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  1. This episode was better than last episode, I’ll give it that. I was really rooting for Halores until she killed Hector (RIP). Now, I’m on Team Bernard he gets on my nerves. But, something is up. Why was Charlotte wearing the same outfit from the first board meeting in episode 3? (Badass faux cape) How did Bernard get to William’s location? (Personally, I think he’s another Dolores hybrid)
  2. Very quick comment right now. Am I going crazy? Why does Dany and everyone act like her helping against the NK is some favor? If she wants people to bow, she needs to protect them.
  3. All I want is for all the North and all of Westeros to know that Arya killed the Night King. People made fun of her fierceness as a child and she ended up being the fiercest of them all. Not the biggest or strongest, but the fiercest. I want Pod singing songs of her victory and old fables being written about her.
  4. I think Stubbs is a host. He was speaking in 'code' about having a core drive. Through the mesh network, he found out that Hale was now a host. I have to process the finale and watch it again. Some stuff I liked and some things were confusing, and I'm pretty good at following plots and explanations. Bye Sizemore, glad we finally got to hear that speech. Can't wait for host Sizemore. I don't believe Tessa Thompson will be playing Dolores now. They reprinted her body. The probably have another host mind in there.
  5. Where were all the guests in ShogunWorld? They could have shown at least one. I know we saw a dead security guard which Sizemore was able to get a communicator off of.
  6. I actually liked this episode. I mean, I still have a ton of questions but I did like the new additions of Akane, the Ronin and the other Dragon lady. When I heard Lee talking about Shogun World being for people who found WestWorld too tame, I wondered why William spend 30 years dicking around in WW (killing poor Lawrence). Go to SW if you're so badass, MIB. I don't know what Dolores will do. I have no idea what she wants, but she's coming across as a hypocrite. Hosts don't have the freedom to live how they feel they should live under her reign. Maeve actually has cheat coder skills and will still give hosts the choice to be free or not. I'm still invested in her story, Not just to get her daughter, but the people she encounters along the way. Highlight, Akane pez-dispencing that General's head and Teddy's bubblebutt.
  7. I think this will just be another way of showing Barry that you can't mess with time the way he has been doing. Not everything will wrap up neatly like it did with Hartley switching sides. Hopefully, he'll finally see that the way things play out is for a reason and the only time it's ok is when he accidentally time travels. I can't see the show runners totally changing everything. We are too deeply invested in the way the characters are now. Hell, I frowned when the Barry from the Season 1 finale disappeared when current Barry saved Nora. The only pone who'll change is Wells. We might get happy and in-love-with-Tess Wells and his daughter, Jesse.
  8. We all know Barry is....let's say, a brilliant guy that's not smart. But, I'm looking forward to the stories that will come about this change. Iris was pretty OOC tonight. She was calmly letting her dad stay on Earth-2. Damn, Caitlyn is a worse actress than Danielle Panabaker. Ugh on the second WestAllen kiss to be wiped out of existence.
  9. Two points right off the bat: - They really went ahead and gave Zoom Barry's speed? After I got Wally back, I would have been like "Well, here's a speed bullet in the forehead, Jay!" Stupid Team Flash! - Reverse Flash is Faster than Zoom? Jay/Hunter said doing a speed mirage was beyond him, but Thawne did it more than once. But Thawne couldn't get up enough Speed Force to time travel, which Barry can do and Barry's slower than Zoom. I can't keep up. The Speed Force has no rules!
  10. I still believe MiTM is Wally. They had a little face to iron-face moment last episode. Now the question is, which Wally was returned to Team Flash?
  11. With their clothes and the lake in the background, it looks like they go back to that day Barry erased from existence, when Cisco died and Iris chose Barry.
  12. While I loved the whole WestAllen-ness of the Earth-2 episode, I'm still waiting some acknowledgement of season 1 WestAllen and the fact that Barry loved Iris for most of his childhood and all his adult life. I want Barry to say that what Earth-2 has with Iris was what he dreamed about in the past or something along those lines.
  13. Another little easter egg, E2 Barry's news interview was on channel '52'. I see you, show.
  14. Very nitpicky, but this was a very dangerous mission. Why wasn't Iris at Star Labs when the gang world jumped? I want E1 Iris part of the action.
  15. Why wasn't Deathstorm's power always on? I thought that's what happened when him and Martin merged?
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