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Everything posted by sharifa70

  1. I’m genuinely happy for Maddie. Also, random thought here: all of the contestants are too young to know that Kermit’s voice is wrong. All these years and I still miss Jim Henson.
  2. Yes! I couldn’t quite put my finger on it so I defaulted to Doris Day, but yours is perfect!
  3. I thought Maddie was the best of the night. Caleb was pretty solid as well - at leasr he didn’t smile through “Folsom Prison Blues” the way Paul McDonald did in his season. Gabby sounded horrible to me. Her voice just absolutely grates. I was pretty impressed that the judges decided to actually judge. What a concept! And...this week Katy is channeling....Doris Day? Carol Channing?
  4. I agree with everyone who says this should have been a winter finale episode. I did love Lucifer crashing through the window all bloodstained wings and Wrath of Lord of Hell. I’m finding that 22/23 episodes is too much for most of the shows I watch. More and more I’m leaning toward 10-13 episode seasons because in most cases I think it forces tighter storylines and far fewer filler episodes. I think this season suffered from that and it’s too bad because there was some potential there. One thing I’m really going to miss is the music: I’ve lost count of the number of songs I now own because of this show.
  5. Melinda Doolittle was amazing. Even Simon was smitten.
  6. I read this forum before I saw the episode and still I wept for Charlotte. After bugging the crap out of me when she first joined the show, somewhere she became a favorite. Poor Dan. Amenadiel gets the best scenes.
  7. Ha! I prefer not to see anything related to anyone in that clan, thanks. But yeah, maybe. For me it wasn’t just the hair - it was the wig combined with that outfit that looked like it came straight out of Cher’s 1970’s dressing room.
  8. I always ff the intro packages so only caught the tail end of Kyla’s, with Blake saying it was going to be “epic.” Imagine my horror when “epic” turned out to be “Let it Be,” the second-to-last song I would ever want to hear in an embiggened form. The last song? “Imagine.” That is not a song for running around the stage doing the signature Rayshun Whirl. I normally like Spensha but “My Church” sounded like it was too much for her. She was fighting the band or it was in the wrong key or...something. It sounded strained. I liked her duet with Kyla, though. Pryor has done the same thing every damn week, with the shouting and the growling. Someone likes him, obviously. I’m not a fan of Britton, but I thought he actually sounded good when I left him in the background and didn’t look at him and his Signature Move: the Reach for the Sky.
  9. Why, oh why was Katy dressed like Cher from her “Sonny & Cher” days? Yes, I am old. I’m glad to see Maddie in the final. I would have traded Gabby (whose too-shrill singing voice hits me like nails on a blackboard) for Michael (who bores me as a performer but at least I don’t hit the mute button every time).
  10. I thought Kyla was doing all right on “This is Me” until she cried at the same spot that Keala Settle did in her live Oscars performance - then it lost credibility. Adam’s Jackie actually sounded good on her song, but dang, once again the band drowned her out. They need to fire the sound guy and hire some musicians who understand that they’re the backup. This Kelly person sounded great and didn’t even have to fight the band. I’m throwing my votes her way! Other Jackie: all I could think about was Kayla & Kupono on So You Think You Can Dance. Her phrasing felt choppy to me, but at least I could actually hear her. Drink every time Britton raises his arm to the sky. Christiana’s performance made no sense to me. It was like Fergie’s national anthem. That Pryor dude has got to stop shouting at me. He really wants me to understand that this is his town.
  11. Maybe Carson couldn’t tell because he’s a brain surgeon now. Hey, that makes as much sense as “The smell of coffee makes you queasy, ergo you’re pregnant!”
  12. I liked Brooke a lot. Her cover of “What About Us” is still in heavy rotation on my iTunes. Rayshun is okay - I didn’t ff through his performance last night (though I definitely felt Duckie’s absence). I’m still waiting to hear what everyone else seems to hear in Britton. It’s not that his voice isn’t good, because it is, but I’m just not feeling him. Maybe next week....
  13. I think I’m suffering from Voice fatigue, and judging by the mere handful of comments here, I might not be alone. Standouts for me were Kyla and...I dunno: my iTunes download of Janice Freeman on “I’m Going Down,” maybe? Anything from the “Good Girls” soundtrack? I still think Pryor doesn’t have a clue about dynamics, and though I didn’t fast-forward all of the performances they mostly left me completely unengaged. For me they’re becoming more and more just a group of inoffensive, generic singers who’ll fade away with most of the others as soon as the show ends.
