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Can they possibly be that idiotic? (I know, I know) But surely even the Duggars know that watching adult pornography, on its own, is not a crime. And any adult stuff catching the attention of homeland f'ing security means a crime was committed in its production/distribution and going to be horrific in its own right. That would be of no comfort to me.
Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events
theironwoman replied to maraleia's topic in Counting On
Josh has been nothing but a destructive force, menace, and burden on everyone around him for most of his life now. I still think that the kindest, most compassionate thing to do for all involved would have been to have him stay in prison and let Josh be Josh's own problem for once in his pathetic life. -
Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events
theironwoman replied to maraleia's topic in Counting On
I realize I'm biased to hell and back but I honestly think the kindest, most Christian, thing to do would be to keep Josh in jail. Granted the Rebers/Revears/??? can't guarantee that on their own but they didn't have to help facilitate his release either. It would be safer for all involved and would give everyone a chance to detox, for lack of a better word, from Josh. This is my biggest question also. Working? (lol) Working out? (lol) Some combination of watching tv/mindless internet surfing/eating/making everyone's life miserable? It one thing to do that combo in your own home, an entirely different thing to do it as a guest, in a situation like Josh's, where at least one member of the household probably has, at the bare minimum, barely disguised contempt/discomfort for your presence. -
Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events
theironwoman replied to maraleia's topic in Counting On
I'm trying to imagine how I would feel if I committed a far lesser crime (like, financial or something similar) that meant I was released on the condition I had to live with almost strangers while awaiting trial. I would be beyond embarrassed, contrite, and feel like an enormous burden on everyone involved. It might kill me faster than a prison sentence. If I was Josh's attorney or someone obligated to still care about him (like a parent), my biggest concern is what is this guy going to do with his days? He's not going to pitch in around the house or make himself helpful in any way. He absolutely doesn't strike me as someone who can keep himself busy or entertained in a normal fashion. Given what they found, I would not classify anyone as safe around him. I feel a disaster coming. I dearly hope I'm wrong. -
Josh & Anna Smuggar: A Series of Unfortunate Events
theironwoman replied to maraleia's topic in Counting On
I wish I hadn't read the recaps. I know it's more complicated than this but the thought I keep coming back to is how this "godly" Quiverfull lifestyle has resulted in a grown man who has this sick and deranged view of children and women. I feel like throwing up. -
S11.E09: This Land is Your Land...or Hers?
theironwoman replied to Galloway Cave's topic in Sister Wives
In this case, I would be inclined to agree with Meri if not for the line they've peddled about their arrangement: that these women mothered all the children. One scene that has always stood out to me was Meri interrupting Janelle's thoughts on Logan graduating to emphatically state that although Janelle gave birth to him, he was all their boy. Yes, living in a thru-way is tough. But this is the reality and these are supposed to be children you view as your own. Communicate and put stipulations on the access if you have to like a normal, functioning family. It's not like Janelle and Christine, who were raising kids and regularly hosting each other's broods had much 'privacy' either. -
What no one has been able to explain to me when they pull this 'hate the sin, love the sinner' nonsense is why they feel their input on the matter is needed or valuable in any way.
I'm sure this has been discussed to death at this point but I've been reading this thread for awhile and while I'm still unclear whether the Dillard's went to DA as part of a ministry or not, I'm still shocked at how little they prepared or immersed themselves in their community. They, or their group, set themselves up to fail. There's a reason the Peace Corps. has you serve 2 years in a country uninterrupted, unless there are extreme extenuating circumstance, and heavily emphasize living and socializing with the community you serve versus other volunteers. You get over the initial culture shock faster, your language skills develop quicker, and the people will value your presence if they know you better which in terms improves your feelings of safety and security. Not saying everything PC does is perfect but it's clear the Derrick and Jill never got to the point where they saw themselves as anything but distinct outsiders. And amidst that they were trying to convert people. While providing nothing of real value to the community. It boggles my mind.
I'm glad it's a boy if only because every time Jessa/any woman ever posts a pregnancy selfie, some idiot comments "You're carrying high/low! MUST BE A GIRL!" and makes me want to tear my hair out. That's not a thing! I do love the name Graham but it makes naming your other kid Spurgeon look worse and more perplexing in comparison.
He was talking about Meri's sister's husband. I want to say his name was Nathan but I'll have to watch that bit again to confirm.
I just remembered another bizarro moment: Kody talking about the vows and the importance of love and marriage to his "best friend" who I don't think said a single word back.
This. I am a very anxious public speaker but was asked to do a reading at my sister's wedding. I wanted to do it so I practiced almost daily for about a month beforehand and it helped immensely. I was familiar enough with the words that my nerves didn't short circuit my brain, which is what I think happened to Kody.
That would have been a lovely idea, especially since she's at an age that is traditionally too old to be a flower girl and too young to be a bridesmaid.