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Everything posted by merylinkid

  1. Their introspection begins and ends with "Any hate directed at us is persecution/the devil attacking us and anything we say or do is just doing the Lord's works and following his teachings."
  2. My money is on Tuesday August 1. Presuming Jill hasn't messed with timelines again. But geez, "decided to fix it rather than go to a mechanic" is a really scary sounding thing. If you realy on something so much for your "mission" you would want to know its fixed right, not just hope it is. BTW Jill, sometimes God says no. Your broken RV is God's way of telling you to knock off the grifting and get jobs.
  3. Irsay can miss me with his "It's a privilege to play in the NFL" comments. It's also a privilege to own an NFL team. Irsay didn't even have to work hard to become a billionaire to buy a team, he inherited his team from his daddy. He literally didn't have to do anything but be born. Taylor has been working hard since he was kid in order to be good enough to be in the NFL. Everyone acting like a player asking for what he thinks he is worth is a scandal (and I have my doubts about the number he asked for, lots of #s get thrown around then the truth comes out and it wasn't any of those numbers). Average career is 3 years. Damn right you get every damn cent you can. If DeShaun Watson -- a KNOWN SEXUAL PREDATOR who will likely re-offend and get kicked out of the League -- got guaranteed money. Why can't Taylor get his? I also don't blame Taylor for wanting out of Indy. Irsay said after the RBs had a meeting, that they need to just suck it up, after all there is a CBA they agreed to. Gee thanks owner for your attitude towards the people that allow you to exercise your privilege to be an NFL owner. Guess what Jimmy Boy, ain't no one going to the games on Sunday to wave at you in the owner's box. They are there to see what's on the field.
  4. This cannot be emphasized enough. In Jill's mind the worst thing you can do is dress "immodestly" and not be married. To the rest of the sane world, the worst thing you can be is a grifter with no job, no desire to get a job and a complete lack of care for your children of which you had way too many since you didn't care properly for any of them.
  5. HAhahahahahahahaha. She is so not getting the Hawaii trip if this is all she managed.
  6. Hell her family can't even enjoy the moment, they have to perform on command. Jill is too busy trying to either extol her own godliness or ranting about everyone else's lack thereof to ever just relax and enjoy. Her family is always on eggshells wondering what will set Mama off to be able to relax and enjoy either. Such sad, joyless lives this family leads.
  7. I know Jill ain't talking about herself. She is not educated by any definition of the word. Nor are her children. Philip MAY become educated if he is allowed to continue, but the rest of them are as uneducated and barely literate as she is. As for showing skin -- 60% of the country is currently under a heat warning. Wearing less clothing is not just a choice as noted, its NECESSARY FOR HEALTY AND SAFETY. But then again Jill doesn't care about health and safety considering she lets her kids go swimming in drainage ditches.
  8. God and its not like there are other non-white, non-old, non-men, non-predatory directors they could invite instead. If female directors boycott because of these guys being invited THEY become the problem, not the Unholy Trio.
  9. Clearly the favored son since he gets taken out for his birthday. Poor renee got little debbie cakes. The other one got a teeny cake that was probably a leftover. But Phil gets a baseball game AND cake.
  10. Amy Trask likes to talk about getting calls from Al Davis whenever a player was doing something active in the off season. Al would call her and tell her to talk to the player. So she would call the player and say "You can't do X anymore, I can offer you some crossword puzzles." These guys are competitive. They play hard. Its really hard to write a contract that covers EVERYTHING they might do that is dangerous. Teams do their best, but at the end of the day, you want a competitor who thinks he is immortal. That sometimes has a bad outcome.
  11. that's what they leave for tips so its only fitting. I would open the emergency exit and kick Jill out. I bet no one would stop me either.
  12. I can see Jill approaching an employee and asking if they are saved and the employee being polite and going "uh-huh" and "yeah" a lot. Then Jill ran with "I saved a soul." While the employee went back to the breakroom to tell her colleagues about the crazy lady who tried to talk about Jesus to her. I had a standard answer when these types would approach me (never worked walmart just in general). Are you born again? No my mom got it right the first time. Shuts them up quick. If Jill approached me and asked if I was saved, I would say "too busy feeding my kids and making sure they get a good education." (please note I have no kids but Jill doesn't know that).