  14. I loved that bit, though I’ll admit my first thought was “puppies go in the BACK seat!”
  15. Since her song was from “Coco,” a movie set in Mexico and based on the Mexican holiday of Dia de los Muertos, it was entirely appropriate for her to sing it in Spanish.
  16. I liked the Lucifer and Dan scenes. It’s always fun when they try to be each other. Dan: “I’m here to take your money and your women” (or something like that) made me giggle. The bachelorette party bus was a far, far cry from the bar scene last year when the female characters got into a brawl. Also, the bachelorette party in general was just weird and awkward, but not in a good way. Like others here, I just didn’t understand where that was coming from. I get that Maze is a demon, but her character has just gone off the rails this season. I hope the writers don’t end up painting her into a corner with no way to get her back. Charlotte has grown on me. Maybe because more and more she’s reminding me of what I used to like in Maze? That last scene with Dan was sweet. He has been a nice surprise, especially because I hated him SO MUCH in season 1.
  17. This was actually the first time I liked Michelle - I thought she did a great job. I liked Maddie (of course) and (gasp) Cade, and even Caleb. I don’t even know wtf that was with Catie. I fast-forwarded her along with most of the others. I forgot that with the move to ABC we’d have to have a Disney night. Also: JHC the people in the pit in front of the stage need to have their f***ing hands zip-tied to their belt loops or something; the completely rhythmless arm-waving and off-beat clapping are driving me to Spaniel Rage.
  18. I couldn’t stand Rich when he first appeared on the show, and he bugged me with every subsequent appearance. Now I...completely love him...? When the hell did that happen? This was my favorite episode of the season, hands down.
  19. I just watched the episode. I must say, Lori Loughlin’s parental guidance warning before it started (that parents should watch before they let their kids see it) unfairly raised my hopes for a Zombie Mountie Apocalypse in Hope Valley. The wig is seriously, seriously awful. I probably won’t even hate-watch any more next season, but for the remaining viewers’ sakes I hope they fix the hair problem. Also, a frontier town run by women is believable considering all the husbands who died in the mine disaster. I just wish they’d remember there’s a war on if this show is actually supposed to be set in 1915! That is driving me crazier than the wardrobe/makeup issues!
  20. Most of the performances for me were underwhelming and I ended up fast-forwarding several. A few comments from my house: On Drew: “If you have both a man-bun and socks, you’re off my list.” (If it’s one or the other, the performer just drops to the bottom.) On Reid: “Bono isn’t necessarily one of those ‘don’t do Celine or Whitney’ singers, but if your voice is a little thin, don’t do his beltier songs - that just highlighted Reid’s weaknesses.” Personally, I thought if he had to do U2, “All I Want is You” might have worked better. On Terrance: “He’s in a class all by himself.” “Dad, he’s not wearing socks either.” [dad pauses] “But he stayed at the piano. He’s fine.” My comment during his performance: “He could TOTALLY do Prince songs.” [visits the forum, finds out that WAS a Prince song] “Oh.” On Austin: “Dude. I love these old classics, but stop trying to imitate the singers. It’s just weird and annoying.” -Fast forward On Kyla: “I love certain straight-up gospel songs (like that one). I think choosing a straight-up gospel song is a cynical, pandering route and it has made me cynical about the performances.” On Brynn: “The maturity of her voice makes other young singers just sound like kids.” The rest kind of flowed together for me. I liked Christiana and Jackie F (who was a nice surprise), but no one else really stood out except Spensha, whose dress was beautiful and it’s a good thing I’m on the west coast because I probably would have thrown my votes at her just because I am easily distracted by shiny objects.
  21. No one should ever, ever sing “Yellow Brick Road” on a singing competition. Every time I hear it I somehow end up curled under my bed with my hands clamped over my ears. This was no different. I thought Dylan sounded okay but he kept pulling at his sweater and that’s all I remember. Sharane and Kelsea were my favorites of the night. I’m glad they both get to stay.
  22. I agree re the chemistry between Abigail and Henry. Even though it makes no sense for them to be together, they really do pair well. I had to ff the brain surgery plot because I just can’t with that.
  23. I want Elizabeth to catch scarlet fever or something. She miraculously survives with no lasting effects, but while she rages with fever they cut her hair, thus allowing Erin Krakow to act in her own hair and relieve us all of the horror of that wig. Seriously, it is distractingly awful.
  24. Who is the guy talking to the contestants in their pre-performance segments? Catie called him a “famous person”...?
  25. That’s really getting to me, too. It’s actually bugging me enough that I think I’m going to have to bail. I’m also thinking I’m too old for this CW-worthy teen angsty crap.
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