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Everything posted by SamIAm

  1. The person I know that works with this place has proudly proclaimed that they have saved many people from The Gay along with their addictions. So there is that too. The church is extremely hard core. Women aren't allowed to wear pants or shorts, dating is highly frowned upon. They also have a private school attached to the church. The rehab "patients" are allowed to go to a Walmart nearby, which happens to be where I shop occasionally. Only the males can go though, and they ride a big bus with Reformers Unanimous painted on the side. I do not think they receive any state funding, especially right now given the financial position in IL. Rockford also has a true rehab facility staffed by doctors and actual therapists which is heavily supported by insurance and the state, so I don't think this place gets a dime.
  2. I live in Rockford. Very close to the men's home. I actually know someone who is heavily involved with the founding church North Love Baptist and the Reformers Unanimous group. They are very much cult-like. I drove by the place on my way home and lots of local media were around.
  3. The dentist is this year's DR yeller. My husband is a big poker fan and recognized Vanessa immediately. He said she really is good. Also, I believe he said she graduated from Duke and was the valedictorian of her high school class.
  4. This is the highlight of my summer and one of the only shows to bring me out of lurkdom. I was impressed with the response to Audrey's announcement. I must have missed earlier in the episode when she revealed the info, I just caught when she said something about people guessing her secret. When she said that I told my husband that she must be the transgender person.
  5. So Stassi's boyfriend is Patrick, who used to be on Cosmo radio "Cocktails with Patrick." I used to have a long commute, so I caught his show once or twice a week. I always thought he was kind of a jackass. Sirius XM shut down that station and he got some sort of sports radio show. He claims that he had to relocate for that job, but he is full of shit. A few years ago he dated another actress and moved to LA for her and his show was conveniently relocated there then too. The thing about satellite radio shows is that they can be done from anywhere and they often are. So tis is my long winded way of saying that Stassi is only back in town for the show.
  6. Jordan looks pregnant in that picture.
  7. I struggled to keep up with the Zankie conversation when Frankie was changing. His little tight brightly colored briefs were totally distracting. And not in a good way.
  8. Valtrex playing with her hair constantly is very annoying to me. I firmly believe she has like no hair at all under the extensions based on the amount of petting she does to the braid. I love Donnie. I really wish people would have been listening before, perhaps we might have seen some other alliance rise up and give somewhat of a battle here!
  9. Just finished watching the ep and that is exactly what Zach said. I couldn't decide what was more interesting..... That or when Jacosta was clearly speaking in tongues. My husband kept asking me what was Jacosta doing.
  10. Everyone cheering when Devin got eliminated was hilarious. It wasn't even Donny winning, but an elimination for crying out loud! Donny FTW, so far. What was the bandage that Devin had on his arm?
  11. YES. She was just trying to explain what he hadn't said yet and he was all dick swinging asshole about it and actually SMIRKED all smug like to cut her off. I cannot stand him. He also took that meeting over to explain to Amber's nominations why she nominated them. WTF dude????
  12. Definite snore fest, though I did enjoy the Frankie/Zach montage. Nicole and Hayden did not impress on the comp. Devin's coming clean with Donny and then the house just made me roll my eyes. Brittany did not question his integrity, she just totally called him on his bullshit.
  13. I want to punch Devin in the face for all of the "dude" and "bro" coming out of his mouth. He cannot seem to have a conversation without saying one of the two every few words. It makes it very difficult to watch him.
  14. I am so confused about Derrick. I generally forget he is even there, but I also haven't had a lot of feed time so far (darn job, then stupid loss of electricity due to storms last night). Does he seem to really have a presence? Cody is waaaaay hot. Specially with the glasses. I do love a cute nerd.
  15. I will be right there with you! I think the accent makes me like him even more.
  16. Devin. Yuck. Dude is playing way too hard. I am not a fan of the new nomination key thing but I am hopeful that they will change it back when they drop the 2 HOH gimmick in a few weeks.
  17. I am so over Devin. The dude is completely nuts and is playing the game waaaaay too hard. I do love Donny though. My husband calls him Gomer.
  18. Frankie looks a lot like Ariana, or really the other way around since he is older. I only know who she is because I have kids who watch he on Nickelodeon. I don't have distinct opinions yet on personalities but the stupid Team America twist is going to piss me off. I am actually interested to see how long the first group is in the house before the second group comes in.
  19. I love Julie Chen. I admit it. I think she would be a hoot to sit down and have a few drinks with. Her wardrobe on the other hand.....
  20. I'm with Omar here that there are plenty of brilliant moments from earlier seasons that I could watch over and over again and still find them funny. I'm pretty sure the episode where Marshall's dad died could still make me cry again too. The finale totally sucked balls, yes and I wish it had ended differently. But I will still watch one of my previous season DVDs and laugh.
  21. What the hell? I knew they were killing off the mother but Ted going back to Robin just pisses me off. I loved this show for so long and really only watched this season because it was the end. I am so disappointed.
  22. What the whuck???? I am glad I watched it on DVR so I could cut through all the damn commercials, because I would be pissed if I watched it live last night and had to sit through all of that. The last 10 minutes from my DVR were 8 minutes of commercials! Besides that, I just can't even with this episode. I was waiting for something BIG to happen at the end. Instead we get Rick going all Sherriff on us. I'm pretty sure the Hipsters think you messed with the wrong people Rick. Just a hunch I have, you know since ya'll are in a freaking train car! Loved Daryl getting back with the crew. I need to know where Carol and Little Ass Kicker are though.
  23. I came into the show late, I binge watched the first 3 seasons and started with the fourth. My husband had been watching it all along. I was so pissed at him for not warning me about Sophia becoming a walker. That episode was horrible.
  24. J Lo dancing and shimmying during Caleb's performance really just made my jaw drop. I feel fairly confident she cannot name a single Zeppelin song, so what was up with her.
  25. So what if it was a different size arrow? A sharp object is a sharp object when you need something to stab walkers in the head! Daryl saying claimed just killed me. Don't go with these guys, especially the head guy (who will never be anyone but Mayor Hale from Sons of Anarchy to me).
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