasn't sorry to see her character go. A friend watched sporadically and asked how Kate was still employed because every episode he saw, she looked incompetent. I'll put Bishop in the middle by default but it's too early to put her permanently ahead of Kate. I like her so far. Jenny's character grew on me because I hated her in the beginning but, my absolute favorite is Abby. She's smart and just seems "normal". She can hold her own with that group and can protect herself if necessary. That episode where she has the stalker is one I can watch over and over again....especially the last 10 min.
  12. I guess that I'm the only one who was thinking "Gwyneth Paltrow's head?" when he kept asking what was in the box. That repetition quickly turned into Brad Pitt's voice. While May is my favorite, I actually like Skye (ducking flying objects) but will lose some of that if she didn't find some way to leave a message. I didn't think any of them had individual phones to text (they were not even supposed to leave) but she had to leave something in the bathroom.
  13. I did think Leopold said that he didn't care if there was a baby but he just wanted the truth and Cora still lied. Yes Ava was a bit catty about the reveal but saying it's evil is an exaggeration. If Cora had told the truth, I got the feeling she would be the princess she wanted to be.Add me to those confused about the timeline. At first, I thought the scene where Ava overheard Cora's conversation with the baby daddy and the reveal of the truth bookended the scene from The Miller's Daughter, which made Ava's harassment of Cora more logical since she knew Cora was a big 'ole liar, but Cora was still dressed as a peasant then and no one recognized her so I have no idea.
  14. The only teams I can root for now are the cowboys (who I think were just playing along with the Brenchel complaining to keep themselves out of the cross hairs)and, as much as it pains me to say this, Brendan & Rachel. The Afganimals were on that list until they delayed leaving to help Connor with the calligraphy. You would've thought they learned their lesson the previous leg when they didn't realize they were helping the last teams. Still, I wouldn't be that upset if hey did manage to win. I kind of think they are working with them to make sure they have the least competent teams in the finals. The blondes are useless. They had actual directions, the same one Connor & Dave had, still managed not to follow them and whined that they were left behind. When you follow, it's up to you to actually...you know....FOLLOW! If it were not for others literally carrying them through this leg (and many others), I'm sure they would still be trying to put together the wooden donkey. Dear Dave-IT'S A RACE!!! No one is obligated to give you help. If they don't, it's not dirty play but smart play. Why should they help you beat them because you are dumb enough to do the same for other teams? Get over yourself you big 60 year old baby!!!
  15. They have been renewed. I was wondering if they were considering another full year shift like they did when they went to the dig/Afganistan/France (I think that was 18 months if not longer) with everyone but Booth's comment about not wanting to be a sniper again leads me away from that idea.
  16. Coulson's behavior towards May doesn't bother me. I see it as him finding out that someone who he considered a close friend and confidant had been lying to him for months. They talked about everything and now he has to wonder what May had passed along to Fury. I think he sees Fury as a friend and mentor but still his boss but saw May as a true friend and he feels betrayed. If this is still going on next season, I reserve the right to change my mind. For now, this is just one more thing about his life that he views as destroyed and I get his anger.Fitz is the one annoying me. You should've asked Simmons out if you're gonna get so jealous when she shows interest in someone else. I think he would feel better if he felt Tripp wasn't intellectual enough but he's turning into a whiny baby. I guess that Tripp distrust due to his Garrett connection will likely grow for everyone once they learn Ward is Hydra.
  17. Neal and Rumple were one and the same. The magic that brought Rumple back killed Neal so Rumple merged their bodies...hence the voices. When he barged into the shop, that was just when Neal took over their shared body. The only reason I had a tear in my eye was because Emma and Rumple were sad. Since these are TV characters, I don't feel too bad saying "see ya Neal". Also, Zelena calling him "dumber than a bag of hair" made my day!!!
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