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Everything posted by BlackMamba

  1. Eileen is coming back to Days but probably not as Kristen https://www.tvinsider.com/231857/eileen-davidson-returns-days-of-our-lives/
  2. Hey! I might be the only one but I'm absolutely here for Jungle Madness 2.0. Good way to pay homage to history and get the 20 somethings involved in classic storylines. Liked they brought up Peter having a similar virus too when it happened in the mid 90s. I wonder was this Ryan or Sheri's idea. Higley hates soap history so I doubt this was her idea at all. Anyhow I'm totally fine with Kate and Andre getting married. It's a match made in soap hell! ? And the Dimeras need to get out of their funk being a snoozefest family.
  3. Last of week of June 12th spoilers
  4. Monday, June 12, 2017 Nicole blasts Deimos for his role in her kidnapping. Tuesday, June 13, 2017 Hope's advice causes Claire to re-think her future. Me: She's finally going to stop fucking singing, oh please, oh! Wednesday, June 14, 2017 While investigating Adrienne's case,Steve encounters a face from the past. Thursday, June 15, 2017 Sonny tries to get through to Paul. Friday, June 16, 2017 Nicole is upset over news regarding her community service. Eric & Jennifer's date doesn't go as planned. Me: This spoiler has become repetitive with these two
  5. I don't like JadeTrash how she has lied on Kayla but I kind of like the direction where the show wants to finally take Jade. That teen scene needs a bitch or some type of messy mya to rattle the rest of them. Jade is just that person.
  6. Boy this episode felt so refreshing. It felt so good not to see Nicole/Sleeping Brady/Chloe and hear any St Daniel mentions. I do like Chad/Gabi and I like Eli/Gabi too. Camila Banus has a special gift to have chemistry with pretty much every guy they have paired her with. She even had chemistry with Will/CM. She's starting to get that Vanessa Marcil effect. You pair her with just about anyone, it's a sure bet, you might feel torn! Paul getting bit by a strange fly and he's becoming disoriented and out of it. How Days. ? I can't wait to see what happens here to be honest. Usually when something freakish happens to him it tends to get my attention. Hope it's better than the Jo Ling stuff from last year. The Deimos/Victor stuff was good for me. Pretty well written between them. While yes this might have been a slow burn episode, I can appreciate this one better than all I have seen in the last few weeks.
  7. I totally missed that! Yep Higley having the characters be psychic friends network to expand story
  8. Wow... So you mean to tell me Rafe works for the fucking law, but he can't check behind his brother's hogwash deportation story! GTFOH! Meanwhile, Marlena propping Nicole and Brady against Chloe. She's better than this. Why would she even care to have her step son with a woman who wanted her dead?! Jesus take the wheel. My favorite line of this episode was "Daniel is dead and I'm not with you because of his heart" just to paraphrase Poor Rafe had to deal with Nicole's tears too. I sure hope AZ got paid a bonus to cry hard on every one in the cast. Good grief. Oh and Chad/Gabi kissed. I guess one has to take the small things in this wretched show. Man if Days gets another 1.4 or 1.5 ratings for this week, it will be deserving. Between Nicole's crying, the inless trashing Chloe, Brady half ass dying, John's fart acting, and propping of Bricole has been torture. Higley definitely knew she was fired back 5 or 6 months ago so don't be surprised between now and up until mid July this show keeps imploding by the seems.
  9. Man even I have lost all hope and faith Gabi and Chad will do it. Even if it happens I'm like meh. It's another drag out story that's going nowhere. It had potential when it was a triangle and there was chemistry between all 3 characters when MM came in as a recast and Chad/Gabi were hot as shit before Abby returned. But once again Higley either got some kind of hold back from behind the scenes or she had no creative way to go about it. If she really wanted to make Abby/Chad/Gabi interesting, she could had used the history presented from Abby's own grandparents Laura and Bill. When Bill and Laura finally became a married couple in the mid 70s, Bill still couldn't keep his wood in his pants and how I read in the past Laura was more focused on work than pleasing needy Bill. He fucked Kate which sent Laura over the edge she ended up in a sanatorium for almost 20 yrs. Moreover, I sensed the story early it was leading in that direction especially Higley added Kate to be a Gabi-cheerleader to be with Chad. But between the possible production interference and writing falling apart the whole story lost momentum for me. And now that she has inserted has thrown in Dario to make it quad and it now looks like a recycled verison of EJ/Sami/Nicole/Rafe especially now since Dario wants to hoodwink Abby to marrying him for a greencard. ? I would like to see Chad's naughty, bad boy side or make him a grey character at least since he is the demon pawn of Stefano (another fool who could never keep his dick in his pants, even raping a few women (Susan and brainwashed Hope) in the process). Chad comes off as too perfect at least under BF and I want to see him imperfect sometime.
  10. I mean damn I understand what Higley was trying to do. She was trying to tell the story of surrogacy and how it can destroy a friendship. There are certain writers that can write these type of stories past and present and it won't feel bastardized. But holy hell she's a bad storyteller and this was out of her league! Plus adding that plot point about Daniel's shitty heart bringing everyone together is garbage.
  11. I'll take Adrienne and Lucas hitting the sheets any day over the plot point baby drama. Yet their love scene wasn't as long since Nicole's story took up 90% of the show.
  12. This is unbelievable. How come Holly woke up Brady?! But not Tate?! That's his damn son yknow. Where is he! I can't believe this fucking show. I know Days is suppose to be ridiculous but I miss the days when it was ridiculous and but made sense. St Daniel and St Nicole garbage. ? I hate your baby Nicole! The plot point baby from hell. If someone told me even Nicole having a baby been like this, I'd been like let that woman go baby-less FOREVER. If someone told me if you brought back Chloe and her only lines would be "Thats my baby" Id been like stay doing Venice. The destruction of what Higley did to these two characters has been absolutely hideous. And why the hell Higley feel Nicole of all characters needed propping! Someone should find her computer and take a hammer to it. So over this shitty story, character assassination and plotting for it. I never been so happy to see Rafe arrest someone like I was today.
  13. What's up with Dena Higley always making Chloe into her fucking punching bag?? Hasn't she done enough, yet again, giving her another out of character, character assassination storyline! Why must every Salemite from Lucas to now absentee father John are attacking her! Jesus, Higley is totally mentality screwed up in the head. I swear. Is it July yet! HEYYY MAGGIE READING DEIMOS DOWN. I was here for it. What Deimos did to her last year, he deserved every last bit of that tongue lashing. Still DHog. cries like he's sniffing mad farts from all different directions. Hilarious.
  14. I can't believe this May Sweeps All these soaps are doing this to me St Daniel still getting hair cuts in heaven. I expect him to show up in times of distress with Kiriakis clan. Great... just great. ? And talk about anticlimactic with all the Deimos shit. I just wanted someone to off him already and be done. I don't cosign killin off vet characters children but Brady could die right now and I wouldn't shed a tear. That's how thirsty I am for something to happen. Other than that simply boring. No wonder I have relegated watching this show to about 2 times a week until Ron/Sheri finally comes and save this show from another near death.
  15. More proof Higley has no ideas. She's using her recyclable story plot with a foreign character needing to be married to avoid being exported out the country. Did this shit happen with EJ/Nicole? ? Oh brother. Entertainment industry, I beg, you stop hiring Dena Higley. She has no creativity and a one trick pony.
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