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Madison Bumgarner

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Everything posted by Madison Bumgarner

  1. I think so as well. Why would he punch the wall if it was just over her comment on having anxiety? I can't blame her. People stare at her because they want to let her know how horrible she is as a parent. It's fucked up, but it happens to her a lot. Maybe he brought up her addiction and/or jail time and it set her off. Or perhaps he brought up her not trying harder to get more time with Leah. It was definitely more than was mentioned.
  2. LMAO the Mom websites are gonna FLIP. In all honesty though, I wish cops could give someone a fat ticket for admitting on TV that they don't make their 6 year old kid sit in a car seat. "I never sat in mine, and I turned out fine." Yeah right, you're fine alright. I remember him saying that about preschool, too. Ryan, you're a dumbass, so no, you really didn't turn out as well as you think you did. He needs to think about his son, not himself.Also, just wanted to add, why is Michael always kind to Farrah? She is, repeatedly, a complete bitch to him. It was his damn birthday, and she had to sit there and bitch to her Mom during HIS dinner. He is raising Sophia 99% of the time, and that's the thanks he gets? "I am calm." I don't want to see Farrah when she isn't "calm" then. I hate the c word, but Farrah is a raging cunt. Her Mom sucks, yes, but Farrah is a cunt. She doesn't want to be a part of drama, but that's all she is: a walking piece of shit, drama queen, who thinks the world should thank her for living. No thanks
  3. I feel really bad for Catelynn. Weight issues are tough on a lot of people, and she's living it out in the public and on National TV. I've always had a soft spot for her. She's a really nice person, and I hope she one day feels much better about herself. All power to her. I just can't stand Farrah. Period zip. Like Maci said, "I won't be heard and I'll be talked to like a dog." That's all it is with her. Such a god dammed bitch.
  4. Ryan calling Farrah "nasty" just made my night.!LMAO PLEASE fire Farrah! She is so desperate!
  5. It's possible, but maybe they just bought them because he said "Ohhh, that's a cool car." I don't hold out much hope that they are allowed to watch Disney movies. I'd love to be wrong, though because, I mean, it's 2015 FFS!
  6. Hey, at least they fixed up the house for them. It was trash when they were first looking at it. It was pretty once they finished up. Must be nice to just fix up anything whenever the hell you want. No money necessary!
  7. Four minutes of Farrah is four minutes too many. I don't want her back. She's SO far up her own ass, it's asinine.
  8. Oh my GOD, Catelynn looked orange when she was putting that makeup on to meet B&T. Why didn't anyone tell her how horrible she looked?! The fourth wall is broken, the producers need to say something. Why does Maci only ever talk about Ryan? Move on already! Gary is an asshole. He knew this was all gonna air on TV. Poor Kristina, having to see this now, right during her pregnancy. When is she due? Gotta be soon (if not already.)
  9. Holy crap, Norman wearing Norma's dress. We're finally starting to see his creepy side come on even stronger. I'm so addicted to this show.
  10. Right? I can't believe that people truly believe that the girls envy Farrah in any way. Farrah hopes so, but that after show last week that MTV played after episode 2 showed me that none of them can stand her. I don't blame them.
  11. You know what, I'm very impressed with what Cate was saying about Tyler posting the video. She had a great response to it. She understands what she is to that little girl, which is not Mom. She finally gets it. I'm happy to see that and proud of how far she's come. And no Amber, if Leah wasn't in school, she still wouldn't be with you on tour. You do NOT have primary custody anymore. She's not helping her case by bitching and moaning about Gary and the situation at all times on National TV. Woe is you, dumbass
  12. Ryan is such a douche canoe. She told him (the world saw this!) she'd be there at 1:30, and nearly an hour later, he's still not there. He hadn't changed at all. No wonder Shelby jumped ship on his ass. And the fact that he's cussing at her and calling her names in front of Bentley is truly despicable. Honestly, I think Gary has a point with asking if she's ready for Leah overnight. She has a HELL of a temper, and the stupidest things set her off. Despite what she thinks, she does NOT know how to be a Mom. She was higher than a plane every time she had her prior, and has been in jail for the rest. It's great to see April thriving. She seems so happy and stable and sober. Looks like Nick finally has the Mom he's needed for years. It's like watching a whole different person in her from 16 & pregnant to now. Hope she finds happiness.
  13. So true. Unfortunately for her, it's just not gonna happen. If you shut him down, he'll move on. Although I do agree that he deliberately flirts with Amber. His gf probably isn't too happy as she sees this play out on national television.
  14. Really at Tyler instructing Cate on how much weight she's supposed to gain?! Gross. And I'm so happy they showed Nick! Glad to see that he's doing well. Those cards that Butch had someone draw were really nice. I loved his shout out to Farrah and her porn. LMAO I feel bad for Bentley. Ryan is so checked out. His own parents are fed up with it. They've been awfully patient with him. I just don't know what to say about Amber. She puts on such a big act for Gary that she never wants to get back together, but she spent the whole episode pitying herself for not getting back together with him. I just don't like her very much.
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