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Everything posted by smartyshorts

  1. Of anyone on this show, it at least makes sense Justin would be the one. Although, his set probably is rusted, since everyone not only doesn't LOCK their doors, they leave them partially open for your listening and barging in pleasure.
  2. If Carter was ever going to quit, it should've been looooong before things got to this point. And you are correct, we don't really know what is going to happen in the continuation of this scene...but even if Eric says "Go, be happy. I'm gonna just waste away into dust and old man beard"...its still icky. It was Icky when Stuffy did it to Liam, When Hope did it to Liam, when Katie did it to Bill and Brooke...This would be just another in a long line of "These people are gross. you can't GIVE someone to someone else". The only thing I am going to give the writers credit for here is that it isn't the same old repetitive dialogue. So I guess there's that. And just because I haven't had to say it in a while, doesn't mean I don't still feel it..."Shut UP, Flo!"
  3. The problem here is that two of the adults have NOT consented. Carter is Eric's EMPLOYEE...The Damn COO (as we have been reminded ad nauseum), so for Eric to treat him like stud service is gross at BEST. He is treating Carter like a walking talking dildo, and he is treating his beautiful, radiant, passionate wife like a cat in heat..."I can't scratch her itch, so YOU do it. Even though I told you a week ago to stay away from her." If all he wanted to do was find someone to slip her the pipe every once in a while, I'm sure he could either spring Deacon from jail, or convince Brooke to "loan" out Ridge for that service. Hell, Thomas hasn't gotten any in a while, why not call him up and offer his wife on a platter? I bet Finn's parents are regretting telling him he was adopted now. I'm all for full disclosure and honesty, but this fool is too dumb to be left on his own. I bet he believes in
  4. The Stupid... it burnsssss. Stuffy has seen multiple times now that Finn has been huffing paint and killing brain cells, she needs to cut bait and run. Tell Liam that she needs to protect herself and the kids...pack up and get to a safe house. Tell Dimm and his Mommy Dearest to enjoy their reunion and if Dimm needs to contact her about visitation... here is her lawyer's number. Why doesn't Eric just put a tracker on Quinn? Then he can listen to her conversations all day from the comfort of his own sad couch. If Sheila could do ONE thing while she is here...And kill Paris (and Flo, if she has some extra poison or bullets ) on her way out with her Norman Bates Son.. that would be greeeeat
  5. Oh, Sheila is definitely walking out of that Malibu house with that baby. She probably has some tranq darts up one sleeve . Money is on Liam to save the day and the baby.
  6. I haven't even watched yet, but didn't they plan this wedding in like 4 days? It makes sense he couldn't get the day off. The real question is, isn't he still on paternity leave? Also makes sense that they only had champagne and cake or whatever leftovers were in the fridge, and that Hope's dress was make from the sheer curtains from a guest room. Sheila again? Is she still waitressing at Il Giardino? Isn't that where we last left her?
  7. By show's standards...Flo and Wyatt should've been married three times, annulled and divorced twice. Had two or three kids of questionable parentage (I'm sure Flo could steal one from somewhere) and one of them presumed dead, but living two towns over with amnesia working on a farm or in a bar. Just kill off one or both of them already! Maybe Flo and her co-conspirator's sister could get thrown in the giant washing vat at FC... Or shot accidentally by a recast Taylor...or just go on a road trip and never return.
  8. When Baby Hayes started crying/fussing after being all sweet gooey and frankly ovary activating cute- why did ominous music and Ridge side eye happen? What are they supposed to be insinuating? Is Hayes possessed? Why is Finn so hell bent on locking down Steffy before anyone meets his family?? Are his parents dead set against this marriage because they can see all the red flags that Finn keeps folding in to roses for "perfect Steffy"? Seriously the amount of unearned praise for both Steffy and Paris yesterday was cringe-y. I can only hope one of them is about to meet a grisly end! Note to Zende... in a relationship, what is slower than Stopped? Have we even seen those two kiss? Is Carter gonna have to produce a doctor's note to make sure his absences from the office are excused? Dude, get the heck out of that job. Whether you decide to keep "holding Quinn in your arms" or not...these people are toxic and intrusive with their family members, you do NOT want to be counted in their numbers. They haven't had to get super involved before because you've been a useless simp who performs weddings and annulments. But now that they realize you have man parts they will never stop speculating on, commenting on and trying to guilt you into whatever partner they feel is appropriate for you at their whim. That level of intrusiveness is not worth any letters after your name.
