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Everything posted by AliceGoodDay

  1. You seem to accept Caroline'S accusation as a fact. Adela's denies it and we don't know the whole truth.
  2. I know that Adela's kids hated her 2nd husband, but where did you hear that he didn't want them around?
  3. One thing I love about CF is that she is a good sport, an excellent quality in a guest. CS not only is not, but she's got an attitude too. Very unattractive.
  4. ITA about CF and Adela. As for CS, someone would have to pinch one of her Birkin to make her bawl.
  5. I was aghast when I saw that preview of CS and Adela. If CS really makes that accusation, I don't see how Adela could be in the same room with her, let alone film with her. Adela's situation is godawful. What could have happened that her ex wouldn't allow her even supervised visits with the children? She says that her ex has not permitted her to have any contact with the children in 2 years, and the kids are apparently ok with this. I can'take even imagine. She did remarry and divorce. I wonder what went on in the second marriage and if that had any bearing on her custody problems. I found Juliet tolerable in this episode, which was one of the pleasanter this season, imo.
  6. I suspect your 1st bullet point is the main reason. Didn't the stepmother accuse Caroline of having left (in the sense of abandoned) them? And didn't Caroline say at one point about her marriage that she couldn't live without live and that money wasn't everything? The family might have been counting on a steady stream of Fleming millions. Your 2ND bullet point just added fuel to the fire.
  7. Matt is new money. He's known Caroline S and Sophie for years because of the club circles they frequented. He's also a well-liked, affable guy with impressive connections from the heyday of Boujis. But Matt is not an aristocrat himself. You don't have to have a title to be an aristocrat, but generally you'll come from from a "landed" or "old" family that may be distantly related to nobility. Being part of an elite group doesn't qualify you. Marrying an aristocrat doesn't make you one. (For example, Kate Middleton and Julie are not aristocrats.) It will get you accepted, at least superficially, into aristocratic circles.
  8. Matt Hermer is not an aristocrat. The only LOL who married one is Julie.
  9. If you want your blood to boil even more, pop over to twitter when you get a chance and see the venom Caroline Stanbury is pouring on Marissa, even ridiculing her word choice.
  10. The Scotland trip seems to have been shot after production was supposed to have wrapped, according to the cast's Instagrams this fall. I'm guessing the producers did not feel there was enough conflict in the season and added the Scotland trip. Your instincts are on point.
  11. It was solely for tv drama. CS complained about going in social media.
  12. I don't have cable, but watch the show on Amazon Prime. You can also get it on ITunes. $2.99 on Amazon.
  13. I caught that remark too. So other titled women have bossed her around. Boarding school experience?
  14. Yes, nothing gets between her and her eats! She can be endearing.
  15. Sophie may have taken the "Loose Lips" title from Julie last night. Never repeat hurtful shit to someone just to gain an ally against the person who originally said it. What possible good could come of Sophie's telling Adela Caroline's claim about raising Adela from the gutter?
  16. I would hardly call a £1.35 million settlement a whitewashing. You have portrayed Luke Montagu as a sort of imbecilic invalid, implying that this was due to illegal drugs use. Link please.
  17. Were we separated at birth? Thanks for my much needed laugh of the day.
  18. Was everyone on this thread an English major? Enjoying your posts more than I did the episode.
  19. Help me out here. I swear I've seen Ryan's fiancee on TV before. Wasn't she on Millionaire Matchmaker?
  20. http://cepuk.org/members/ A picture and info on Luke Montagu. Note that Lord Sandwich is also on CEP's board. Family members and I have been helped by carefully supervised antidepressants and stimulants, so I won't comment on CEP's mission. Whatever one thinks of Luke's looks, he seems to have made his own way, judging by the brief resume. Both of his parents are impressive in their own rights.
  21. Interestingly, Julie is vegan and is raising her children to be vegan. I think what shocked and embarrassed her was the shameless gaucherie (Juliet esp) and lack of respect shown towards her in-laws. (Icannot wrap my head around leaving the table and holding up a course. I would have had to hzve words with Caroline about that later. BTW, didn't Lord and Lady Sandwich seem lovely? Talk about exquisite manners!Sorry about the irrelevant quote in my post above. I don't know how it got there and can't figure out how to get rid of it! Never mind.
  22. Anyone with children who airs their marital problems on TV loses the right to complain that castmates (and the rest of the world) are gossiping about them. Furthermore, to come in to a show with your marital problems as your storyline makes you a fame ho who deserves no respect, IMO. Shannon should have thought about the fact that she was a mother before she signed on to the show. Absurd hypocrisy. No one in this cast is too bright. When are people going to catch on that Tamra is a coworker not a friend? Her M.O. is to befriend, create conflict and betray, and then reconcile. Her only priority is staying employed on the show. Vicki finally seems to have gotten it.
  23. Actually, Annabel's best friend on the show seems to be Julie Montagu, judging from their tweets.
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