  13. Jill giving someone directions to where the kleenex aisle is, is not leading them to the Lord. Geez. I bet it wasn't one of them heathen women who Jill ASSumes are single just because they are at WalMart during the day with a bunch of kids and no man in sight. (you know because the husband has an actual JOB and provides for his family).
  14. Consdering the rules around players gambling are pretty simple -- no gambling on the NFL period and no gambling in the facility or at away games -- yet veterans have managed to be indefinitely suspended because they gambled on the NFL, Mr. Addison is not the only one its not sinking in. At this point anyone suspended for gambling is an idiot. You can't say you don't know the rules AND the consequences. It's not like the suspensions have been kept secret.
  15. There's a solution here. Don't go on vacation, I mean ministering several times a year. Also I agree with everyone else, God is telling the Rodriguii to knock it off. They are not "making a joyful noise unto the Lord" and she is sick of it. .
  16. The Hines injury is terrible. He wasn't riding his jet ski at the moment. He was stopped and someone slammed into him. It's pretty bad. Not life-threatening, but quality of life threatening.
  17. So why did it take so long? he could have just walked down to the principal's office and said 'where's Colin?" Kate would have had to formally withdraw him from school.
  18. Yes. His parental rights were never terminated. Which means he was still Colin's father. In my state that means you have the right to inspect medical (including mental health) and educational records. You can't make decisions about the kid if you don't have legal custody*, but you can see the records. So if there IS a problem you can petition the courts. Jon should have done more. But because he had checked out, he had no real way of verifying Kate's story. Heck, if he had even every other weekend with the kids, it would have been harder for Kate to send Colin away even with sole legal custody. Because Jon would have noticed one of the kids wasn't showing up for visitation. There's two types of custody -- physical and legal. Physical or residential is just where the kids and when they see each parent. Legal is decisionmaking about the kids, the big things not the day to day things. So medical and educational decisions would be legal. This can be hybrid, like one parent has primary residential but they have joint legal, or some combination thereof. But Kate being Kate, I am betting she had sole residential and sole legal.
  19. Oh yeah, she would never jaysause again. I mean she is already on permanent vacation, she just wouldn't have to pretend its a "ministry" anymore. David would be so relieved he doesn't have to pretend to work anymore, or thave o preach another sermon.
  20. Hmm, that's very telling that she talks about giving up on a marriage. I thought he was the bestest most perfect man on earth? Guess even she is disappointed on how lazy he turned out to be. Because he is stoned on hummingbird juice and just got woken from a nap to be dragged somewhere by Jill.
  21. We don't know that Colin has conservative views and that is what Mady considers threatening. More likely his comments about his mother not being perfect upset her and she said she felt threatened and Mady ran with that. Rather than go oh hey Mom is over reacting here. As for Jon, yes, this is his fault too. He chose to give up custody in order to not pay child support. He knew what kind of person he was abandoning his kids too. I'm not suprised most of the kids don't want anything to do with him. They needed him to protect them from their mother, he failed.
  22. Because Jill cannot conceive of her children as being individuals with their own WANTS and NEEDS. They merely exist as extensions of her. Which is textbook narcissism.
  23. Carol was seen helping with the cooking. I imagine that cooking for that crowd took a couple people. On her days' off, Carol did it with the girls' help probably. As for asking permission, I think that particular night was not her regular day off so it was more arranging for a day off like any other employer/employee. Not so much permission as making sure it worked with the schedule.
  24. I like the picture that was posted better that only had a couple thing in it. That's more like what the kids are used to getting. But yep, Jill reads SM and this is her response. Now she needs to actuall FEED her kids. Also, Jill if you are reading this, the kids need regular sleep too. That means bedtimes, ALL THE TIME, not just when you are trying to prove what a great mom you are.
  25. If you are ever rich enough to own a sport team be the kind of owner that everyone does not throw a party when you sell the team.
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