  9. Maybe that was the selling point...he really wanted to try those little doors! Dunkin Donuts has a commercial about getting everything (and everyone ) running again with iced coffee...but the whole crowd of people "running" though the city all have giant iced coffees with NO TOP on them!!! It stresses me out so bad. How is that even possible? How is iced coffee not sloshed all over everything and everyone? Have you ever gotten a drink without a lid and straw from a fast food place? Ever??
  10. I had to watch today because I think I am all in for Quarter...at least until they ruin it. But Zoe straight up walking into Carter's apartment, then right into his bedroom? No, sis. That's how people get SHOT! I'm glad that insufferable Zoe isn't the one to finally bust the Quarter goodness, but what the heck was she talking about "you moved on so sooooon"???? These two have been "broken up" for longer than their actual relationship lasted. Did this trick seriously start SEARCHING his bedroom? If I was Carter I'd have jumped up...business swinging... and escorted her forlorn ass right out the front door and made sure she heard me engage the deadbolt. Whenever Quinn gives her whole spiel of very valid reasons they can't, I love how Carter's face and eyes very CLEARLY say "I know, but we are totally going to."
  11. From that still shot, those are slip on shoes. HAHAHAHAHAA!! I'm not even watching this dreck and just everyone's description is pissing me off. Maybe SCBWF's battered brain will completely short out with the strain of holding in this (poop) secret. Then we can all get a break from his histrionics about...EVERYthing.
  12. No. Prepare to lose IQ points as well as your temper. It's just. So. Dumb.
  13. It occurs to me that Birdman Wyatt and that human trafficker, Flo have been (back) together long enough for a proposal, an interrupted wedding ceremony. Another Proposal, an affair, a WTD storyline, a living room ceremony with a dress designed by someone who shouldn't even be bothered to spit on the bride. A tearful annulment and then another proposal with a giant diamond ring. Yet they just wander in and out of $Bill's office together like Raggedy Flo and her pet Wyatt. Are we supposed to believe... from $Bill's speech that someone is supposed to be worried about Liam's mental health if Hope doesn't give in to his groveling demands and take him back? GTFOH. Go curl up in the blanket of snot and sadness and we can check in with him in a few months. Sorry, I was at home from work and decided to take my chances on a live viewing of Show. I will say that I am surprised that both Carter and Hope were allowed to actually break up with their beggin and betrayin significant others! And that is the only positive thing I am gonna say, because I don't want to jinx things. Brooke, please stop encouraging your daughter to make terrible decisions just so you don't have to examine what is in the burning dumpster that is YOUR romantic life.
  14. Just reading this possibilities of Y and R crossovers...and does anyone know where Daniel Romalotti is? Phyllis' original "snatch a man" baby? I remember when he was written off because his mother strong-armed him into raising his child conceived by some psycho drugging and raping him...but he was always a nice guy character. He would be older than Hop[e and he brings his own baggage...but I think Hope needs an older guy who is into her (even if his Spazz Hands mother would no doubt be problematic, just because that's what she likes to do) But i can't imagine ever Brooke having strong objections to Daniel so everyone could stop telling Hope that she is so forgiving...that its no big deal to forgive EggoLiam and take him back....one...more...time.
  15. Yep, they're doing it. They are super rushed redeeming Flo so now she can wander freely through all of the office sets missing the bottom part of her outfits. My guess is that tomorrow they will have this fool walk into Hope's home and do something truly heinous, like ask to hold or babysit Beth. And I am now done for another long while... I am not going to let this baby snatching bitch give me an aneurysm. Birdman can shut his beak about how she should stop beating herself up about what happened. Unless this is all a set up ForD's dying a painful protracted horrible death. In want her and Zoe kidnapped and tortured by Dr WindsorCastle for weeks...Maybe he needs more money, or he is pissed they flipped on him....whatever it is, I will be checking here to see if it happens. Because I just cannot watch these soulless succubi... even on my days off.
  16. Maybe Vinnie just found out that Dr Finn Medicine Dude is his brother...like a brother that was part of a "second family". Or Vinnie is the mistress' /maid's son who didn't get the life he thought he deserved? I swear if Flo is sitting next to Hope at Thanksgiving and they do that shit where they say why the person next to them is awesome...no, just NO. I just saw red even thinking of that. But you know they would totally do exactly that.
