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Everything posted by merylinkid

  1. I get Kaylee going along with this. It's all she has ever known -- Momma runs things. But Jonathan should know better. He needs to put his foot down, and take back the key he no doubt gave to Jill. I just can't get over how hard he has drunk the Jill kool-aid (which sounds gross put that way but you know what I mean). Nathan hates social media so Nurie will never get a page. She's far enough away that Nathan can assert his headship.
  2. Definitely at home in Florida they don't have a thundering herd in the house. Its pretty much just Nurie, Nathan and the two boys. The Kellers don't seem to be into spending time with their grown children or expecting the ones close by to always be together. They are pretty much focused on their own activities (which is as bad as Jill in its own way, its still the same selfish, self-centered behavior, its just not as LOUD). But at home, you know they are beating any independence out of the children. Why would you smile if you know any sign of joy or happiness will result in a beating? Those poor kids. Although I have to laugh that Nurie planned poorly with two older boys. She is going to be stuck raising the first girl all by herself, until that girl is old enough to care for all the other kids. At least Anna Dugger got the order right in their world.
  3. Easier to control. If the kids can't unite together against the parents and are competing for attention/love from the parents they are more willing to do what the parents want in the way the parents want. See Jill Duggar who was trying SOOOOO hard to please Daddy. And look how he treated her for actually finding standing on her own.
  4. Grown kids can't be here for Christmas so making memories while they are here. Translation: Sons in law paying for fun trips for Mahmo while they are around.
  5. wouldn't the people who fear killed also be ... dead? I know, logic and Jill have never met.
  6. One can do "manly'" cooking like grilling or chili. But every day cooking that actually sustains the family -- that's women's work. And Jill doesn't do that either.
  7. "some people think we have it all together" No Jill, no one with a lick of sense thinks you have it all together. Most reasonable people think you are a terrible parent who should feed their kids and at least give them a modicum of attention (forcing them to perform for you does not constitute attention). Poor Sammers and Sophia, the forgotten children.
  8. I believe DBD actually made chili when I see him standing over a stove -- and maybe not even then.
  9. I thought I saw Mama Noyes back there, but didn't recognize the rest. That makes sense. Jill would have her family over when she can brag about what a great hostess she is. While the girls do all the work. Then everyone goes home before she actually has to do anything.
  10. Darn it. The best thing she can do is just live the life of a normal college student. Not being filmed all the time, not having meet and greets. Just go to school. Be around other kids her own age, who didn't grow up with a June type mom. Meet nice boys who will like her for herself, not her money or fame, who won't get her into trouble with the law. But that won't happen with Dralin along.
  11. I wonder how many come home for holidays? These control freak parents are always amazed at how little contact their kids want with them once the kids are adults and are not required to be around the parents. College has to be an interesting experience for the kids.
  12. Who all are the extra people? Of course Tim is there, probably Mahmo threatened if he dared to spend a holiday with his fiancee's family that she would call off the wedding. He knows she would too, so he complied. Tim is trying so hard to break away but he knowsbased on past history how she behaves if she doesn't get her way. After all, they beat any bit of independence out of him.
  13. Back to DBD and the PawPaw Tunnel. This could be why they were in Maryland recently. NOT for ministry but a court date. That summons was not a pay and go on your way. It was a show up in court. It's federal so I can't get on PACER and pull the paperwork. Remember, National Parks are federal, you commit any crime, even jaywalking, and its federal court, not state.
  14. Let the countdown begin to a rant from Jill about "ungodly" hotel managers who just don't understand the Rod "Ministry.*" *They got kicked out for either having too many people crammed into a room or for swimming fully clothed in the pool or both.
  15. I see Jill grifted more space for her junk. Of course, the sweet friend brought the lumber, the hardware and the tools. Then did all the work. Shrek can't be bothered he's a full time minister. I said all along, DBD is right behind Jill in the whole abusive parenting thing. He could put his foot down about how Jill behaves if he wanted to. But 1 - he's too lazy and that would take effort and 2 - he agrees with her.
  16. I ummm kinda like it. Now I didn't notice all the things you all mentioned, but I find it cosy looking. This is Jill, it could have looked a lot worse.
  17. If one of them breaks completely with fundism and denounces it, then that would be big. But yeah, another "I found out I don't have to listen to my dad now that I am adult" book will not fly. Of course, when JB and Michelle, all bets are off.
  18. This is not legal advice -- but those NDAs and most likely the contracts are probably not enforceable. Not only the unequal negotiating power, but also because the adults were never told they could have independent legal advice. If you are not given the opportunity to seek legal advice (if you have the opportunity but do not that is on you), then it can be used to challenge the validity of the contracts. That's why you don't hand someone a prenup the day of the wedding and say "sign this or the wedding is off." And if someone does do that -- call off the wedding. They have just show you exactly who they are. Not that any of these people will challenge it. Most enjoy the perks dad gives them to keep them in line. The rest are terrified of being ostracized like Jill is. Or both. But when JB dies, there is gonna be a reckoning and it will not be pretty.
  19. Right on the page for Phillip's Bible school - not accredited by the Department of Education or the State of Ohio. Great education there. Although considering the "education" he got from Jill, he fits right in. It's mission is to train people to go to minister in areas where there are no bible based religions. Okay then. Guess Hungary is out.
  20. I missed this. I know Philip moved into an apartment, but I thought he was continuing at Masillon. Where is he going now?
  21. No wonder he enjoys spending time with Heidi and her family -- he is discovering what real food tastes like. I also bet his future MIL is the type to pile his plate up because "he's a growing boy."
  22. Jonathan was mentioned all the time about how "blessed" she was to have him for a future son in law. Heidi doesn't give in to Jill's crazy. I'm sure if asked Jill would spew some bs about how "she's not family until they are married" hoping that we don't know the aforementioned situation with Jonathan.
  23. There will not be an issue 3. This will go the way of the Cream booth. As soon as she discovers its 1) work and 2) does not instantly get her tons of money, she will move on. Also just like the booth, the vendor expects to get paid, up front. Which she won't do for long.
  24. They've been saying since season 3 this is the year. They still haven't found answers. But finding the edge of the wall was cool. I'm just here for the history stuff, not treasure anymore. Because I'm still not convinced anything is there.
  25. If the kids need to get out some energy, why do aerobics IN the RV. It has a door right? They can go outside. Even if they are parked in the Walmart Parking Lot (don't knock it until you've done it), they would have more room to run around. Jill still lying about the cruise. Also didn't know that Thanksgiving was about Jaysauce.
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