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Everything posted by Michichick

  1. I very deeply want Tiffany to win HOH and nominate Kyland and Xavier. With Derek as a backup option if one of the other guys wins veto. So I fully expect X or Ky to win HOH.
  2. I had it muted but I saw her just standing there. Did she think that once she incorrectly answered a question, she was done?
  3. Win that veto, Alyssa. I’m cool with the idea of the Cookout but also hate when a big alliance rolls over everyone.
  4. Oh Hannah. Even Alyssa can see through your lie. Don’t say “if you or I sit next to him, we go home” and then say “so I’m putting you up as a pawn to send him home”
  5. I’m so happy Hannah won. I think Tiff is safe, I hope.
  6. I can’t watch this comp, I muted it. I’m too tense!
  7. Double eviction episodes always make me tense. I want Hannah to win the next HOH, nominate Alyssa and Xavier, have Alyssa win veto, and then put up Ky as replacement. I dislike X and Ky at this point. impressed that Derek managed to get the word “evict” to come out today.
  8. There’s a two-hour Thursday episode scheduled so people were assuming that would be triple eviction night.
  9. Oh! And I’m excited we get two double eviction weeks in a row. We may actually get to see the Cookout enjoy reaching final six.
  10. I want Ky to fall and be a have not and also I just cannot bear for him to be HOH again.
  11. Now I want Sarah Beth to win veto and Alyssa to go up in her place. Let Xavier lose his side piece. Plus maybe Sarah Beth would get targeted next week instead of Claire. I really like the Cookout in general, but I also like seeing the big dominant alliance lose a member before they plan to. Is there any chance that Claire would nominate another Cookout member to replace Sarah Beth if Sarah Beth wins veto?
  12. Maybe instead of crying, Sarah Beth should get her shit together and try to win POV tomorrow. Of course, if she does then it will just be Alyssa on the block, so the Cookout is safe regardless.
  13. Yeah, Deref and Azah have done nothing to earn a win really, but I don’t hate them like I did Jackson, Paul, Josh, Christmas, Memphis, Franzel etc etc etc. It’s a relief to have this season.
  14. I think you’re right on this. If we end up with Ky/X final two, I hope X wins mostly because Kyland rambles way too much. I doubt Kyland will be able to succinctly state his strategy during final speeches. X will use his lawyer skills to make a case for himself. But this is the first season in a long time where I don’t have people where I’d feel angry if they win. Everyone seems like a decent human so I can deal with it no matter who is at the end.
  15. No, they didn’t say it out loud. They didn’t need to. You are willfully missing the entire point. Congratulations on your dogged persistence in clinging to your viewpoint. I shall continue clinging to mine, as well. Long live the Cookout!
  16. POV was played yesterday. Derex wasn’t chosen to compete. Xavier won.
  17. I didn’t notice the nail polish. What was wrong with it?
  18. Is the flip happening? Xavier’s vote surprised me a bit. Happy to see a vote that’s not unanimous.
  19. Christian is so salty about the backdoor. “He didn’t even give me a chance to play. I would have beat him.” Yeah that’s how a backdoor works, Christian.
  20. I don’t think it’s deliberate. Derek looked confused when Julie properly repeated his vote, like he didn’t understand why she’d need to repeat it.
  21. I’m so happy Alyssa fell. She’s the only one I really didn’t want to win this.
  22. Agreed. Black women get disparaged for wearing their natural hair way too often. I think Azah is beautiful. Not at all sorry to see Frenchie head out the door. He was entertaining for a short time but just ended up being exhausting.
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