  17. Vinn...what the eff, my dude? Now you're mad at Finn for being a good doctor but not being....nice...to you? Dammit Vinnie...we were all about you when you were trying to talk Thomas off his crazy ledge during the non wedding to Zoe. But now you are just being a dick for the hell of it. Of, so when the BirdMan demanded that his basic bitch be forgiven, he meant RIGHT NOW? How come some people have changed clothes..but others are in the same outfits for the last three days? Oh...Donna..that dress is an unfortunate choice. The less said about that the better. But I am going to have to check out again if they are really going to have Felony Flo having lunch dates and sleepovers and probably working with the Logan women. Hold your ground, Brooke!! Cuz no doubt this bitch is gonna be roaming the halls of FC without pants in the next week or so...and they will have Hope consulting with her about her marriage and personal life. The real question is...whom will Flo cheat on BirdMan with?
  18. Was I having a fever dream today or did Wyatt (Fuller- because he just isn't a Spencer anymore) fix his bird face to talk Katie into not just tolerating.... but accepting and interacting with his baby snatching Girlfriend? His whole spiel about how poor Flo didn't feel the familial connection and that Katie should convince Brooke and Donna ...and did he DARE mention Hope???....to have a flucking sleepover with her or something...made me irrationally angry at this fictional character. Maybe Thomas should voice his concerns to Ridge... who can then convince Steffy's doctor to redo the test. Because if he holds this information ...I am afraid poor dumb "Bro since Birth" lab scientist (really?) Vinnie will spike Thomas' chocolate milk so that no one will listen to his concerns and will possibly ship him off to rehab. And why is this show suddenly so focused on two tertiary at best characters...Finn and Vinn? When JUSTIN is out there somewhere waiting to battle Carter for Donna's well padded heart?
  19. This is my favorite version of that song. I could apply it to just about everyone on this show right now... minus Hope. She might be the simplest of Simpson but I FELT her when she broke down crying after finding out the paternity of Steffys baby. I love $Bill... but is he dying? Is that what this big push to get back with Katie is about? Zoe Windsor Castle can kick rocks right on back to Jolly Ol England any time now. And she can take that wig she stole from Steffy with her. Shut up Flo. Just shut up forever.
  20. I can't even explain how much I love this movie. To this day i still waiver about which sister was really behind the wheel of that car! I wish someone would mow down Shaunna and Ridge on their road trip to Vegas or whatever they're going to do with these two. I am sick to death of the IDEA of them, let alone the real life manifestation. Does anyone know when we stop getting new episodes? I can't imagine they're still taping.
  21. Gotta love how "It meant nothing!" is a legitimate excuse used over and over on Soap Operas. I was telling my Soap Mate that Brooke is NEVER allowed to defend herself or even be proactive about her relationships. She's never allowed to say "Ok, so what? Either lets move on, or not" I get that Ridge hates Bill with the burning of a thousand cases of the clap... but a simple...Hey, it was a moment of weakness. Lets break up the stupid ass "party" and go pout about it for a day then get on with our lives would be an appropriate reaction from this room FULL TO THE RAFTERS with cheaters! Why is Quinn's make up gun set at Dr. Frank-N-Furter?
  22. After reading recaps/comments here, I watched Friday's episode and it was all that you said it was!! That was a satisfying crying, whining, whipped dog exit from Tommy Choo Choo. But I hope SOMEONE in that room realizes there is a sad, humiliated psychopath with nothing to lose just outside that door. Otherwise Monday opens with him lobbing grenades into the floral arrangements and driving through the front door in the limo/tank he rented. Wyatt can purse his lips all the way closed forever. I am NOT forgiving him for his bullshit. And Dayum, Vinnie! I see you, Boo. I hope Steffyy sees you too. Girl needs something to do all day. . I haven't swooned like that over a haircut since Jim interviewed for the job in NY, right before he came back and asked Pam out on a real date. (The Office reference. My other favorite Soap Opera)
  23. Its sweet that you'd think that. Is anything happening on this "show" anymore? Brooke's drinking moonshine out of jelly jars. The fiery and gorgeous Sally Spectra being reduced to the shakes and spells of 'weakness' is given some nebulous diagnosis that will keep her in perpetual limbo. (by the way, Wyatt can FOAD any time now for how he is treating Our Sally. ) Liam and Steffy and Hope are having the same conversation they've been having for 12 years, this time with toddlers thrown in but still no resolution. No surprise guest appearances? jail break by Dr Windsor Castle? Caroline washing up on shore to get her poor baby away from his fool of at father? Does Bill even exist anymore? Is the site where "Skye" was supposed to go (the old Spectra building) still a pile of rubble in the middle of L.A.? Can Quinn either kill someone or get killed so we can stop watching her "Suspicious/Revenge face"? I still haven't come back to show, and it seems like there isn't anything to come back to.
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